Sithicus - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Sithicus.
Some of these are described on this site, others are taken from Sources elsewhere. For those of which a description is known elsewhere on the net, a link is provided.

I would be interested to know whether people consider these NPC lists useful or not. Suggestions of the format of these lists and what to include in them are welcome.

Lord Soth
Darklord of Sithicus, Death Knight, Chaotic Evil
A fallen Knight of Solamnia from Kryn, Lord Soth formerly ruled Sithicus, searching for the ghost of Kitiara.
Location: Sithicus
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 51; Realm of Terror pg. 78; Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains & Denizens pg. 84; When Black Roses Bloom pg. 58

Werebadger, Chaotic Evil
Seneschal to Lord Soth, Azarel enjoys killing in gruesome ways.
Location: Sithicus
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 50; When Black Roses Bloom pg. 59

? level thief/mage, ??
Lord Speaker of Har-Thelen, Mason pushes the people of his city to produce decent trade goods.
Location: Har-Thelen, Sithicus
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 50

Vistani Oma, 5th level fighter, Neutral Good
The only survivor of a Vistani tribe destroyed by Strahd, Magda now leads a tribe of Vistani that is trapped in Sithicus.
Location: Sithicus
Source: When Black Roses Bloom pg. 61

Ticklemop Toothfang
Kender Vampire, Lawful Evil
Turned into a vampire by Soth, Ticklemop now serves him out of fear and the knowledge that she will be destroyed if she crosses the boarder.
Location: Sithicus
Source: When Black Roses Bloom pg. 62

Illusionist, Neutral Evil
Captured by Soth, Tindafalus created six magical mirrors for Soth to escape reality.
Location: Sithicus
Source: When Black Roses Bloom pg. 4, Carnival pg. 52

8th level Elf Wizard, Lawful Evil
Former master of Silessa.
Location: Sithicus
Source: Carnival pg. 62

Doing magical research on a rare flower from Sithicus, Tandon will hire anyone to get more of the flowers fast.
Location: Sithicus
Source: When Black Roses Bloom pg. 6

0-level elf,??
Owner of a flower shop, killed while harvesting roses in Nedraggard Keep.
Location: Har-Thelen, Sithicus
Source: When Black Roses Bloom pg. 6

2nd level fighter, Chaotic Good
A Sithican elf driven insane from crossing he closed Sithicus border, Quallan thinks an army oftreants is invading Sithicus.
Location: Sithicus
Source: When Black Roses Bloom pg. 10

Hethanna, Rowhen, Willanda
0-level elves, Chaotic Good (assumed)
Sithican elf siblings who may hold a clue to the whereabouts of Kitiara.
Location: Har-Thelen, Sithicus
Source: When Black Roses Bloom pg. 53

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