Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoilers)

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Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoilers)

Post by Mistmaster »

Disney movies, expecially the 56 animated classics, have all something, in my own hopinions, which could works wonders with a Ravenloft twist. This is a list of ideas more or less developed for Domains inspired by Disney
Warnings, expecially for modern movies, there will be spoilers.

Snow White:I'm going to rework Tepest, about it, following partly Carrion Crowns Ideas in this thread:http://www.fraternityofshadows.com/foru ... f=1&t=9598; I will borriow some idea from Once Upon a Time too.

Pinocchio:Already done, in this thread, called it Collodi http://www.fraternityofshadows.com/foru ... 6&start=15

Fantasia: Of this Domain I know only two things:first, it's Darklord will be Chernobog (Maybe I could take Gwidion as a base.) And I will have Yen-Sid as the domain main good character.

Dumbo: Maybe, a reworking of L'morai as a series of city states visited by the circus. Surely the Circus Ringmaster will be the Darklord.

Bambi:The villain of the movie is Mankind; maybe the Darklord is a poacher haunted by ghost animals.

Saludos Amigos:this movie lack as real villain however, one is close enought: The Aconcagua Mountain; I'm thinking about a dominion where people fly, and the Darklord is imprisoned in the mountain.

Los Tres Caballeros.:This movie lacks completely a villain; however, I might use the comic as an inspiration, and make the Chupacabra my Darklord; Maybe the dominion consists in three islands connected by a bridge and a train. Humanized versions of the Three titulara Cabballeros could be the domain main good force.

Make mine music:
The two most conspicous villains in this movie are the Wolf of "Pete and the Wolf", and Titti-Tatti, the misguided agent in "The whale who wanted Sing the opera". I could concentrate here all the fairy tales where the wolf is the main villain, and have the Darklord being the Big Bad Wolf; He would be a Werewolf, but, to distinguish the domain from Verbrek he will be the only one, without being able to propagate the illness.

Fun and fancy free:
Here we have to villains, one is simple minded but not so harmless Willy the Giant, the other one is Lumpjaw the Bear, a big bully; The Darklord could be a shape-shfter giant similar to the Ogre of Puss in the boots; his favourite form could be that of a huge bear. I ould combine it with Puss in the boots, also.

Melody Time:
Another villain-less movie; However, the horse Widowmaker is a good example of dread companion, and I could expand on him.

The adventures of Ichabod and Mr Toad:
If you humanize the characters of the first part of the movie, you can mix them up and, obviously, the Headless Knight is the Darklord. Expanding the windi road and lonesome road domain could be interesting.

Well, here the Darklord is Madame Tremaine, obviously, which could be now, a powerfull ghost.

Alice in Wonderland:
Wonderland is quite appropriate as a domain; I'm divided for the Darklord; The obvious Queen of Heart, or the subtle Cheshire Cat?

Peter Pan:
I've read the thread and I've seen the domain with Peter and Hook as Darklords; I prefer to have Hook as the darklord.

Lady and the Tramp:
Well, here the only true villain is the rat in the end, but Aunt Sarah and her cats are interesting characters. A domain full of adopted children, maybe.

Sleeping Beauty:
Maleficient as the Darklord, obviously. The rest need to be decided.

101 Dalmatians:
Cruella as the Darklord, for sure; maybe borrowing from Once Upon a time, making her a skinchanger.

The sword in the Stone:
Mad Madam Mim is the only appropriate darklord, the trick will beto make her a tragic character without loosing the funny elements of her character. Maybe I'll borrow from the books and the Arturian Saga, crossing her with Morgana and Nimue.

The Jungle Book:The Jungle of Rain and Fire domain is a nice enought start, maybe I shall cross it with the ideas I already had for a omain called Seownee.

The Aristocats:
Edgar would need a serious evilization, but I could picture him as the butler of an old rich lady who killed her and her heirs to gain her estates, and now is haunted by theye spirits in cat-form.

Robin Hood:
Keeping some characters original e cartoon (Lady Kluck, Sir Hiss) but humanizing them back, and inspiring myself to other Robin Hood source, I could easily picture Prince John as a Darklord.

The many adventures of Winnie the Pooh:
One of my less favourite Disney movie, villainless and with no apparent darkness to exploit still, the Dread Possibility behind the book as illustrated in the video about "100 acres clinic" could allow me to create a domain where kids immaginary friends and stuffed animals lives together, but with a twist, it could be also be the source of Boogymen (There was a Disney Channel movie in witch imaginary friends whose kids stopped believing in them before the right time became Boohymen) Maybe, the Darklord is Cristopher Robin's father Expy, who drove his son to madness and to suicide and started to write cursed cautionary tales which generates evil spirits which posses to early abandoned immaginary friends, twisting them in Boogymen.

The Rescuers:
The Devil's Marsh is an interesting setting for a Domain, with Madame Medusa as a Darklord; she needs a tragic background and an interesting curse whuch plays on her greed.

The Fox and the Hound:
In the movie, Amos Slade is not really evil; in the book thought is a far worse human being; changing foxes with a good aligned race of Werefoxes, we could make him a pretty deserving darklord; I'll need an interesting curse for him; something playing on his relentless hate for foxes /werefixesm in this case) and also his love for dogs.

The Black Cauldron:
Well, this domain can wrie it byhinself; we have a natural born Darklord (The Horned King) to which we can find easily a tragic background, maybe using the books as a secondary source; even the curse is pretty easy, his soul is bound to the Cauldromn, which is evilier than him.

The Great Mouse Detective:
Mmmm, if one would take Alanik Ray out Dementlieu, transform him in a L/N Wererat and bring him in a victorian domain populated by ratfolk and wererats which Draklord is a Ratwere, it could work.

Oliver and Company:
Saving some of the original characters of the movie, and than returning back to the original book, we could have a pretty neat victorian Domain ruled by the ruthless Darklord Bill Sykes.

The Little Mermaid:
Well, with Ursula as the Darklord, and mixing up Disney with Once Upon a Time and Poor Unfortunate Souls, a book which narrates her origins and makes her more sympathetic.

The Rescuers down under:
Mac Leech is ruthless and cunning; and the Australian Bush is a perfect setting for a domain; I could mix him with the killer from Wolf Creek, to meka him even more creepy.

Beauty and the Beast:
The thread was very interesting; I could make Gaston the Darklord, after the breaking of the curse the enchantress saved him and transform him in a beast, like the Prince was; but Gaston decided he enjoyed the strenght and poweer of the Beast, so he crashed the rose damning himself forever.

I actually have planned a domain inspired by this movie in my Mistworld project and called it Yarabad. Jafar is the Darklord.

The Lion King:
It's a great movie, but also its Amleto with animals; I did create a kingdom of intelligent Lions, but it is the main opposition to Crocodile's empire in the Wildlands; However, I rgibk that humanizing the characters they works just fine.

Well, Radcliff is Darklord material, of course; the domain itself, could consist of two separate islands, one urbanized one wild. Radcliff course would be his continues failed attempts to colonize the wilde island.

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame:
Well Ihave aleready developed this idea, here:http://www.fraternityofshadows.com/foru ... =1&t=10078

Mmm, the Olympus domain reworked with Hades being the Darklord. Gus cyrse are his failed attempt to exchange his place with someoneother gods. (And Hercules here is a genuine hero).

I had reworked Dat Cua Nheng as a small scale China, but a true China-like domain would be fine; Shan-yu needs a rework to be more tragic, but I think it would work finely.

I have thought to a domain called Mulongo for my Mistworld projects; Instead of Clayton (too much Hunters Darklords) I had a character from the animated series reworked as Sodo the Doppelganger in disguise. (I liked the idea of the conflict between cultures and Armand Dupond in the anime, represented european civilization, thought he was not a villanous character only ambiguos.)

Fantasia 2000:
The only good thing in this movie is the Firebird, and I surely can build a domain around it and the original russian fairytale.

It is a retelling of classical western exodus movies; Humanizing the characters, I could make a domain were the Darklord, a humanised Kron, is forever banned from entering the "promised land" haunting the outside as a vengeful ghost.

The Emperor's New Groove:
Too funny for being Ghotic? Well, let's pretend than Izma was less istrionic and more ruthless, with an endless batch of traansfiguration potions.

Atlantis, the lost Empire:
Well, this is easy, Captain Rourke, in his living crystals form, is the Darklord. The domain consists in urbanized islands and a secret sinked city.

Lilo and Stitch:
Well, substituting space with the far realm, and a series of abomination as the experiments, and making the darklord Hamsterville something other then a Gerbille, and this tropical domain could became fairly scary.

Treasure Planet:
Well, of course, this movie is Treasure Island in space; But I'm not so keen to have Silver as the Darklord, I would, instead I will use the ghost of the Captain Flint.

Brother Bear:
Well, here I need a Darklord, because there is not a real villain in this movie; maybe, I could mix it with the legendof the Wendigo, and with the sequel, to find a convincing one.

Home on the Range:
A silly movie settled in the west; however, Alameda Slim could be reworked in a more serious menace, simply making is yohdel working with children also.

Chicken Little:
My least favourite disney movie, however, the original story centered about the risk of uncontrolled propaganda, mixed with bad leadership; Mr Foxie ended devouring the whole of the pen, and applying it to humanoids and politics, it could cameout a pretty creepy Darklord and story.

Meet the Robinsons:
Time travel and gothic horrors are difficult to mix, however, Dolores the Hat and her unwittingly partner in crime, the Man with the Hat, could create an interesting combination; Maybe the domain is a city-state on an island where timeline constantly shift as the Darklord tries without avail to set it on the timeline where she wins.

Here too, we have no true Villain; maybe the Darklord in this urbanized domain is a crossover beetween the Director, the Manager and the character of the villain; he wants heroes he can fight to have epic battles; but either his heroes realize it and quit, they became worse villains he must stop, or they are too strong for him and he mustr find help, or they are too weak, and not a real manace. His reputation as the Villain of the story never scale up; he is said in the better case as annoying, in the worst as a nice guy. No one will ever take him seriously as a villain no much how much of an effort he will put. Peoplw knows as he is not a threat as they knew, in the Movie, Bolt had no superpowers. It's all a fiction.

The Princess and the Frog:
Well, Facilier is a great villain, who needs to be understood and explored better; at the end of the movie, he joined his friends on the other side, but maybe now is back as a shadow?

Mother Gothel is dust, now, but, is she, really? Maybe she took precautions in the case she would ever loose Rapunzel's magic hairs. While in the movie she did not show any magic power, she surely pisses knowledge about magic; maybe, she is still alive, on some form, ready to steal youth from others, youth which never last, for her.

Winnie the Pooh:
This sequel introduce a possible villain, a mostrous stuffed animal which is, in truth, good hearted.

Wreck-it Ralph:
Well, I didn't used Timor in my Mistworld project, but the Scarabugs and the montrous Turbo-Scarabug hybrid can be a good variant.

Mmm, here the trick is in the Darklord's Curse; I would make Prince Hans the Darklord, but what could be his curse?

Big Hero Six:
Yokai is the villain of the movie but it's only partially Darklord material; maybe giving powers similar to his to the greed corporate head could be interesting.

Mmmm, a rewriting of the Wildlands, without Crocodile, but with an unexpected Darklord, in the guise of a shhep, I like this idea.

Well, The only genuinly evil character in the movie is Tamatoa; I could work on him to make him the Darklord of an insular domain.
Those were my early thoughts on the matters, more will be uptaded if I develope them; your hopinions?
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Ender »

I once had an idea to do something similar. The best way I found to make Disney works into Ravenloft domains was to look at each work and ask the question: "What would this look like if the key protagonist hadn't been around?" That led to some interesting conclusions for me. For instance, if Anna hadn't been unfrozen at the end of Frozen, the land might likely have become a winter wasteland ruled by an embittered Elsa who isolates herself in the ice palace. The Darklord doesn't have to be the obvious villain of the original work. Tamatoa, for instance, may not be the best Darklord for Moana. Instead, I might remove Moana herself from the narrative and extrapolate. Without her, Te Ka never reverts to Te Fiti and continues to drain the life from the islands. And while Te Ka might seem like an overt villain, the more tragic choice for Darklord would be Maui having become so consumed with his pride and unable to admit that he made a mistake in stealing the Heart of Te Fiti.

An odd idea I'd had originally was that the Disney Ravenloft world was actually a digital simulation within The Grid (Tron being owned by Disney). CLU 2 makes a good stand-in for Azalin, knowing the reality of the world and wanting to escape. You could have Milo be someone like S, traveling from domain to domain, recognizing a pattern of "missing heroes" or something.
Last edited by Ender on Wed Nov 29, 2017 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

I recall someone already wrote up a domain based on 'Sleeping beauty'. I just forget which of the netbooks it's in ... Does anyone else recall?
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Mistmaster »

@Rock:It was a crossover of various fairytales, actually.

@Ender if the hero was not around,in some instance you would have had no conflict at all; there need to be a reason for a Darklord damnation. For istancei I choose Tamatoa, because he has the trappings for being really nasty. Of course he will need a tragic background and an interesting curse.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by The Lesser Evil »

The fairy tale mash up domain mentioned above is The Kingdom of Fairhafen, found in Quoth the Raven issue 15. Okraina, found in QTR 2, is a similarly themed domain.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Mistmaster »

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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Thanks, all!
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

You know, I think it would be an interesting twist if the princess were the Darklady of Fairhafen, rather than the queen.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by jamesfirecat »

Alice in Wonderland works better as a particular dream seed in the nightmare lands, the dream seed feeding Morpheus.

I was/have been writing a shortish piece about it with the basic idea being a young rich girl's from Dementlieu has her new kitten started feeling sick/started behaving in ways that normally imply that it is about to die. (I had this happen to a cat of mine originally we thought it was because the cat somehow drank anti-freeze which was a sure death sentence due to organ failure, but it turned out to have just been a temporary thing with no super clear cause most likely it just ate an acorn and couldn't pass it out without spending a few days working on it) This is the girl's first experience with the concept of death.

Death which is the greatest change that can take place in someone's life, it doesn't even have to be your own death, just the death of someone or something that you care about.

Girl starts having nightmares and even when the kitten recovers Morpheus has his hooks in the girl to the point that the nightmares don't stop.

Adventures get hypnotized to enter into the girl's dreams to try and help her.

In this story I also use/create a power that doesn't exist as written, but fits the concept of the domain/how dreams work which basically allows Morpheus to alter the heroes memories (but not their personalities or under lying alignments) so that they take the place of already established figures in the girl's dreams, IE well meaning were-housecat becomes the Cheshdire-cat.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Mistmaster »

The idea is fun, but I see the Nightmare Lands more as something tied with Aboriginal mithology, and less as the literal dreamscape.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by brothersale »

For Atlantis, i for one would not go for Rourke (whose main crime is that he is just a greedy criminal) but rather Kashekim Nedakh, the old king of Atlantis. He is the one responsible for abusing the power of his ancestors, causing the cataclysm that sank the kingdom, and then compounded his actions by banning the knowledge from his people, allowing their decline, more out of guilt and pride then really caring about preventing further tragedies as he is quite happy to see them decay into nothing rather than let the secret out.

The dvd sequel to Atlantis however also gives one wonderfully domain like setting ,in that of the mist shrouded Trondheim and is darklord like Magistrate Edgar Volgud/the Kraken. There is even a wonderfully creepy cut scene, where after defeating the Kraken, the female innkeeper thanks them and as they walk away she hold her swaddled baby and comforts it, promising it a better future, in response the offspring raise a tentacle and caresses her cheek.

As for ideas on Alice and Wonderland, i would have a look at the Grimm Fairy Tales presents Wonderland or American Mcgee's Alice and Alice: Maddess Returns for some far more darker and ravenloftian versions of the setting
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

I'm a bit surprised Diz-knee isn't sending their hordes of rabid lawyers to this site for "defamation of character(s)." :lol:

It doesn't take much to turn most Diz-knee movies into horror stories. Too often their movies are sugar-coated rehashes of fairy tales. Which were already sugar-coated stories published for Victorian readers. Getting past all that saccharine to the original, often grisly versions is worth the effort to find them. The latter halves of stories like Sleeping Beauty, often forgotten in the modern age, could be turned into RL adventures with little modification of the original stories.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Mistmaster »

Good old ogress-mother in law.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by ewancummins »

RE Alice in Wonderland

There's always Dungeonland.

It's already set in in a 'semiplane', though one with a theme of absurdity rather than dread.
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Re: Disney inspired domains(Warning 56 possible movie spoil

Post by Jimsolo »

I've loved the idea of doing Disney in the mists for a long time. I've run a Little Mermaid and a Hunchback of Notre Dame themed adventure in RL before; both were some of my favorite stories I've ever run.

I even wrote an article about it, lol.

http://www.highlevelgames.ca/blog/tragi ... adventures
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