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Post by Jester of the FoS »

While discussing travelling domains I half mused about demilords and darklords. Darklords rule a single domain, fixed in space, while demilords rule a small mobile domain within another domain. I started thinking about the hierarchy of darklords, how they start with this fragile little land that is really a part of other lands, then get their own isolated land, and then finally might get a larger land which is a part of the Core.
Then I wondered what was above that. What happens when a darklord does something so horrific they would be "promoted", become as far above a darklord as a darklord is above a demilord.

They become an archlord.

What would that look like? Would it be a lord that rules over multiple other lord's domains, like a king ruling over various counties and dukedoms? Would the land they rule become even larger or apart of something more?
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Re: Archlords

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Strahd could be one, with a "look" on Nova Vaasa and Forlorn.

Still can't leave Barovia, but has "ways" to influence the darklords there.


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Re: Archlords

Post by Strahdsbuddy »

That's an interesting concept, and it sort of flies in the face of a theory I had regarding the way tracts of land entered the demiplane and then got chipped into smaller realms. Although it may not be as contrary as I believe. Consider the 2nd Core Genesis project for a moment, thinking of "Greater Arak" as an example. The LAND that entered would one day not only contain Arak, but also Keening and Tepest. And the Shadow Rift as well, I suppose, if the temporal fugue allowed the fey to begin immediate excavation and a hollowing out of the Core. Ignore that tangent for a moment.

Gwydion could be considered the "Archlord" of this landmass, whose history is shady anyway. It is not until later that the land begins getting chipped away, first by the execution of Tristessa, later by the Mindefisk sisters, and finally having the entire eastern half of the realm usurped by Darkon. Again, this is non-canon, but makes a lot of sense to me.

Azalin could be considered an archlord from the very beginning. The nation could be considered to have broken down into component parts after the Requiem, although Azalin pulled them back together when he returned.

As far as a darklord becoming archlord over another domain later, such as Strahd gaining influence over Forlorn, I'm not sure I love it, but could be convinced otherwise. GUndarak, for instance, certainly treated Forlorn like they owned it, sending in logging crews that never returned. That seems like it is sort of the point of the domains, each prisoner is all-powerful within despite what the lines on the map say. Claim Forlorn all you want, Gundar, it ain't yours!

Nathan Timothy could be an example of what happens when your domain gets dominated by another lord, although the fact that his own son became the "archlord" of the two domains is probably more story-driven. Still, Nathan's prison was expanded a bit. The Borca-Dorvinia merge, again was probably story-driven. Soth tried giving his domain away in WBRB, though the realm seemed to be disintegrating instead of being handed over to someone else. More proof, to me, that the land and the lord are tied together.

I'm interested to hear what others think, though. I can absolutely be convinced otherwise!
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Resonant Curse
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Re: Archlords

Post by Resonant Curse »

Ebonbane could fit the bill as the entire Shadowlands cluster is built around Kateri Shadowborn and, by extension, Ebonbane. The other Darklords of the cluster are aware of him, and the lord of Nidala is actively trying to locate Shadowborn Manor. Assorted pseudolords that would have shown up in the Gazeteer series were also related to the Kateri/Ebonbane (as mentioned in the thread on plans for the gazeteers)
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Re: Archlords

Post by Strahdsbuddy »

Resonant Curse wrote:Ebonbane could fit the bill as the entire Shadowlands cluster is built around Kateri Shadowborn and, by extension, Ebonbane. The other Darklords of the cluster are aware of him, and the lord of Nidala is actively trying to locate Shadowborn Manor. Assorted pseudolords that would have shown up in the Gazeteer series were also related to the Kateri/Ebonbane (as mentioned in the thread on plans for the gazeteers)
Excellent point. I should have thought of that!

I feel the same way in the Amber Wastes, at least between Ankhtepot and Tiyet. Both are from the Black Land and tie into the history of that world. Though it is not mentioned, Diambel could be a part of that line as well, or perhaps he (or his people) conquered the Black Land and drove out their old gods.

It could be argued in the case of the Burning Peaks (bleh) that the entire existence of Kas and his domain of Tovag was as a foil to Vecna. I'd say the entire cluster really belonged to Vecna and would expect little argument.
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Re: Archlords

Post by DasSoviet »

I really like this idea... it's something I ran with for my homebrew cluster of Novia, with Irivan's taint and dark cults being found throughout the Civilized Nations, though they only seriously dictated the tone in Newumberland. The Sea of Sails, for example, is defined by greed and piracy; while Argenia by subtle but pervasive theocratic domination - however, lust for power in the Sea of Sails may lead one to try to summon one of Dread Irivian's defiled spawn, and in Argenia,the Church of the Immortal Emperor feels vindicated in its tyranny whenever they uncover yet another of the Dreaming God's cult.

The various darklords of Novia still have control over their realms, but they can feel a presence infinitely their greater pressing at their borders, seeking a kink in their armour through which it can spread its mad whisperings.

Something like this may work elsewhere in other clusters with overarching stories - as mentioned, Ebonsbane and the Shadowborn cluster, or Meredoth and the Sea of Sorrows (should he actually get off his arrogant arse and do something). The core itself may be divided up into those revolving around Strahd -Godfrey, the Dilsnyias, Inza (by way of Soth), d'Honaire (by way of Godfrey), Markov) - and Azalin -Drakov, von Kharkov, Jacqueline (by way of Drakov), Aderre (via Drakov) - with Adam, ApBlanc, Hazlik, the Hags, Lukas, and everybody else just drawn into orbit around this competing mass of hatred and Evil
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Re: Archlords

Post by alhoon »

Not all demilords have "mobile" domains IIRC.
Anyway, we have demilords, lords, overlods and darklords. If Archlord sails your boat, go ahead and use them!
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Re: Archlords

Post by nothri »

I've often assumed that the majority of clusters center around a key figure and are growing from that persona like a tumor. For the sake of argument, assume the Core is just the first and most advanced cluster in the demiplane. The other clusters are still in their infancy. Now assume that the theory regarding Strahd as the 'center' of the Core is true, all realms of the core are outgrowths of Barovia and Strahd's original pact. Based on this principle, I would assume other clusters are 'centered' around certain personas. Based on various other criteria, I would suggest that Ebonbane, Arijani, and Anaktepot are the lords in question. I suspect Zolnik would also fall under this category, but that's a little hard to judge. Zherisia is a bit of an exception to this idea. I consider the cluster to be an attempt by the Dark Powers to force the two darklords out of their complacent and petty lifestyles- consider that Paridon has shrunk significantly from a large plain with a capital down to a single large city. Timor meanwhile has lost everything on the surface of the realm. Both darklords are insular creatures with concerns that hardly extend beyond their own self-interests. Since both domains show signs of shrinking, the Dark Powers appear to be losing interest in the affairs of both realms. As such I view their joining as an attempt to force the darklords into conflict, a sort of "evolve or die" approach.
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