Nova Vaasa- Maps

by Gomez

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Primarily filled with grassy plains, Nova Vaasa is famous for the horses it breeds. While not heavily changed during the Grand Upheaval, the domain did have to deal with a significant change when the mist east of the domain parted to give way to heathertoo unknown waters, known as the Nocturnal sea.
In recent years, some folk have taken up the art of fishery and seafaring, but Nova Vaasa's fleet is still small. This may change, for aside from the horses, Nova Vaasa has not much to offer in trade...

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Available for download is the CC2 source of the maps : Nova Vaasa.FCW, CC2-map (303 Kb)

Nova Vaasa map


Campaign settings :
Realm of Terror, Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Domains of Dread
Modules :
The Awakening
Accessories :
COTN:Vampires, VRG:Fiends, VRG:Werebeasts, The Nightmare Lands, Monster Compendium Ravenloft Appendix II
Novels :
The Evil Within
Websites :
Secrets of the Kargatane

Assumptions and Added Details

This map of Nova Vaasa was build around existing maps of Barovia, Hazlan, and Tepest, rather than directly from another source. The map in Domains of Dread was used to add most of the rest of the domain.
Drataan and the ruins of Ehrendton are from Van Richten's notes on the Black Duke in VRG:Fiends. The ghost town Mel Fira is taken from VRG:Werebeasts.
Other additions include the Blasted Circle from lady Shadowbrooke (COTN: Vampires) and Blacktower Heights (mentioned in the novel 'The Evil Within'). Briarvale and Hornwood have 'non-canon' source - they were taken from Chris Nichols description of Briarvale on the Secrets of the Kargatane site.


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