Ravenloft Archive 12: Agonia

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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Ravenloft Archive 12: Agonia

Post by brothersale »


By D. A. Rathbun

Website: Alanik Ray's Library

Nothing begins, and nothing ends,
That is not paid with moan;
For we are born in another’s pain,
And perish in our own.

-Francis Thompson, Daisy

The Land:

The island domain of Agonia is about thirty-five miles long and shaped roughly like a crescent surrounded by the mists, with the open face to the southwest. The majority of the land is made up of rolling hills and flatland surrounding the River Wherren, which runs a course from the north to the southeastern tip of the domain. At the eastern tip of the domain, the river empties into a marsh. The water in the swamp is deep and black, and what solid ground there is consists of constantly shifting sandbars connecting a few rocky islands. No one lives in the swamp, and indeed no inhabitant of the domain remembers there ever being a swamp at the mouth of the large river. The swamp simply appeared during the time the land was enshrouded by the mists that now surround it.

The northwestern portion of the domain is covered in forested badlands. There a few small hamlets within Agonia, but the major settlement is a village called Saabor. Saabor is located near the center of the domain, where the river bends from the north, and is home to an estimated three hundred inhabitants. In the western half of the domain, there is a lumber town known as Merdoe, which houses another one hundred and fifty souls. Within the northwestern region of the forests, there is a large grove of immense trees known as the Titan Woods, which are rumored to be a dark and haunted area.

Cultural Level:
Early Medieval

The Folk:
The folk of Agonia are by and large simple farmers and herders. They cultivate the fertile fields within the river valley and use the grassy hills to feed their livestock. Most of the folk of Agonia live in the eastern region of the land, but of those who do live in the western half, nearly all are involved with the lumber industry. These settlers trade lumber with the easterners for food and other supplies. The westerners will not cut down the giant trees located in the Titan Woods northwest of Merdoe, for fear of angering the spirits that dwell in those woods, but the normal oaks and pines that inhabit the woods fall to the axe in order to keep Merdoe running.

Both men and women dress simply, more for comfort than appearance. Women tend to wear long skirts with tunics, and kerchiefs tied on their heads, while the men tend towards breeches with a tunic and vest. Pendants and rings are worn by about forty percent of the populace, with pendants being more popular among the men, and rings more numerous among the women.

Agonians have light tan skin and dark hair. Agonian eyes are generally a pale shade of blue, green, or even gray, but auburn colored eyes are also common. Agonians speak their own language, but travelers have a good (70%) chance of meeting someone who has knowledge of at least one of the dialects spoken within the Core.

When a child is born in Agonia, it is given two names. One of these names is a secret name shared only between mother and child, or among those who are truly in love. Any time this secret name is shared with another, it is considered a symbol of the deepest trust between two people. The people of Agonia believe strongly in the power of names, and will protect their secret names as they would the blood in their veins. Knowledge of another’s secret name can grant influence over them (much like blackmail), but using such an influence for unsavory means (especially if knowledge of the name was not freely given) will earn their enmity for the rest of their lives. (Using the knowledge of someone’s true name against them is grounds for a Power’s Check: Breaking an Oath.) The second name is the common name used in everyday conversation, and for signing business agreements.

Within Agonia, a sect known as the Cult of Marikoth exists. Members of the cult live the simple lives of regular folk, and none will reveal their membership in the cult. Once a year the cultists gather at an ancient ruins of a temple located in the western badlands for a ritual known only as the Summoning.

Native Player Characters:
Adventurers from Agonia may be of any class of warrior or rogue, but wizards must be of the Eremite kit (presented in Champions of the Mists). Priests native of Agonia are restricted to specialty priests of the god Mideen. Mideen is a god with two aspects. The first aspect is as a guardian (LG), and the second aspect is that of an avenger (CG). Mideen’s priests have major access to the spheres of All, Guardian, and Protection, and minor access to Divination, Elemental, Wards, and Travelers. In addition, those following the teachings of Mideen’s guardian aspect gain major access to the sphere of Healing, while those that follow the teachings of his vengeful side gain major access to the sphere of Combat.

Personalities of Note:
Two high ranking leaders of the Cult of Marikoth make a sweep of the domain at the change of every season in order to observe new occurrences within Agonia and report them to their master, Dargen Blackborn. These twin sisters share the name of Andrea. One of the sisters is an accomplished warrior, while the other is said to be a witch that communes with the savage spirits that dwell in the Titan Woods.

Dargen Blackborn is a widely feared personality by the folk of Agonia. He is considered to be a dark and evil blight on the land, but none take action against him. Those who have tried to assault his temple in the west have never returned, and even those who speak against him from afar often develop sudden illnesses and die within days. Blackborn is widely believed to be a powerful warlock, and is presumed to be the leader of the Cult of Marikoth, but since he is rarely seen, he has become something of a boogey-man. Children are told many dark tales of Blackborn when young, and when they grow up, they try not to believe in them.

Travelers to Merdoe may encounter members of the Rolyns family, who though respected, are not well liked by the general populace of the domain. The Rolyns were the first settlers of Merdoe, and have lived there ever since.

Simone Caire, the priestess of Mideen, tends her temple within Saabor. Simone is recognized as the spiritual leader of the church in Agonia, but she is young (only 17,) and unsure of herself. She was appointed to her current position when the former High Priest Tarn died of a mysterious fever in the year 753 BC.

The Law:

Politically, the leader of Agonia is Judge Dermot, the current mayor of Saabor. The mayor is elected by popular vote, and despite several bouts of sickness and infirmity, Dermot has been elected the mayor of Saabor for over ten years. The Judge is highly respected, and well liked by the citizens of Saabor. Should an altercation arise involving Judge Dermot, the populace will side with him without question.

The general constabulary of Agonia consists of (1st level) fighters in leather armor and armed with clubs or short swords. In Saabor, the head constable is a (3rd level) warrior by the name of Brenton.

In the eastern half of Agonia, there is very little to frighten the folk. The largest predators in this area are coyotes, which are quite common. However, the larger population of this area makes encounters with farmers and merchants more numerous. A small clan of merrow has made its home near the area in which the River Wherren empties into the eastern marsh. The merrow are recently arrived, and are, for the moment, unknown to the nearby settlers. The increasing disappearances in the area will however soon attract the attention of the contstables.

In Merdoe, adventures may meet Alexandria Rolyns, a mystic of some skill (6th level eremite) who lives just outside the township. Alexandria knows the woods of Agonia better than any other inhabitant, but will admit that there are some areas that she will not enter, so many secrets can still be found within them.

In the western forests, wild life abounds. Bears, wild boars, and the occasional wolf pack populate the woods. The area of the forest known as the Titan Woods is said to be inhabited by the ghosts of warrior savages. (These spirits are indeed those of noble savages, but they long ago gave their lives to protect their sacred grove of behemoth trees. They are now uthraki forest spirits, ((Found in MCA Vol. III)) and will attack any sentient being who enters the Titan Woods without some measure of mystical protection.

The area around the Temple of Marikoth is rarely entered, but is infested with death dogs and giant bats. The interior of the Temple has never been explored by anyone save members of the Cult, at least no one who has lived to tell about it.

Dargen Blackborn

(Darklord of Agonia)

14th level Warlock , NE

AC: 10 Str: 11
Movement: 12 Dex: 13
Level/Hit Dice: 14/10+4 Con: 17
Hit Points: 37 Int: 16
THAC0: 16 Wis: 14
No. of Attacks: 1 Cha: 15
Damage/Attack: by weapon
Special Attacks: Spells, Sleep, Charm, Curse
Special Defenses: Wound Closure, Pain Resistance
Special Vulnerabilities: True Name
Magic Resistance: Nil

Dargen Blackborn is a feared individual in the domain of Agonia. He stands 6’7" and has a slim build. His hair is raven black, and hangs loosely about his face, often hiding his handsome features. Blackborn’s eyes are rarely seen through his hanging locks, but are dark brown in color, almost black. It is said that those who look in his eyes lose their own will, and merely become puppets to the warlock’s power.

Blackborn wears a long coat at all times. He wears no shirt or vest beneath it, and his chest is exposed. Across his chest are four long open wounds, looking as though he has just been clawed. The wounds do not bleed, nor do they heal. Around his neck, Blackborn wears a crimson gemstone on a platinum chain. Boots and breeches complete his attire. Despite his somewhat slovenly appearance, there is a feeling of dark power, which emanates from him.

Dargen Blackborn was born under another name, now forgotten to all but one family. In his youth, Blackborn was a charismatic young man with an interest in the study of mystic power. He often went off to an old ruined temple to be alone, and to concentrate on his mystic thoughts. One day, Blackborn came upon a woman kneeling at the altar in the ruins. The woman was offering strange prayers to the altar in a tongue that he had never before heard. Watching from behind her, Dargen watched as she raised a dagger, and plunged it downward. There was the yip of a dying animal, and as she stood, raising the body of her sacrifice, she spun around and locked eyes with the young man watching. She did not pause in her chanting, and Blackborn found himself chanting the incantation with her.

The witch’s name was Selune, and she became Blackborn’s mentor from that day forward. Selune taught him of her patron, a mysterious creature from another plane known as Marikoth. She told him that Marikoth was the master of pain, and he gave power to those who provided him with the greatest spectacles. For years, Selune and Blackborn provided their master with sacrifices. Until the fateful day that Blackborn met a beautiful woman in the woods. At first, she was meant to be just another sacrifice, but as he watched her he became enthralled. He approached her, and talked to her. Her name was Melissande Rolyns. She was intrigued by this strange man who came upon her in the woods, and wanting to learn more about him agreed to meet him again the next day. The pair met for many days, and their time together brought joy to them both. Dargen never told her of what he did during the time they were apart, simply answering her inquiries by saying, "Dear lady, I am merely seeking to fulfill my desires, and with you, they are fulfilled."

Selune became concerned with Blackborn’s absences from the rituals, and followed him one night. The two lovers lay in each other’s arms, Mellisande was fast asleep, but Dargen watched his mentor approach. When Selune demanded that Dargen’s "little harlot" be taken back to the Temple, Blackborn locked her eyes, and with a poisonous hatred in his voice replied, "If Mellisande comes to any harm, Marikoth will feed upon your pain for decades." Selune was taken aback by the tone in his voice, and the deadly look in his eyes, that she left immediately. Dargen looked down at Mellisande, and swore his love to her. The two were wed soon afterward.

Blackborn lived a happy life with his bride, but always concealed the nature of his departures when he spent time at the temple. It was not long before Mellisande was with child, and Dargen stopped going to the temple in order to spend time with his bride. When the child was born, it was Dargen’s happiest day, and he renounced Marikoth for his son, who he named Haylon. His life would have a peaceful one, if not for the day of the Summoning.

Selune was attempting to bring Marikoth forth from the netherworld, and had chosen the perfect sacrifice. In vengeance for abandoning her, she would have the child of Blackborn and his harlot. She came in the night, and used her powers to place Dargen and Mellisande in a deep sleep. Then she stole Haylon from his crib and escaped into the night. The next morning, Dargen woke to find his boy gone, and found in Haylon’s place a small slate with the glyph of Marikoth inscribed upon its face. Dargen set out immediately. It was dark when Blackborn arrived at the temple, and found Selune in the midst of the Summoning. As she placed Haylon on the altar, Selune spoke to Dargen over her shoulder, "So the errant pupil returns. Marikoth is pleased with your pain. He savors your anguish. But know this, your pain is only beginning."

Blackborn strode up to his mentor, and slid a blade into her back. But as she died she recited the final words of her spell, and after she fell, looked up at him with a bloody smile. A black rift was torn in the air by the altar, and a vague shape approached the entrance. The image coalesced into a form mimicking the appearance of Blackborn, and reached toward the temple picking up the child as it screamed. Blackborn charged the being as it turned back toward the rift, but as he reached out to snatch his son back, a clawed hand shot out from the rift, slashing Blackborn’s chest. Before the rift again closed, the entity with his form turned to Blackborn and said, "You have ever been my servant warlock. And you always will be. Your offspring was mine from the time you first invoked my name. Serve me, and you may see him again. Do not, and he will take your place as my chosen disciple. The choice is yours." With those words, the rift disappeared and Blackborn collapsed upon the ground and wept.

A sound from behind caused him to turn around. Standing at the entrance of the temple of the entrance was Mellisande. When she had arrived to see Dargen plunge his dagger into the witch’s back, her heart leapt with joy that he had saved their son. But upon hearing the words of the demon, something died inside of her. The knowledge of her husband’s evil nature broke her heart, and though she may have been able to forgive his past before, now it had cost her her child. Mellisande turned away from Dargen and left him in the temple. Her tears did not cease for days. To safeguard her family from any further harm from her deceitful husband, she broke the taboo of her people, and shared her knowledge of Dargen’s true name with her family. Mellisande died of a broken heart before the end of the season.

With the death of the last good thing left to him, Blackborn immersed himself in the dark rituals of his cruel master, and soon the mists of Ravenloft came forth to claim the remnants of his fractured soul.

Current Sketch:
Dargen Blackborn has lived over one hundred years since that day. Whether it is Marikoth’s power which keeps him from aging, or the hand of the Dark Powers is unknown, but Dargen still appears to be in his late 20’s.

Dargen is a bitter man filled with rage. He pursues his goal of summoning Marikoth with a fierce obsession. He hopes to bring Marikoth into the world with the express purpose of killing the fiend who stole his child. Blackborn has expanded the worship of the fiend by starting the Cult of Marikoth. He does not share his plans for Marikoth with the other cultists, but lets them believe that Marikoth will reward his loyal followers. Blackborn initiated the creation of the Cult in an effort to concentrate more power into the Summoning, but it was a failure.

Blackborn has become numb to both pleasure and pain over the past century. He is an artist at inflicting agony for the delight of his master, but no power save that of Marikoth can cause him pain any longer.

Dargen Blackborn’s dream of summoning the fiend is doomed to fail by proxy of the Dark Powers of Ravenloft. Marikoth, on his part, continues to teach Blackborn his spells and instruct him on the use of his witching powers. Marikoth is aware of the hatred Blackborn feels toward him, but the fiend is strangely unaware of his disciple’s murderous plans. Marikoth exists within a small pocket domain that has attached itself to the domain of Agonia, like a lamprey feeding upon a large fish. Marikoth’s pocket domain is known as the Cairn. Details on Marikoth and the Cairn may be found below.

Closing the Borders:
When Blackborn wants to seal Agonia’s borders, the mists surrounding the domain take on a crimson cast. Those proceeding into the mists are wracked with pain as they step into the Blood Fog as the native Agonians call it. For every step taken into the mist, all actions the character takes suffer a –1 penalty. Once this penalty equals the character’s constitution score, they must roll a system shock roll. If the roll is a success, the character passes out for a number of hours equal to 20 minus their constitution score and when they awake, they find that they have somehow been transported to within a mile of the nearest settlement. If they should fail the system shock roll, the pain caused by the Blood Fog overwhelms them and their heart bursts.


Dargen Blackborn avoids physical confrontation, as he is unskilled in the art of war. He does possess a ceremonial dagger, (Which is a dagger +3,) that he can use if pressed. Blackborn possesses a powerful jewel that acts as both a periapt of wound closure and a ring of regeneration. This item has no effect on the scars that cross Blackborn’s chest, but those who attack him physically are often taken aback when the warlock they have just skewered on the end of their sword pulls out the weapon without flinching, and has no visible wound.

As stated above, Blackborn is incapable of feeling pain inflicted upon him by any being other than Marikoth. In game terms, Dargen will never be affected by wound penalties unless as stated below.

Blackborn’s mystic powers and spells are very powerful, especially if he possesses some token taken from the victim, or knows the victims true name. Should he possess some personal item from a victim, the range of any spells cast against them is unlimited as long as they are still in Agonia. In addition victims who must save vs. spells under these circumstances save with a –3 penalty. Should Blackborn invoke the true name of his victim, he may affect them anywhere they may have fled to within Ravenloft, and these victims will also automatically fail their saving throws. If Blackborn possesses no token of a victim, or does not know their true name, then these victims gain a +2 bonus to their saving throws.

As a warlock, Dargen Blackborn has the following abilities, which unlike regular witches, he is able to use without first brewing a potion (Except as noted.).

Blackborn is able to affect an individual with a sleep spell once per day.
Though Dargen has the knowledge of how to secure a familiar, he has not done so. Exactly why is not known, but it could be that he simply has no desire to gain another potential weakness.
Blackborn also has the ability to brew a poison (Class L) with the proper ingredients. The poison is of sufficient volume to coat single weapon, and the poison remains potent for 24 hours.
Blackborn has the ability to beguile one person, or monster, of 8 Hit Dice or less. This Beguiling ability is identical to the fourth level Charm Monster spell.
Blackborn can also fly, as per the spell of the same name, at will, up to 5 times per day.
Dargen Blackborn’s deadliest power is his ability to call down a witch’s curse upon his victims. The duration of the witch’s curse lasts 4 to 7 (1d4+3) days. Victims of Blackborn’s witch curse will become wracked with painful spasms and fever, and begin to lose Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution at the rate of 1 point per 12 hour period. Should any of these attributes drop below zero, the afflicted person permanently loses one point in that ability. Should all three abilities drop below zero, the victim will succumb to one final bout of painful spasms, and die at nightfall.

Blackborn has two major vulnerabilities. The first is embodied by the open wounds across his chest. Once per month, Blackborn spiritually struggles internally with his demonic master Marikoth. These struggles occur only at night, and can last from hours to days, and no force in the Demiplane of Dread can prevent them. During this period, Blackborn suffers pain unlike any that most could imagine. The pain is so intense that it inflicts a penalty of –4 on any action that Blackborn makes on during this period. On the anniversary of his son’s abduction, these wounds will seep with blood, inflicting 1d3 points of damage due to blood loss every hour.

The second weakness of Blackborn is his true name. Only the Rolyn’s family has knowledge of his true name, but they will not act against him. Though they do wish to end his reign of terror, they will not exploit this weakness. Knowledge of Blackborn’s true name protects the family from all of his powers. Should a PC gain knowledge of Blackborn’s name, they too will be protected from the warlock’s power, but will become a target of Blackborn’s followers. The only reason that Dargen has not sent his agents to crush the Rolyn’s family is the memory of Mellisande. He truly loved her, and does not want to cause her spirit any more pain from his actions, so he has decreed the Rolyn’s family "off limits".

Dargen Blacborn’s spell book contains the following spells :

First Level: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Armor, Change Self, Unseen Servant, Wizard Mark, Charm Person

Second Level: Choke, Death Recall, Blindness, Summon Swarm, Ray of Enfeeblement

Third Level: Pain Touch, Dispel Magic, Phantom Steed, Hold Person, Monster Summoning I

Fourth Level: Polymorph Other, Rain of Terror, Phantasmal Killer, Enervation

Fifth Level: Animate Dead, Conjure Elemental, Summon Shadow, Nightmare

Sixth Level: Contingency, Ensnarement

Seventh Level: Power Word Stun

The Summoning
Once per year, on the fall equinox, Dargen Blackborn will perform the right of The Summoning in hopes of drawing Marikoth forth into Agonia and destroying him. The Dark Powers have made this an impossible task, and the only things that come through the open rift are minor fiends with limited power and intelligence. Blackborn makes it a practice to eliminate any creature that comes through the rift, and do it as quickly as possible, with the maximum amount of pain inflicted upon the wretched creatures.

The environment of the summoning would be the equivalent of a modern day rave. The cult members each imbibe a diluted potion of delusion, and they dance to the music of bonfires and whatever instruments can be obtained. Often, many cultists disrobe, and some even engage in carnal activity amongst the chaos. It is at the height of this frenzy when Blackborn performs the mystic rites that open the rift to Marikoth’s cairn. Since a blood sacrifice is required to power the magic, Blackborn will often single out one or two of those present, and at his command, the remaining cultists fall upon the unfortunates and tear them to shreds. Once the sacrifice is offered, a rift composed of black fire tears open amongst the gathering, and a minor fiend will come through. The only fiends that have been able to cross over into Agonia have been hordlings (MCPA). Only one such creature has escaped destruction at the hands of Blackborn and his warriors among the cultists. This creature’s whereabouts are currently unknown, but it is believed that the creature fled Agonia for more hospitable surroundings.

Dargen leads the cult into destroying the summoned fiends by driving them to destroy the "Pretender to Marikoth’s glory".

The Rift
The rift that opens between the domain of Agonia and the pocket domain known as the cairn opens only once per year, at the time of the Summoning. The Rift remains open for one full turn, and acts as a one-way portal that allows one to four entities to cross over from Agonia into the Cairn, but will allow only one hordling to travel from the Cairn to Agonia. Should a being travel to either domain from the other, they will be trapped within the new domain for one full year, until the Rift was again opened. Dargen Blackborn and Marikoth are banned from crossing through the Rift by the Dark Powers of Ravenloft. Should either being try to cross into the other’s domain, the black flame of the Rift will inflict a full 2d20 points of damage, and hurl the trespasser back into his own realm.

The Cairn
The Cairn is Marikoth’s seat of power. The pocket domain consists of a large keep and the surrounding wastelands. The sky is continually overcast and gray, the climate is cold and oppressively damp, but no rain ever falls. As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but broken gray rock, and the occasional twisted corpse of a tree. The only outstanding feature is Marikoth’s Keep. The structure of the Keep looks to be nothing more than a random collection of gray stones of all shapes and sizes, all piled precariously to form a structure. The building is in fact far stronger than it appears. Within the keep, are twisted and broken passages. Many of these passages end sharply at a wall, or sheer drop. Somewhere within these tunnels is the heart of Marikoth’s power.

Though the Cairn seems deserted, it is indeed crawling with the hordling servants of Marikoth. These creatures are the only living things that intruders are likely to encounter before the end of the interloper’s lives.

The true nature of the fiend known as Marikoth is a mystery. Though he may be of the yugoloth race, there is no conclusive evidence to support this fact. If he is indeed a yugoloth, then why would he be content to rule over creatures so wretched as the lowly hordlings?

What is known about Marikoth is that he seems to gain sustenance from witnessing the inflicting of pain upon sentient beings. Though he may also feed from the agony of lesser creatures, he finds them bland and un-appetizing.

Currently, Marikoth is enjoying the suffering that Dargen Blackborn causes in his name. And he is quite amused at the warlock’s vehement hatred of him. Marikoth is indeed unaware of his servant’s murderous plans, but even if he did know, it is likely that he would simply encourage Blackborn to try harder. Though Marikoth implies that Haylon is still alive, he will not allow Blackborn to see his son. And the anguish that this causes the warlock is the sweetest ambrosia to the evil demon.
All great movements require a few martyrs... -Moebius (soulreaver 2)
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