Usual Ravenloft monsters in NWoD form

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Invisible Menace
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Usual Ravenloft monsters in NWoD form

Post by alhoon »

Just for those that think on playing Ravenloft with NWoD rules, I would present the following:


Mummies as I think them are strong, tough, difficult to hit, throw curses and infect people with mummy rot. That's what I try to represent here.
Of course, individual mummies may have different numina or powers, skills and attributes.

Virtue: None
Vice: None Passion: (As needed, + defend its tomb)

Intelligence 2 Strength 6 Presence 3
Wits 3 Dexterity 2 Manipulation 2
Resolve 2 Stamina 5 Composure 3

Mental: Occult 3, investigation 1 (enigmas)
Physical: Athletics 1, brawl 4, weaponry 2
Social: Empathy 2, expression 2

Merits: Iron Stamina 2, boxing 3

Willpower 5, initiative modifier 5, defence 2, speed 11 (species factor 3), armor 3/3.
Slam: 12 Bashing

Essense pool 10

Dormancy: While Dormant a mummy is more or less a corpse. It retains its armor and health but it doesn't react. While Dormant a mummy rejuvanates healing at a rate dictated by the power of the mummy.
A mummy can enter dormancy willingly to heal by rolling a resolve+composure roll. In such a case, the mummy wakes once completely healed.
It can also enter dormancy if it doesn't fulfill its passion for a time (see below) or in some cases with a specific ritual.
In such a case, the mummy can only be waken if something antithetical to its passions happens, for example if someone enters its tomb or attacks its creator in her proximity. In some cases, all it takes to wake a mummy is a short phrase.

Undead: Immune to most poisons and diseases. Active untill it takes all its health levels as aggravated damage, doesn't risk unconsiousness.

-fire ignores armor rating and does +1 damage (not dice, damage) to the mummy.
-Holy water damages the mummy.
-Each 24 hours it must roll at least one of its passions or it risks entering dormancy. If it fails a resolve+composure roll-1 for each day without rolling its passion it enters dormancy.

- The mummy gains essence from its passions like a revevant does (antagonists).

- Curse of ill fortune: As an instant action, spend 1 essence and roll presence + expression resisted by the targets composure + Supernatural advantage. The target gets a -3 penalty to all his actions for the scene. The mummy needs line of sight to the target.

- Curse of blindness: As an extended and contested action, the mummy rolls presence + occult + equipment versus the targets composure + Supernatural advantage. The mummy must roll at least as many successes as the target's stamina before the target gathers at least as many successes as the mummy's resolve or the ritual fails.
Each roll takes 10 minutes and it can be cast sympathetically using the rules of sympathetic magic from the SS book (half those for mages).
For this curse, the mummy needs to spend 3 essence.

- Mummy rot: Everyone hit by a mummy needs to make a Stamina+Resolve - 3 roll or contact the disease. If a character is infected by this supernatural disease, he gets 2 aggravated damage each day unless he resists the damage for that day with a stamina+resolve-3 roll. The disease can only be healed magically. For each failed roll, the target gets a -1 penalty to strength and dexterity rolls (up to -3).

- Unholy strength: The mummy's punches are treated as a club giving +2 to damage.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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