Servants of Darkness is next IMC

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Servants of Darkness is next IMC

Post by Joël of the FoS »

The players are now busy playing in Har Akir but there are about 3-4 sessions there and then it will be time to move on to something else.

So I was thinking to go to the Servants of Darkness / Shadow Rift arc. Been a while since I added feys to my campaign, now I want to go full throttle with this.

I will also add the 3e era material of course : NPCs, places, atmospherics.

And level will be adapted (from 4-6 as original adventure to the PC’s current level of 8-9). Meaning more powerful Inquisition forces.

Now that will be special for one of the players, the cleric Petrak. First, he was born with the Redhead feat (given at the time of the PC creation, in 2003. He chose Produce Flame for the free spell). In his background, he wrote that his parents were killed by goblins. But, also early in the campaign, he learned that he has a sister.

Session 5 (played in 2004), in Vincenzo’s House of the Mist in Evil Eye: “Petrak sees a similar scene, a very large barbarian goblyn emerges from the mists and attacks him (Petrak’s family was decimated by goblins). Petrak slays the creature and is struck with a new certitude: he has a sister somewhere. It is a surprise as he thought that the whole family except him was dead.”

Those are seeds I added nearly 20 years ago in real time but now they will be added to the story!

Now, to Servants of Darkness. Some parts are great, some others meh, or I think it will not work as written with my players.

Let’s go with a short wrap up of the adventure.

Scene 1 Intro – goblin attack, meet Ivan – OK, won’t change much.
Goblins will have fighter levels.

Scene 2 Viktal – OK, won’t change much, very good stuff here. Petrak is red headed and that will make the town people suspicious at first.
I will enrich the superstition side of the locals. Inquisition will be paranoid and xenophobic (they are deluded good people).

But I’ll make it that Bryonna is Petrak’s sister (He is 25, Bryonna is 18). Bryonna will be red head. When the goblins attacked Petrak’s family in the wood, he was the only survivor as he hid in the woods. He was about 6-7 years old. He believes the rest of the family was killed, but her young baby sister was brought by one of the goblins for a later snack. But this goblin was killed by a ranger which I will introduce later.
Other than her being red head too, Petrak will have no clues to learn by now that Bryonna is his sister.

Scene 3 is traveling between Viktal to Kellee – no change.

Scene 4 – Kellee, few change.

Loebe was a friend of Petrak’s father. He will mention his name when he speaks of Bryonna, and that will make Petrak understand who Bryonna is. Loebe raised Bryonna with his wife (who died a few years ago, one of the reason Loebe’s angry isolationist demeanor).
Marla the Weaver – no change. Will make her highly antipathic.

Scene 5 – in the adventure, they go meet Rima the vistana. That is a part I do not like much as written. I agree with the critics who said “oh, another mysterious vistani giving away what they need to know”. And I think the players would have trouble traveling to Castle Island with an undead (Aroun the geist), won’t work with my players.

So I was thinking to replace Rima with a well known NPC who might fit. I thought of Ermintrude the hag. She was the one who heard the baby cry in the forest and rescued Bryonna and killed the remaining goblins. But she didn’t have the time to raise a child so she found Leobe and his wife, and they raised her.

Ermintrude wants to help Bryonna and she hates the Three Sisters, so that make sense I think for her being in the adventure.
I need a reason to go to scene 6, if not it will be deleted from the adventure. Perhaps a book is to be found there, or a person with relevant information was last seen going to the island.

Scene 6 – Castle Island. I feel this is a cheap one trick pony adventure. The Lady of the Lake as a minor darklord has an extended background in 3e, but it feels like half baked “let’s add details to make it fit” and anyway there’s about no way people can learn about her before going there, and as written she isn’t of the talkative type.

Not sure I’ll keep her if I do not find a right way to make her fit in the story.

Same for the avanc. People go fish on the lake while there is this monster roaming around? Of course.

Also, I really like the idea of adding Jibaro to this campaign arc. Jibaro is a short film from Love Death and Robots, the highly thought of Netflix collection of short movies.

***** SPOILER for the first minute of Jibaro: a group of Inquisition-like men on horses pass near a pond. In this pond is a strange fey that looks cool as
hell: she is studded with trinkets that appears to be precious. The man look at her but then she wails and all men want her for themselves and start to fight.

See that short movie on how the animation was made, you will see her:

A similar fey like creature could be a fun replacement for the Sirine, no?

So they go to the island and find a clue there about what’s going on (a boowray is controlling Lorelei)

Other possible addition (from FoS board): haunts / ghosts of past victims of the lord of Castle Island. And bad weather, icy cold waters, and slippery surfaces. PCs with numbed fingers and poor footing cannot fight effectively. Fey creatures and animated plants could be tossed in.

Scene 7 – return to Rima (now Ermintrude) and card reading. Won’t keep that.

They learn that their enemy (the boowray) is invisible and make people do evil thing.

Ermintrude will lead them to the Three Sisters to get the tincture. Her interest in that is learning more about the 3 Hags, which Ermintrude hates.

Scene 8 – 3 sisters, won’t change much, fun as written. Will have to find ways to make them creepy and intimidating (will find fun quotes for them to say)

Scene 9 – back to Viktal to save Bryonna from the flames.

Think odd that the PCs would capture the boowray to make him talk instead of just slay it on the spot? Will have to make sure Wyan intervenes to ask for its capture.

They learn from the boowray that his master wants an item in Wyan’s possession, but nothing more.

Scene 10 – Vistani card reading again? Nope, won’t use that. And will not have Wyan arrive just when the reading is finished to say his magic item was stolen, too much deus ex machina.

So I have to find a way to let them know that the Prince of Shadow is on his way to Keening.

Then, they will learn that from Wyan that someone stole the Eye of Vhaeraun and that Lorelei is missing.

Scene 11 – travel to Keening. OK

Scene 12 – Umbra Caverns. Not sure. I thought Tristessa was mostly alone in her cavern and now it’s crowded 😊 Will redo this part, or skip it if I do
not have an idea that fits.

Scene 13 – Banshee’s temple. OK

Will have to think more about the possible battle there, to make sure the PCs do not derail the story 😊

Scene 14 – Denouement. Trial of Lorelei. OK

And that will lead us to Shadow Rift!

Ideas? comments? Will have sidequests too, if there are any fun ones to add?
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Re: Servants of Darkness is next IMC

Post by kottakinge »

Greetings Joel,
glad to see that your campaign is still running!
I may spoil some of the adventure so if you're a player: *** (edited by Joël) off!

did run Servants of Darkness maybe 10 years ago so my memories are blurry but i remember having great fun running it.
Especially thanks to the Gazetteers about Keening and Tepest.
The adventure can be deadly, not because of the inquisition but because of the encounter with damn powerful NPC (the3 sisters, blackroot, Tristessa, ...)
My PC were high level too when we ran it (7 to 9th level), frankly the main quest is not the most interesting part of the game, i did insert many interactions with NPC like 3 sisters (in scene 8 they forgot to bring them food: 1 PC was charmed then raped, the halfling had to bargain his life when boiling in a large cooking pot and give allegiance to them and the cleric of Ezra was changed into a chicken! ) the avanch' (the beast in the sea near castle island who is a cursed druid from ancient times) and Wyan.
I did not run the shadow rift after that, but another adventure involving a powerful fey of shadow trapped in a tiny domain within Tepest.
The portal to this domain was activated because my PC managed to kill one of the 3 sisters, and the avanch' (who is one the old druid responsible of the trapping of the shadow fey in ancient time) need the PC to eliminate the threat that these shadow fey claim the domain for her.
I can search for my notes if you need more details, contact me by PM.
Yours in Darkness
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Re: Servants of Darkness is next IMC

Post by DustBunny »

Joël of the FoS wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:56 pmSo I was thinking to go to the Servants of Darkness / Shadow Rift arc. Been a while since I added feys to my campaign, now I want to go full throttle with this.
SoD was definitely not one of my favoured modules - way to railroady. :?
I will have to dig it out of storage to do a readthrough, but will try with what I remember what I can...

It's a fair trip from Har Akir to Tepest, especially if they have to stop by Borca to wrap up the Death stone arc and that's before they have to skirt around the Shadow Rift. What would be reason that Ivana would accept to let them out of her sight?
First, he was born with the Redhead feat (given at the time of the PC creation, in 2003. He chose Produce Flame for the free spell).

Reading the feat description mentions Fey ancestry, and the free spell pretty much confirms it. So does Petrak actually have fey ancestry, and if so how would/will other fey react? Also will the various hedge magic 'anti-fey' charms around Tepest (Horseshoe over the door, a saucer of milk outside the door, etc) have a minor effect on him?

For example: Fairy chimes which ring in the presence of fey may tinkle slightly when he passes by. Not as much as a real fey, but enough to have eyebrows raised. And if he shows off 'produce flame' .... well ... I suppose it saves the inquisitors the trouble of having to find matches.
Scene 2 Viktal – OK, won’t change much, very good stuff here. Petrak is red headed and that will make the town people suspicious at first.
I will enrich the superstition side of the locals. Inquisition will be paranoid and xenophobic (they are deluded good people).
Ah the Inquisition - they have always rubbed me the wrong way quite a bit as depicted. The big difference between them and the real world inquisition is that in Tepest you actually do have malevolent fairies at the gates, and sometimes that person really is an evil shapeshifter. Perhaps show that in some cases the Inquisition is actually _right_ sometimes and does some good in protecting people, but this good is outweighed by them being wrong and causing harm - thus stopping them falling into the trap of "Ho-hum another cult of evil lunatics".

Maybe instead of being saved from the gobbos by Ivan, they are saved by the Inquisition who is out looking for Ivan thus at least starting them off with a face rather than the crazy inquisitors they meet in town.

Depending on the PC's actions in the boowray quest, they may actually teach the inquisition that less 'fanatic torch wielding lunatic' and more 'methodical evidence hunter' in their inquisition yields better results, and thus improves the Inquisitors reputation.
Scene 5 – in the adventure, they go meet Rima the vistana. That is a part I do not like much as written. I agree with the critics who said “oh, another mysterious vistani giving away what they need to know”.
No arguments here. Deus-ex-Vistani
Scene 6 – Castle Island. I feel this is a cheap one trick pony adventure. The Lady of the Lake as a minor darklord has an extended background in 3e, but it feels like half baked “let’s add details to make it fit” and anyway there’s about no way people can learn about her before going there, and as written she isn’t of the talkative type.
Agreed. The Lady of the Lake seems like a cheap 'Hey lets throw in some Arthurian stuff because of Fey, hey how about a Siren?. With the Nessie expy, have it like the 'real' one. Sometimes people _do_ see it (those that don't get chomped), but for the most part it is a tale.
So they go to the island and find a clue there about what’s going on (a boowray is controlling Lorelei)
Idly thinking with the lake motif, you could throw in a modified version of Susannah Joson from CotN:Ghosts. Instead of Rafe(?) being a serial killer, he was actually under the spell of the same boowray now sitting on Lorelei's shoulder. Susannah has started appearing and drawing people to the lake is because the boowray has returned. And instead of just laying the Jonon's to rest, they have to retrieve the ring from Rafe's body at the castle (he committed suicide when the boowray revealed its treachery). Thus laying Suzannah to rest and getting in idea of what is going on from Rafe's suicide note.
Scene 8 – 3 sisters, won’t change much, fun as written. Will have to find ways to make them creepy and intimidating (will find fun quotes for them to say)
The three crones from witcher 3. :)
Think odd that the PCs would capture the boowray to make him talk instead of just slay it on the spot? Will have to make sure Wyan intervenes to ask for its capture.
Perhaps when the PC's throw the bottle it briefly stuns it. Or maybe something in the mixture (powdered iron? Fairy ointment?) briefly paralyzes it. Of course they will need a cage, and I doubt they have a microwave on hand like Harry Dresden. :mrgreen:
Will have to think more about the possible battle there, to make sure the PCs do not derail the story
You will also need to work out what the PC's see with the whole 'hearts desire' thing.

But that's enough rambling for now, until I can re-read the module. :gabrielle:
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Re: Servants of Darkness is next IMC

Post by alhoon »

Just in to say: Cool idea with the Jibaro fey in Tepest.
Other than that, your campaign sounds solid, Joel.
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Re: Servants of Darkness is next IMC

Post by Joël of the FoS »

kottakinge wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:38 pmI did not run the shadow rift after that, but another adventure involving a powerful fey of shadow trapped in a tiny domain within Tepest.
Intriguing. What is it? Something you made?
DustBunny wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 10:52 pmSoD was definitely not one of my favoured modules - way to railroady. :?
As written, indeed, but I feel we can make it a sandbox-like adventure like Evil Eye. We need to remove the railroady parts.

To do that, we need to fix the parts that I pinpointed, and replace the vistani parts.
It's a fair trip from Har Akir to Tepest, especially if they have to stop by Borca to wrap up the Death stone arc and that's before they have to skirt around the Shadow Rift. What would be reason that Ivana would accept to let them out of her sight?
Indeed, the hamster’s wheel in my brain is spinning to find that. It could simply be their first assignment as representatives of the Boritsi trade Co.
First, he was born with the Redhead feat (given at the time of the PC creation, in 2003. He chose Produce Flame for the free spell).

Reading the feat description mentions Fey ancestry, and the free spell pretty much confirms it. So does Petrak actually have fey ancestry, and if so how would/will other fey react? Also will the various hedge magic 'anti-fey' charms around Tepest (Horseshoe over the door, a saucer of milk outside the door, etc) have a minor effect on him?
For example: Fairy chimes which ring in the presence of fey may tinkle slightly when he passes by. Not as much as a real fey, but enough to have eyebrows raised.
IMC so far, they met many feys and even went to the Midnight Market without any problem. But thongs could be different in Tepest indeed. He could feel oddly repelled by it, even if it’s only a minor hindrance, indeed. Good idea.
And if he shows off 'produce flame' .... well ... I suppose it saves the inquisitors the trouble of having to find matches.
Well the player never really use dit, and I suspect he forgot about it (caracter creation was 20 years ago 😊 ). So that’s why when they arrive in Viktal the local folks will remind him!

« a red head! », the mother said, when calling back her children to her… could be one of many reminders.
Ah the Inquisition - they have always rubbed me the wrong way quite a bit as depicted. The big difference between them and the real world inquisition is that in Tepest you actually do have malevolent fairies at the gates, and sometimes that person really is an evil shapeshifter. Perhaps show that in some cases the Inquisition is actually _right_ sometimes and does some good in protecting people, but this good is outweighed by them being wrong and causing harm - thus stopping them falling into the trap of "Ho-hum another cult of evil lunatics".
Exactly, LG people, but deluded. You can’t hate them, but you can hate some of their actions.

They’ll be goblin hunters first (so they are useful to town), then fey hunters (deluded).
Maybe instead of being saved from the gobbos by Ivan, they are saved by the Inquisition who is out looking for Ivan thus at least starting them off with a face rather than the crazy inquisitors they meet in town.
Great idea, and it removes another railroady part. They’ll meet Ivan in town, and I’ll change his background to put him in town.
Depending on the PC's actions in the boowray quest, they may actually teach the inquisition that less 'fanatic torch wielding lunatic' and more 'methodical evidence hunter' in their inquisition yields better results, and thus improves the Inquisitors reputation.
Wyan is a reasonable man so indeed it could work that way.
So they go to the island and find a clue there about what’s going on (a boowray is controlling Lorelei)
Idly thinking with the lake motif, you could throw in a modified version of Susannah Joson from CotN:Ghosts. Instead of Rafe(?) being a serial killer, he was actually under the spell of the same boowray now sitting on Lorelei's shoulder. Susannah has started appearing and drawing people to the lake is because the boowray has returned. And instead of just laying the Jonon's to rest, they have to retrieve the ring from Rafe's body at the castle (he committed suicide when the boowray revealed its treachery). Thus laying Suzannah to rest and getting in idea of what is going on from Rafe's suicide note.
Could be, but my main grief with the LadyOTL was that her (cheesy) background is difficult to transmit to the players before they go there, and meet her.

But ghost Susannah could be indeed a solid replacement for the LOTL, and I could use Jicabo elsewhere. I'll reread CotNG soon.

Scene 8 – 3 sisters, won’t change much, fun as written. Will have to find ways to make them creepy and intimidating (will find fun quotes for them to say)
The three crones from witcher 3. :)
I was looking for “witcher crones quotes” when I found this – will use some of them: ... ls-me-quot Will use them.

Do you remember in which episode I could see them?

I also found these fun inspiring Macbeth quotes:
Think odd that the PCs would capture the boowray to make him talk instead of just slay it on the spot? Will have to make sure Wyan intervenes to ask for its capture.
Perhaps when the PC's throw the bottle it briefly stuns it. Or maybe something in the mixture (powdered iron? Fairy ointment?) briefly paralyzes it. Of course they will need a cage, and I doubt they have a microwave on hand like Harry Dresden. :mrgreen:
Yes, I was thinking that if the players do not think about it, Wyan will do something. He wants it judged.
Will have to think more about the possible battle there, to make sure the PCs do not derail the story
You will also need to work out what the PC's see with the whole 'hearts desire' thing.
Indeed, I might ask them by email way in advance.
alhoon wrote: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:01 am Just in to say: Cool idea with the Jibaro fey in Tepest.
Other than that, your campaign sounds solid, Joel.
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Re: Servants of Darkness is next IMC

Post by DustBunny »

Joël of the FoS wrote: Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:27 amIndeed, the hamster’s wheel in my brain is spinning to find that. It could simply be their first assignment as representatives of the Boritsi trade Co.
Maybe the solution (or temporary one) to the death stone is located in Fey lands and thus she disptaches them there.
Possibly Ivana thinks Weylan knows/has something which can solve the problem? (say a certain artifact?)
I she is feeling very generous, she may even pay (or call a favour) for a mist walker to jump them there.
IMC so far, they met many feys and even went to the Midnight Market without any problem. But thongs could be different in Tepest indeed. He could feel oddly repelled by it, even if it’s only a minor hindrance, indeed. Good idea.
Just to remind him that free feats during character creation may have unforseen consequences (even if was 20 years ago).
Maybe even have his fey blood flare up for some reason and make spontaneous flame. :twisted:
Maybe instead of being saved from the gobbos by Ivan, they are saved by the Inquisition who is out looking for Ivan thus at least starting them off with a face rather than the crazy inquisitors they meet in town.
Great idea, and it removes another railroady part. They’ll meet Ivan in town, and I’ll change his background to put him in town.
I think its more believable as well, if the inquisition shows up with actual numbers as opposed to Ivan pathetic pretending.
Also if Weylan is leading them, it gives a 'friendly face', and also indtroduces him.
I was looking for “witcher crones quotes” when I found this – will use some of them: ... ls-me-quot Will use them.
Youtube - First meeting the Ladies of the Wood
Youtube - Meeting the ladies in the flesh
Yes, I was thinking that if the players do not think about it, Wyan will do something. He wants it judged.
And it also proves that Lori is innocent (sort of). He would definetly want it alive.
Someone sent me a postcard picture of the earth. On the back they had written, "Wish you were here."
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