Taken... by the mists

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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Taken... by the mists

Post by Five »

Is Bargle, or Bargle the Infamous, in those sets?

I killed him back in '84 or '85, but he showed up again in '87 (Gaz 1) as the court wizard of the Black Eagle Barony. I was told my fighter wasn't as smart as me (Int 9), but still. You'd think he'd know if somebody was dead...

If anybody should be ported to Ravenloft it's Bargle. The bastard killed Aleena!

https://www.blackgate.com/wp-content/up ... ow-254.jpg

https://www.blackgate.com/wp-content/up ... re-254.jpg
"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
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Evil Genius
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Re: Taken... by the mists

Post by tomokaicho »

Five wrote:Is Bargle, or Bargle the Infamous, in those sets?
Sadly, no one from Mystara is in those sets.
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Evil Genius
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Re: Taken... by the mists

Post by DustBunny »

Five wrote:If anybody should be ported to Ravenloft it's Bargle. The bastard killed Aleena!
Even in Ravenloft you cast escape Aleena vs Morgan debates :P
Someone sent me a postcard picture of the earth. On the back they had written, "Wish you were here."
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Re: Taken... by the mists

Post by ewancummins »

DustBunny wrote:
Five wrote:If anybody should be ported to Ravenloft it's Bargle. The bastard killed Aleena!
Even in Ravenloft you cast escape Aleena vs Morgan debates :P
They are both Lawful, so we can't rely on alignment as the deciding factor.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Taken... by the mists

Post by tomokaicho »

I replaced the hosting site of every picture in this thread. People that were having issues, particular on mobile phones, should have no issues now.

Gregory the Valorous

Following a lead on the rightful owner of the holy avenger sword, Gregory was on the docks of Stormport when a mist rolled from the sea onto the docks. After a time walking through the mists, which could have been an hour or mere minutes, Gregory emerged from the mists into a forested area in the domain of Forlorn. After a half day of walking looking for water, he found a running fresh water stream at night. It was then that Gregory was attacked by waves of goblyn screamers. Despite wielding Celestia's Rain, the powerful holy avenger sword, Gregory was hard pressed and almost overwhelmed. It was then that a strange insect man joined the fray, helping Gregory to defeat the goblyns. Gregory was led by Ogut'jal to the border of Barovia, and Ogut'jal was able to make himself understood enough to explain to a grateful Gregory that Ogut'jal is not welcome in the human lands. Now in Barovia, Gregory is a potent force against evil. He has heard rumor of Carolyn and Martin, and is on his way to Vallaki to search out Martin before looking for Carolyn.

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Re: Taken... by the mists

Post by tomokaicho »

Chin Shi Lang

Chin Shi Lang, which means ‘grasshopper’ in the language of Shou Lung, was swallowed by the mists immediately before striking the killing blow on an akujin (evil spirit) that had been menacing poor farmers. Chin Shi Lang emerged from the mists in Dominia. Walking along the coast and then inland, Chin Shi Lang found a building. At the entrance of the building he was met by men in uniforms that immediately surrounded and attempted to subdue him. An expert martial artist, Chin Shi Lang made short work of them until he felt a prick on his neck. After that he felt sluggish and sleepy, and the orderlies brought him down. Chin Shi Lang now spends his days in a straightjacket, medicated with psychotropic drugs and told that he needs insight into his mental illness by the doctors of the asylum. Chin Shi Lang dreams of escape but does not know how long he can hang on to his sanity in the face of endless gaslighting.

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Kenuchio had just finished slaughtering the owner of a rice wine house and his family for daring to ask for payment when he was taken by the mists as he fled the scene of the crime. Kenuchio found himself in Rokushima Táiyoo where he found many like-minded daimyō (feudal lords) to serve as enforcer and assassin. Kenuchio has never had it better than in Rokushima Táiyoo and his thirst for bloodshed is rarely left unsated.

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Alenella had just inherited the property of a woman with dementia, convincing the woman that she was the demented woman’s long lost estranged daughter when the mists rose to claim her. Alenella had a bitter experience in Invidia (where she first emerged from the mists) as a “Vistani”, being abused by the Inquest until they determined that she was not a Vistani at all. Alenella still pretends to be a fortune teller and seer but has stopped posing as a gypsy. Alenella has become quite popular in high society in Dementlieu where she now resides, and no less a figure than Councilor Dominic d'Honaire has taken an interest in her. Normally Alenella would pursue a man as well-positioned and wealthy as d'Honaire, but she finds him utterly repulsive and cannot bring herself to do it.

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Evil Genius
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Re: Taken... by the mists

Post by tomokaicho »

Anwar al-Sifr

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Anwar ran a terrorist group back in Zakhara before he got swallowed up by mists that appeared after he slit a mamluk's throat from behind in a surprise attack. Now in Pharazia, Anwar is still a terrorist malcontent that believes that Diamabel is not extreme enough. Anwar's holy slayers have made it dangerous for even Diambel's fakir to walk alone on the streets of Phiraz. A wily elf, Anwar has as yet evaded Diambel's search for him.


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Riallus is a con artist that made the mistake of trying to con the mayor of a town. The mayor, angry at being humiliated called the gendarmerie to arrest her. Fleeing the town gates into a deep fog, Riallus emerged from the mists in Blaustein. At first, Riallus couldn't believe her luck. The nobleman Lord Raoul Morrell (Bluebeard) took her in and courted Riallus. Riallus planned to trick Bluebeard out of his wealth, but in this case Riallus had met her match. Riallus managed to escape the clutches of Bluebeard but is traumatized by the experience, which she will not discuss with anyone. Riallus is currently in Darkon, where she will eventually lose her memories, but not the memories of her experiences in Blaustein.


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Myste was experimenting with fogs and mist magics when she accidentally transported herself to the dark lands of Ravenloft. Emerging in Port-a-Lucine near the University of Dementlieu, the confused Myste asked for help from the students and was taken to Lord Balfour de Casteelle, the university president. Because of Myste's youth, attractiveness, and ability as an illusionist, Lord Balfour took her under his protection. Most of the single men of the Dementlieu chapter of the Fraternity of Shadows are trying to obtain Myste's hand in marriage. Myste has no idea that the Fraternity has a dark purpose.


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Wachter had the good fortune of leading his slave tribe on a caravan raid in which the caravan in question travelled the betrayers of his parents. Wachter did not only kill these enemies, but had them tortured then coated in kank nectar and eaten alive by ants. That night Wachter fell asleep, only to wake up in the forests of Valachan. In Valachan, Wachter fell afoul of Lady Adeline when he spurned the vampire's advances. Lady Adeline wants to make the muscular Wachter her groom whether he likes it or not. A skilled psion and competent warrior, the Black Leopards have not yet been able to capture Wachter.


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Moredlin's alchemical experiments to reverse aging caused by a ghost caught the attention of the Watchers in the Darkness, and Moredlin and his tower was brought into the domain of Liffe, near Armeikos on the southern part of the Hordum Bay peninsula, where his tower sits right next to the sea. Here, Moredlin has discovered alchemical philosophy and is working towards building himself an unnatural body that is immune to the effects of aging. Still a loner, Moredlin only goes into town to collect supplies for his work. Moredlin never runs out of money. Somehow, the small money chest in his tower is always full of gold (treat as an everfull purse), which is both confusing and delightful for Moredlin because his money chest had no special powers before he was taken by the mists. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Moredlin understands that something is taking away obstacles to the continuance of his work, like lack of money. Feeling the weight of years early, Moredlin is walking a dark path.
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