Races of the Mistworld (Core)

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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Races of the Mistworld (Core)

Post by Mistmaster »

These are the races player characters might play in the Mistworld's continent of the Core;

Common Races:

Dampir Ezekian, Nosferatian, Obirian, Vyrolakian, Zahrovichan
Dampirs are the descendants of the union of a human vampire and a living human or born from a parent suffering from vampire bites. In the mistworld their offsprings with humans are also dampirs, as well the offspring of two dampyrs. Dampirs are common in areas "infested" by vampires, like Barovia , Sanguinia, Valachan or Gundarak. They are also common in Lazendrak. Pale skinned and often red eyed, Dampyrs are often distrusted by their fellow humans, however, the fact that they are still living beings, unable to transform other humans and able to control their thirst has allowed Dampirs to somewhat integrate in human societies. In Lazendrak however they are usually cherished as bridges of two worlds. Ezekian Dampirs share as their common ancestor Ezekiel the Wise, the night King of Lazendrak himself, and Ezekian vampires are the less aggressive and more living-friendly among Vampires. They are the majority of Lazendraki dampirs. Zarovichan Dampirs are common in Barovia and their shared "ancestor" is nobody less then Strahd the Devil himself. Dampirs of Gundarak are of the Nosferatian line, Nosferatu being the most predatorian of vampires, needing blood to keep themselves young looking. Dampirs in Saguinia belong to the Obirian line , Obiri being the second less aggressive and more living-like vampiric strain. Dampirs in Valachan belongs to the Vyrolakian's line, Vyrolakas being the less living-like of the Vampires. Dampirs tend to blend in the society were they live in but in Lazendrak, were they have an unique culture based around being able to live both night and day.

Ezekian Dampir Racial Traits:
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Dampir)
Speed: 30 Feet
Ability Score Adjustements:+2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution.
Senses: Darkvision 120 Feet
Sharp Fangs:Your bite is a natural weapon, you inflict 1d4 damage +your strenght modifier with it
Sharp Senses: Perception is always a class skill for you and you gain a +4 racial bonus.
Shrewed Tongue:You can use your Intelligent modifier in place of your Charisma modifier for Deception, Diplomacy and Intimidate Skill checks.
Spell Resistence: 5+your Character level. It does not activate against inocuos spells.
Undead Healing:You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy.
Languages: You speak Common (Baloki), Lazendraki (Baloki) and Nightspeech. Bonus Language: Any non secret.
Favoured Class: Alchimist

Nosferatian Dampir Racial Traits:
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Dampir)
Speed: 30 Feet
Ability Score Adjustements:+2 Strengh, +2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence.
Senses:Darkvision 120 Feet
Sharp Fangs:Your bite is a natural weapon, you inflict 1d4 damage +your strenght modifier with it
Fearful appearence:You have +2 to intimidate Checks and every time you you use an Intimidate Check to demoralize someone in combat, the shaken condition lasts 1 round per your Charisma Modifier.
Spell Resistence: 5+your Character level. It does not activate against inocuos spells.
Undead Healing:You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy.
Languages: You speak Common (Baloki), Invidian and Nightspeech. Bonus Language: Any non secret.
Favoured Class: Fighter.

Obirian Dampir Racial Traits:
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Dampir)
Speed: 40 Feet
Ability Score Adjustements:+2 Dexterity. +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution.
Senses:Darkvision 60 Feet
Sharp Fangs:Your bite is a natural weapon, you inflict 1d4 damage +your strenght modifier with it
Escape Master: You have a +2 Bonus to Escape Artist Checks, and you low of 5 the DC of any attempt you makes. If the DC is reduced to 5 or less you authomathically succed.
Spell Resistence: 5+your Character level. It does not activate against inocuos spells.
Undead Healing:You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy.
Languages:Common (Baloki), Darkonian (Sanguinian) and Nightspeech. Bonus language: Any non secret.
Favoured Class: Rogue.

Vyrolakian Dampir Racial Traits:
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Dampir)
Speed: 30 Feet
Ability Score Adjustements: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
Senses:Darkvision 60 feet, Scent 30 feet.
Sharp Fangs:Your bite is a natural weapon, you inflict 1d4 damage +your strenght modifier with it
Hunt Master: You have a +4 Bonus to Perception Checks, and you can use Perception instead of Survival to follow tracks.
Spell Resistence: 5+your Character level. It does not activate against inocuos spells.
Undead Healing:You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy.
Languages:Common (Baloki), Nightspeech and Valachani. Bonus language: Any non secret.
Favoured Class:Ranger

Zarovichan Dampir Racial Traits:
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Dampir)
Speed: 30 Feet
Ability Score Adjustements: +2 Strenght, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom.
Senses:Darkvision 60 feet.
Sharp Fangs:Your bite is a natural weapon, you inflict 1d4 damage +your strenght modifier with it
Disguise Master You can cast Disguise Self 3 Times a day, using your character level as your Caster Level.
Spell Resistence: 5+your Character level. It does not activate against inocuos spells.
Undead Healing:You are healed by negative energy and harmed by positive energy.
Languages:Common (Baloki), and Nightspeech. Bonus language: Any non secret.
Favoured Class:Bard

Dwarves (Copper Dwarves, Stone Dwarves)
Dwarves originate from the island of Bluetspur in the Sea of Sorrows, they ran from the threat of the Illithids and initially settled in the Montains of southern Darkon, back in the Age of Empires. Then they separated in two different peoples, traditionalist Stone Dwarves and business oriented Copper Dwarves. Stone Dwarves settled in Darkon, with relevant enclaves in Tepest, Sithicus, Lamordia, Barovia, Borca, Zherisia, Collodi and Zeindost. Copper Dwarves formed smaller comunities all around the Core. Stone Dwarves are the classical Dwarves, big bearded, stoic, proud, reserved miners, crafters and builders. Copper Dwarves are more easy-going, risk-taking fast talking merchants and mercenaries, with shorter, trimmed beards, lousier tongues, and quicker feet. Dwarves can live up to 5 centuries.

Copper Dwarf Racial Traits:
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Dwarf)
Speed: 25 Feet
Ability Score Adjustements:+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom.
Senses:Darkvision: You can see in darkness up to 60 feet.
Guile: Bluff and Diplomacy are always a class skill for you , and you have a +2 Bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy Checks.
Tradecunning: you know approximately the real value of any item you are purchasing or selling unless it is altered by magic; you also have a bonus of 4 to any appraise Skill Check.
Healthy:You have a bonus of +2 against Poison and Disease
Free Walker You ignore difficult terrain due to trenchs, rocks and mud.
Stability: You receive a +4 racial bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Weapon Familiarity: You are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: You speak Dwarfish and Common. Bonus Languages: Any non secret.
Favoured Class: Bard.

Stone Dwarves Racial Traits:
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Dwarf)
Speed: 20 feet; Your speed never get reduced by your armor or encoumber.
Ability Score Adjustements:+2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
Senses:Darkvision: You can see in darkness up to 60 feet.
Defensive Training: You get a +4 dodge bonus to their AC against monsters of the Aberration Type.
Greed: you receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hatred: You receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against creatures of the Aberration type
Hardy:You receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability: You receive a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
Stonecunning: You receive a +2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. You receive a check to notice any such features that they pass within 10 feet of, whether or not they are actively looking.
Languages:You speak Common (Baloki) and Dwarvish. Bonus languages, Borcan, Collodian, Darkonese, Elvish (Neblionese and Sithican), Gnomish, Lamordian, Zeindostein, Zherisian.
Favoured Class: Artificer.

Elves (Dusk Elves, Mist Elves)
Elves are one of the oldest races in the Core, being around since the first days of the Age of Creation. The two most common lines of Elves in the Core are the Dusk Elves of the Shadow Forrest and of Sithicus ( living in Barovia, too) and the Mist Elves of Darkon and Nidala. Olive-skinned, dark haired and tall Dusk Elves are the most proud of their traditions, and they are reluctant to integrate in human society. They still see humans as interlopters and they are fiercely independent.Pale, Fair haired, blue eyed and slightly shorter Mist Elves, while still proud, have accepted that their time as rulers of the Core is ended. They think that human ingenuity brings new ideas their somewhat stagnant culture sorely needs. While Dusk Elves are still tied to places of natural power, Mist Elves have developed an unique urban culture. Many human cultures distrusts elves for their ties with the Fey Realm. Dusk elves can leave up to 7 centuries, while Mist elves up to 12.

Dusk Elf Racial traits
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid(Elf)
Speed: 30 feet
Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Costitution.
Senses Twilight Vision, you see twice better than a human in conditions of Low Visibility, like moon light, starlight, and torch light. When you are Ten feet from an hidden door, you automatically roll a Perception Check. You have a +4 Bonus to Perception Checks.
Weapon Proficiency You are proficient with Longsword, Short sword, Short Bow and Long Bow.
Woodland Stride You ignore penalties for difficult terrain in natural forrest terrains. You also do not leave tracks on those terrains.
Sleepless You do not need to sleep, only needing 4 hours of vigil trance ( in which you are still conscious of your surroundings) to rest your body. You are immune to the Sleep spell and to Paralisis.
Languages: Common(Baloki) and Elvish ( Sithican). Bonus Languages: Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Sylvan, Terran, Treant.
Favoured Class: Ranger.

Mist Elf Racial traits
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid(Elf)
Speed: 30 feet
Ability Score Adjustments: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Costitution.
Senses Twilight Vision, you see twice better than a human in conditions of Low Visibility, like moon light, starlight, and torch light. When you are Ten feet from an hidden door, you automatically roll a Perception Check. You have a +4 Bonus to Perception Checks.
Weapon Proficiency You are proficient with Longsword and Long Bow.
Magic Familiarity Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft are always clas skill for you, you are always treated as trained in those two skills, and you gain a + 2 racial Bonus to both Skill Checks. You have a +2 bonus on Saving throws against Spells and Spell-like abilities.
Sleepless You do not need to sleep, only needing 4 hours of vigil trance ( in which you are still conscious of your surroundings) to rest your body. You are immune to the Sleep spell and to Paralisis.
Languages: Common(Baloki) and Elvish ( Neblionese). Bonus Languages:Darkonese, Draconic, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Halfling, Lamordian, Nidalash, Okrainan, Treant.
Favoured Class: Wizard.

Gnomes: Hill, Thorne

A mysterious folk of Small, philosophical humanoids tied to the fey and the Elf Lords od the Shadow Forrest, Hill Gnomes are a people of artisan and tinkerer, who usually prefer the company of their own families and close friends. Thorne Gnomes , also called Spriggans, are often seen as malicious and cruel tricksters, but in truth they are usually a threath only for those who try to bully them. Hill Gnomes are prevalently found in Darkon, the Shadow Forrest, in Nidala or in Tepest, while Thorne Gnomes are found in Collodi, Sithicus and in the Shadow Forrest. Gnomes can live up to 400 years.

Hill Gnomes Racial Traits
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Gnome)
Speed: 20 feet.
Senses: Low-Light Vision: you can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Ability Score Adjustments:+2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength
Defensive Training: You get a +4 dodge bonus to your AC against monsters of the Fey type.
Gnome Magic: You add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist illusion spells that you cast. If you have a Charisma Score of 11 or higher you also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, and speak with animals. The caster level for these effects is equal to your character level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your Charisma modifier.
Illusion Resistance: You get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusion spells or effects.
Tinkerer You have a +2 racial bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand Checks.
Keen Senses: You receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Obsessive: You receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of your choice.
Weapon Familiarity: You treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages:You can speak Common(Baloki), Gnomic, and Sylvan. Bonus languages: Darkonese, Dwarven, Elvish, Goblin, Lamordian, Nidalan and Orchish.
Favoured Class: Bard.

Thorne Gnomes Racial Traits
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Gnome)
Speed: 20 feet.
Senses: Low-Light Vision: you can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Ability Score Adjustments:+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength
Defensive Training: You get a +4 dodge bonus to their AC against monsters of the Fey type.
Enchantment Resistance: You get a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
Hatred:You get +1 racial bonus on attck rolls on humanoid of the Elf and Human
Keen Senses: Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Spriggan Magic: You add 1 to the DCs of any saving throws to resist enchantment spells that you cast. If you have a Charisma Score of 11 or higher you also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—Charme, Enlarge People , Ghost Sounds. The caster level for these effects is equal to your character level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + your Charisma modifier.
Powerfull Build You are considered one size larger for any purpose which advantages you.
Weapon Familiarity: You are proficient with rapiers and you treat any weapon with the word “gnome” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages:You can speak Common(Baloki), Gnomic, and Sylvan. Bonus languages: Collodian, Darkonese, Dwarven, Elvish, Goblin, Lamordian, Nidalan, Orchish, Sithican.
Favoured Class: Rogue

Children of two words Half Elves sometime are bridges between the two cultures, sometime they are not welcomed in either. Half-Mist elves tend to lighter colours, Half-Dusk Elves tend to darker ones. They are diffused in every land wher humans and elves cohabits. Half-Elves can live up to 2 centuries.

Half-Elves Racial Traits:
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Speed: 30 feet
Ability Score Adjustements:
Senses:Twilight Vision, you see twice better than a human in conditions of Low Visibility, like moon light, starlight, and torch light. . You have a +2 Bonus to Perception Checks.
Skillfull Mediator: You have a +2 Bonus to every Diplomacy Check.
Languages:You speak Common and Elvish (Sithican if you are Half Dusk, Neblionese, if you are half-Mist). Bonus languages: Any non Secret. .
Favoured Class::Any.

Halflings , Busyhand, Finfoot
Halflings, the little folk came with the Humans from the Amber Reaches, after the fall of the Olympian empire they dispersed along the major river and most fertile plains of the Core, like the Vuchar, Musarde, Zerkalnaja, Drochar and Nharov. Two branches of the Halfling people emerged then, agricule Busyhand Halflings and fishing Finfoot Halflings. The biggest Halfling communities are the Finfoot ones which live in the coast of Sithicus and the Busyhand one who lives around and in the city of Rivalis and in the Plain of the Vuchar. The first pay homage to the Elf king of Sithicus, but are relatively autonomous, left to manage the coast and the trade along the mouth of the Musarde river. The second is the backbone of Darkonese agriculture. However, often the two lines live together. Halfling average lifespan is 120 years.

Busyhand Halfling Racial Traits:
Type (Subtype): Humanoid (Halfling)
Speed: 20 feet, you are never slowed down by armor or encoumber.
Ability Score Adjustements: +2 Dexterity,+2 Constitution, -2 Strenght
Senses: Normal vision.
Stone Thrower: You can throw stones without penalties substituting your Dexterity modifier to your Strenght modifier to the damage rolls, (1d3)
Halfling Health: You receive a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws.
Keen Senses: Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Skilled Hands: You receive a +2 racial bonus to one Craft and one Profession skill of your choise.
Weapon Familiarity: You are proficient with all slings and treat any weapon with the word “halfling” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: You speak Common (Baloki) and Halfling. Bonus Languages: Darkonese, Elvish (Neblionese and Sithican), Lamordian.
Favoured Class:Fighter

Finfoot Halfling Racial Traits:
Size: Small
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Halfling)
Speed: 20 feet, you also have a 20 feet Swim Speed. You also have a +8 Bonus to Swim Checks.
Ability Score Adjustements:+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strenght.
Senses:Twilight Vision, you see twice better than a human in conditions of Low Visibility, like moon light, starlight, and torch light.
Fearless: You receive a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by halfling luck.
Halfling Luck: You receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Keen Senses: You receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Sure-Footed: You receive a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks.
Languages: Common and Halfling, Bonus Language: Any not secret.
Favoured Class: Rogue.

Humans (Caliban, Regular, Vistani Blooded)
Humans are the most common race in the Core Continent; They are a large majority in almost all the nations from Okraina in the far North, to Zeindost in the deep South; Humans can be roughtly divided in three. Rhere are the Regular Humans, divided furtherly mainly in five large ethno-linguistic groups, Baloki, Terg, Lamordian, Zherisian and Akiri (plus minorities as Forfarian and Akashi). There are the Vistani, divided in 13 Tasques (Clans). Vistani are prevalently nomad but there are exception. Each tasque have its own preferences. Invidia however, is a land routinely visited by every Vistani no matter her Tasque, at least thrice in their lifetime. It holds the ancient Vistani Homeland, and the holy city of Endari Koora. Both Human and Vistani age at the same pace.Finally theare are the Calibans.Calibans are called freaks by someone, next step of human evolution by others, Calibans are believed by most to be all botn deformed, but also whith gifts to compensate it; there are many calibans, however which have have been luckier and can hide their nature. Calibans are diffused in all the core, and everywhere they are often scorned and pitied. Some nations are more openminded, like Darkon, some others are really harsh places for them, like Falkovnia. Calibans average lifespan is a decade shorter then humans, with some significant exception.

Caliban Racial Traits:
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype):Humanoid (Human, Caliban)
Speed: 30 feet
Ability Score Adjustements:you can choose one Ability Score; that Ability Score increases by 2. Your Choise will determinate the list which you may choose your Caliban feature from .
Senses:Darkvision, You can see in Darkness, black and White up to 60 feet.
Caliban Features:(you choose one item in the ability gtoup you decided to get a bonus to.
Strength: Bite*(1d6 + Strength Modifier, +1,5 x Strenght Modifier if used as the only attack in the round) ,Burrower*(you have a Burrow speed of 20 feet and you can use an action to create a stable tunnel.) Claws* (1d4 + 1/2 Strenght Modifier, secondary attacks) Gore*(1d6 + Strenght Modifier, Double Damage if used at the end of a charge), Inhuman Strenght (You are considered two size larger to lift and carry, and you roll twice when you roll a Combat Manouver Check based on Strenght and you can keep the highter result) Knock-Out (You have the Improved Trip Feat, when you confirm a Crical Hit you can attempt to Trip your opponent as a quick action), Powerful Build*(You are considered one size larger wherever it would be advantageous for you), Strong Legs * (You can use your strenght modifier for Acrobacy Skill to Jump instead than your Dexterity modifier and you can Jump without a running start without doubling the DC) Tail* (1d6 + Strength Modifier, +1,5 x Strenghth Modifier if used as the only attack in the round, you have 5 feet bonus to your reach to this Attack), Tear Apart (You have the Improved Sunder Feat, and you inflicts 50% more damage to objects), Tentacle*(You have a Slam attack as a secondary attack, 1d4+1/2 Strength Modifier, you have also the Improved Grapple Feat, and you can grapple as a quick action if you confirm a Critical hit with this attack) , Unstoppable(You have the Improved Bull Rush feat and you can initiate a Bull Rush manouver as quick action if you confirm a critical hit. You have also a +5 bonus when you attempt to break throught doors or walls) Vestigial Arm.* (You have an extra arm, strong but unsuited to wield weapons or precision manupulation. You can use it to wield a shield draw an item or cast a spell. If you have this arm free you have a +4 bonus to any Strenght Based combat manouver)

Dexterity: Agile Build*(You are considered one size smaller for everything which would be an advantage to you), Extra Joints*(You have the Improved Grapple Feat, you also decrease by 5 the difficult class of every Escape Artist Check), Flexible*(You can shrink yourself to fit in a space twice smaller then you, you can crawl in such space without risking to get stuck and ignore penalities to check you makethtought small openings), Inhuman Agility(You are considered two times smaller to benefit from cover, pass over surface or throught small spaces, you are also able to pass throught the space of any creature at least larger than you and you ignore up to two additional enemies to Acrobatics Checks to avoid opportunity attacks moving in theatened spaces) , Long Fingers*(You don't take penalties to Disable Device checks for not having the proper tools, and you have the Improved Disarm feat), Long Legs* (Your base speed increase of 5 feet, and you can make a 10 feet free step as a movement action instead of a 5 Feet one) , Monkey Paws*(You have a Climbing Speed of 30 feet, if you are not wearing shoes you do not need free hands to climb), Prehensile Tail*(You can use your tail to pick things out your backpack and to do a Sleight of Hands check as a quick action, you also have the Improved Trip Feat, and you can do a Trip Manouver Check as a quick action when you confirm a critical hit, you use your dexterity in your Trip Manouver checks.), Ricocheting (You can attempt an Acrobatics Check DC 15 as an opportunity action to half your fall damage, to istantly get up when falling prone, to make a jump when you have fell at least 3 Feet like you had a running startm and to ustantly move upto half your speed when you are pushed against a solid surface) , Small Tentacles* (You have the Improved Steal feat, and you can attempt a steal Manouver as a free action when you confirm a Critical Hit), Soft Steps(You do not get a penalty to Stealth checks when you move at your regular speed and you give a +10 to every DC ofperception checks tohear you move), Uncatchable (You have a +4 bonus against any attempt to restrain, slow down, paralize or immobilize you, and the Improved Grapple Feat. When you Grapple to free yourself you can use your Dexterity modifier.) Vestigial Wings* ( You can Glide up to your base speed. Good manouvrability. No fall damage, Fly is always a class skill)

Constitution: Big Lungs*( You can hold your breath up a number of round equal to 4 times your constitution score) , Extra Fat*,(You have Damage Reduction 1 and Cold Resistence 5) Gills* (You are anphibious, and you have a Swim Speed equal to your ground Speed) Hunp*(You can stay without food one month +1 week x Constutution Score and water for one week +3 days per Constitution Score and you are umbothered by hight temperatures up to 122°F). Inhuman Resistence (You are seen as two size larger to determine if you risk to die for Massive Damage you have 1 HP bonus, and once per day you can decide either to ignore a condition after a failed Fortitude Saving Throw but not characteristic Damage, or stay at 1 HP after you took damage who would drop you to 0 or less HP) , Large and Strong Stomach*(You are immune to the sickened condition, and you have a +5 Bonus against ingested Poison and intestinal diseases), Preternatural Health(You are immune to 1 disease id your choise per Constirurion Modifier) , Roaring Rage(You can go in a state of Rage 1xday, You get a +1 to Hit Rolls and Damage Rolls, and a number of temporary HP equal to your total HD. You can't use Feats and Skills based on Dexteriy, except Acrobatics, Ride, and Escape Artist, Skill based on Intelligence, Wisdom, except for Perception and Charisma except for Intimidate. You can add Constitution to your Intimidate Bonus, and your Rage lasts 1 Round + 1 for Constitution Modifier) , Thick Skin*(You have a+2 Natural Armor Bonus and you reduce by 10 any Swarm damage), Tireless (You do not need to sleep more then four Hour every night, and you recover fromFatigue and Exahustation with one hour rest or half the required time if less the one hour, and you can keep doing tiring activities for 1 hour per your Constitution Score), Toxic*(You have a +5 bonus against wound and contact poison, and if you are bitten you are poisonous, forcing the biter to a fortitude ST DC=to 10 Half your HD+ your Constitution Modifier, or getting 1d4 Constitution Damage for 5 Round, 1 Succes cures; you can also use your blood as a wound poison, applying it on a piercing or on a slashing weapon inflicting yourself 1 HP of damage, it last until you hit or for a minute) Vitality (You can ignore a number of negative levels equal to your Constitution Modifier, but you still die if they equals you level, you automatically remove one negative level every 24 hours, you also reduce by 5 Negative Energy damage) Youthful (You don't look your real age and you do not get the regular penalties for aging up, while bonus still stack. You still die when you hit your maximum age)

Intelligence: Battlefield Analyst(You istantly knows the rought strenght difference of you and your enemies, once for encounter with a succesful Intelligence Check DC 10+2 for every enemy you can seen you can elaborate an effective battle strategy, gaining a +2 to either AC, Saving Throws or attack for one minute against all the enemies. You choose how many of the foes you see you decide to include in this effect, adjusting the DC consquentially), Big Head*(You are immune to the stunned and dazed conditions, you have a natural slam attack on which you substititute your Intelligence modifier to your Strenght Modifier to Hit rolls, if you hit you inflicts 1d4 +Intelligence modifier damage ) , Eidetic Memory (You automatically remember trivial knowledge bits (CD 10) in Knowlege abilities you have ranks into, you can't loose your way in a maze, you automathically pass any Intelligence check to recall information you have acquired in the last month, and you have a +2 bonus to any check for older memories) ) Illithid Brained *(You are conscious of any part of your body and you can substitute your intelligence modifier to your Constitution ability modifier when you make a Fortitude saving throw, or a Constitution Check. You also do not need to sleep when you take a long rest) , Mind Theather (You can analyze any location in your mind noticing and examinating every detailand forseeing consequnces of your action). You substitute Intelligence Modifier to your Wisdom Modifier in perception checks, you do not risk to activate a trap of you fail a Disable Device check of 5 of more), Prodigious Knowledge(Choose 1 Knowledge Skill per Intelligence modifier, in those skills you count as having ranks and you have a +2 Bonus to those checks. You gain a +4 Cognitive bonus to Hit Rolls against Creatures of a determinate Type if you pass the required Knowlege Check in one of a Knowledge category you selected), Quick Study, (You can make Knowledge checks as a quick action. You can also learn how a Trap or a Magical device works with a succesful Knowledge: Arcana, and Knowledge : Engineering Skill Check, and a fail of 5 of more do not activate the trap) Scarily Smart: *(you may substitute your intelligence modifier to your Charisma Modifier in Intimidate checks, you can also roll on Knowledge: Arcana, Dungeon,History, Nature, Planes or Religion, instead then Intimidate.), Telepathic Mind (You can talk telepathically with any creature you are sharing a language with, up to ten minutes per Intelligence modifier) Telekinesis(You can telekinetically move objects in a distance up to 30 feet as a standrd action, using your Intelligence Score as your Strenghts Score to calculate how much you can move. You can use this ability also to initiate a combat manover with -4 penalty in the reach, or use tools with the same penalties. This ability can beinterrupted like a spell, and you use Intelligence to your Concentration roll) Tongue Gifted(You can choose 2 bonus languages for Intelligence Modifier, You authomatically pass any Linguistic check to decypher a scropt in a non-secret language, and you can communicate simple concepts with any being speaking or understanding a language) , Two-headed*(You can Roll Will Saves, Appraise Checks, Concentration Checks, Knowledge Checks and Spellcraft Checks Twice and keep the highter result. You can also add your intelligence bonus against mind-influence effects and to initiative), Unnatural Intelligence: (Detect Thoughts always reckognize you as genius intellect level and the spellcaster need to pass a Will ST DC 10+1/2 your character level + your Intelligence modifier, or he can't decodify your thoughts nor pinpoint your position; you can use any Intelligence based skill without ranks even if it would require training, and the DCs of such skill checks are lessened by 5),

Wisdom: Bat Ears*(You have the Alertness feat,the difficult classes for any Perception Checks based on hearing deminish by five, you automathically woke up from natural sleep with a noise, you can double the range you can make Perception Checks with hearing) Dog Nose:*(You have the Alertness feat and the scent ability), Empathy(You percieve emotions in 30 feet range, and strong emotions in a 60 feet range. You can determine the nature of the emotion in a 15 feet range 30 feet for strong emotions, like a barbarian rage and fear inducted by the fear spell, and you do not know the exact position of the source but you can determine it with a move action. you pinpoint the source of the emotion in a 5 feet range ), Fly Eyes* (You only concede a +1 bonus when you are flanked, you have darkvision up 60 feet,and you have a +2 bonus to Initiative Rolls) Healing Touch(Three times a day you can cast Cure Light Wounds, as a Spell-like ability using your character level as your spellcaster level and your Wisdom Score as your spellcasting ability.) , Instinctive(You can substitute your Wisdom Modifier to your Dexterity Modifier to Initiative Rolls, and you have +2 bonus to Initiative and Intuition Rolls), Lizard Tongue*(You have an elongable tongue, you have +2 Bonus to Perception Rolls and you can percieve sizeable changes in temperature in a 30 feet range, working like scent, and climate in the space of an hour) , Third Eye* (You have a +4 bonus on Perception Rolls, and you have a 25% chance to percieve ethereal creature or invisible creatures. If you do, that creature do not catch you flat-footed. You also roll twice any chance to miss due to ethereal-based effects, invisibility or concealing.)Tremorsensitive skin (You have tremorsense up to 30 feet, you can also use it when you bare hands touch a surface. You have a +2 Bonus on Perceptionand afurther +2 when you look for traps. )Unnatural Wisdom(You istinctively knows the rought difference of level between you and another character. You also cannot be fooled by minor illusions (Level 0 or 1), and have a +2 Bonus at Saving Throws against illusions) Void Mind(You are immune to any effect which detect thoughs, and you have a +4 bonus to any ST agains mind influence effect) , White Eyed*, (You are considered blind to all adverse effects which need to be seen to affect you. You still are completly aware of anything in a 30 feet range and you still see anything outside the range, but you need to concentrate on it.) Wild Mind (You have a +5 bonus against mind-influence effects and once a day you can choose to act like you are affected by a confusion spell with these differences: instead then attacking a casual target or your allies, you aid your ally giving them a + 4 bonus to their next attack, or you get it if you can attack an enemy; when you would harm yourself you instead get +4 bonus to AC and ST until the beginning of your next turn, and when you would just babble you instead move in the most advantageous of the positions, without getting opportunity attacks. If you act normally you have no bonuses. If you are afflicted by a confusion effect you can choose to be affected by this effect instead. It last one round x Character Level+1 per Wisdom Modifier)

Charisma: Animal Head*(You choose an animal group, you can talk with animals of that group, and any anumal of that group have its starter attitude on you improved of 1. You also have a +2 in Animal Handling Checks), Filthy *(Your appearance and smell distracts your opponent which get a penalty equally to your Charisma Modifier to any Deception, Insight or Intimidate Check , and any creature with the Scent ability in a range of 30 feet needs to pass a Fortitude ST DC=10+1/2 your HDs +your Charisma Modifier or get sickened for 1d4 round and loose the scent ability for 1 hour. A success means the target won't be influenced again by this ability for one hour) Faceless*(Your regular face is devoid of traits, which increase by your Charisma Modifier the DC of any Intelligence check any attempt to reckognize or describe you and you have a+2 bonus to any Disguise Check)Fearful Appearance*(You have +2 to intimidate Checks and every time you you use an Intimidate Check to demoralize someone in combat, the shaken condition lasts 1 round per your Charisma Modifier), Forked Tongue (You have a +2 Bonus at Deception Checks, you also apply your modifier of Charisma as a malus to any opponent who can hear you Sense Motive Check) Gifted Artist(You havea +1 Bonus in all Perform Checks, you istinctively knows how any form of art work. You are also innately alphabethized) Hypnoeyes*(Every opponent able to see you get a penalty to their Will Save throws equal to your Charisma, unless they avert thir eyes, and once a day as a Spell-like ability you can cast Command. Your Spellcaster Level is Equal to your Character Level, and DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your HD+your Charisma Modifier) illusionist (You have a +2 Bonus to Disguise Checks, you can cast Ghost Sound ThreeTimes a day and Disguse Self once a day, SL=CL and DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your HD+your Charisma Modifier. You also impose any opponent able to see or hear you a penalty to their will save to doubt illusions equal to your Charisma modifier.)Kinesis (At will, As a standard action, you can lift things like an invisible hand with a strength equal to your Charisma Score, in a 30 feet range, allowing you to aperate by that distance with a -2 penalty to the check,you can also inflict damage using weapons you are a competent with with a -2 penalty, or you can attack with a ranged attack with a bonus equal to your Bonus Base Attack+your Charisma Modifier wich inflicts 1d4 +your Charisma Modifier Force damage) Magic Expertise(You have a+2 Bonus on Use Magic Device Checks, you authomathically succeed in Use Magic Device Checks to use Wands with spells you have already succesfully used once, you can make Use Magic Device and Spellcraft checks even if you have no ranks in it, and you substitute your Charisma Modifier to your Intelligence Modifier in Spellcraft Checks)Silver Tongue,( The starting attitude of any creature with an intelligence score in your regards improve by one, you get a +2 bonus to Diplomacy Checks and you can make Diplomacy Checks in one round increasing the DC by 5 and not by 10 )Undead Appearence*( Non intelligent Undead do not attack you if you do not attack them first, and you have a +1 Bonus to any check to influence intelligent undead. You have resistence to negative energy equal to your charisma modifier) Unnatural Charme, (You improve authomatically by 2 the starting attitude of any creature with an intelligence score. You also ignore any circumstantial penalty for Deception, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks)
*This feature is a visible mutation/deformity.
Languages: Common + another one on your choise.
Favoured Class: any.

Regular Human Racial Traits
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid(Human)
Speed: 30 feet
Ability Score Adjustments: +2 to one Ability Score of your choise.
Senses:Normal Vision.
Skilled:+1 Skill Rank for Hit Dice
Talented: Bonus Feat at Level 1.
Languages: Common(Baloki). Bonus Languages: Any non secret.
Favoured Class: Any, you can choose any class as your favourite

Vistani-Blooded Human Racial Traits
Size: Medium
Type (Subtype): Humanoid ( Human, Vistani-Blooded)
Speed: 30 feet
Ability Score Adjustment: Depends on yor Tasque( see below)
Senses: Normal Vision.
Favoured Class: depends on your Tasque ( see below)
Skilled: Depends on your Tasque see below.
Bonus Feat:You must choose beetween two feats: Mistwalker, or True Seer.
A Vistani Blooded character with the Mistwalker feat has the 20% more possibility to be victim of the Lunatio Curse which strikes 50 % of Vistani blooded people every 15 years after their birth.
A Vistani Blooded with the True Seer feat increaseas of 20 % the possibility of being noticed by the Mists.
Evil Eye: You can Cast one of the following spells 3 time a day plus their spellcaster ability modifier (choose one between Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma): Bane, Daze, Misfortune. DC: 12+1/2 character hit dice+ chosen ability modifier. (Sp)
Curse of Vengeance: once per day a you can lay a Curse of Vengeance on a subject who wronged them (DC 12+1/2 hit dice+chosen spellcaster ability modifier) (Su)
Tasque You belongs to one of the 13 Tasques, the Vistani Clans, each tasque gives +2 Bonus in one ability score and to two skills which are always class skill for the character.

Canjar You are one of the misteryous Canjar Vistana, master of divination and hoarder of secrets.
+2 Int, +2 Knowledge (Arcana) +2 Spellcraft. Favored Class: Wizard.

Corvara You are one of the infamous Corvara Vistana, quick of hand and always ready to partake a fat Giorgio ( Non-Vistani Human) from its purse.
+2 Dex, +2 Sleight of Hand, +2 Stealth. Favored Class: Rogue.

Equaar You are an Equaar Vistana, a natural handler and breeder of animals.
+2 Cha, +2 Animal Handling, +2 Knowledge Nature. Favored Class: Ranger.

Giorag You are a Giorag Vistana, an explorer and wanderer who loves travelling and meet new people.
+2 Con, +2 Escape Artist, +2 Survival. Favored Class: Ranger.

Kamii You are a Kamii Vistana, a craftmaster, innovator and tinkerer.
+2 Int, +2 Craft (Any), +2 Profession (Any) Favored Class: Artificer.

Kulshev You are a Kulshev Vistana, a brave and altruistic hard-worker, always ready to lend an hand.
+2 Str, +2 Climb, +2 Diplomacy. Favored Class: Paladin.

Lefaire You are a grim and feared Lefaire Vistana, always ready to dish out your brand of justice, but always abiding to your word.
+2 Dex, +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive. Favored Class: Hunter.

Mortu You are a Mortu Vistana, feared for your premonition and your devotion to protect the eternal rest of your people.
+2 Wis, +2 Knowledge (History), +2 Perception. Favored Class: Cleric.

Najat You are a Najat Vistana, you are the musicians and the storytellers of your people.
+2 Cha, +2 Linguistic, +2 Perform (Any). Favored Class: Bard

Vaatraska You are a Vaatraska Vistana, your hands are hands of healer, and you know the secrets of herbs and other ingredients.
+2 Wis, + 2 Craft (Alchemy), +2 Heal. Favored Class: Alchemist.

Vehrtieg You are one of the despised Vehrtieg Vistani you are more at ease between the Giorgios, then among other Vistani, and you are master in disguise and deception.
+2 Cha, + 2 Bluff, +2 Disguise. Favored Class: Slayer.

Xellinth You are one of the Xellinth Vistana, you are hungry of informations and your tongue and your pen free the truth wherever it is imprisoned.
+2 Int, +2 Bluff, +2 Perform (Oratory). Favored Class: Investigator.

Zarovan You are one of the Zarovan Vistana, the misterious self proclaimed Vistana's royalty.
+2 Int, +2 Spellcraft, +2 Use Magical Device. Favored Class: Sorcerer.

Languages:You can speak Common and Vistani. Bonus Languages: Any non secret.
as always Feedback is welcome.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1154
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: Races of the Mistworld (Core)

Post by Mistmaster »

So my fellows of the fraternity, any opinion on my last work?
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