Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by Mistmaster »

Gundarak Land of Oppression and Whim
Culture level: Medieval
Climate & Terrain: Continental the land is encased beetween the Gundar River and the Balinok Mountains.
Languages:Common, Gundarakite, Barovian, Borcan, Invidian, Sithican and Kartakassian .
Religions: Erlik the Reaper, Zakhata the Provider, Ezra the Guardian.
Races:Humans 95, Dhampyr 4%, other 1% ).
Governement: Feudal Dispotism.
Ruler:Duke Nahrov IV Gundar.
Darklord: Nharov Gundar.
Lightlord: The Red Lion
Analog:Late X Century Eastern Borders of the Holy Roman Empire.
Capital City:Zeidenburg (138,000 in, Standard, N/E),
Important towns: Teufeldorf (65,000 in, Standard, L/E)
Borders: North: Borca, East:Barovia, South-East: Kartakass, South: Sithicus and Invidia, West: Invidia.

Domain Overview
Gundarak is a patch of fertile land encased beetwen the Gundar river and the mountains; Guarding the Gundar river on its safest crossing, seats the city of Teufeldorf, which is the seat of commerce and one of the most florid marketplaces in the core; Teufeldorf is administrad directly by a Bey named by the Duke. The capital city of the dukedom, Zeindeburg lays at the foot of an hill in the middle of the valley.

The People
Gundarakite are descendants of the Terg Barbarians, and theyr customs, food and clothing is strongly influenced. They are usually taller and broader shouldered then theyr neughtbours; they are also darker haired. Gundarakite are used to oppression, and theyr mindset is all about surviving it; they keep theyr mouth shut, they resolves theyr own issues without involving authorities, they do not trust strangers, and they respect theyr own honour codes. They follow the precept of the Church of Zhakata the provider, even if the Church of Erlik the Reaper is the state religion; the Cult of Ezra is clandestine but widely diffused. Gundarakite are a deeply devoted people, even if not always completely coherent with theyr beliefs; Gundarakite fashion is quite plain and practical,since more fancifull styles are heavily taxed. Gundarakite have made an art out of hiding resources from prying eyes; Secret rooms, secret closets and secret hiding places in things and structure are very common and part of local crafting and building customs. If they can't proof an area against scrying magic they will communicate throght coded papers. Gundarakite deplore disloyalty as the worst sin, and will not willingly associate with turncloacks, state enforcers and spies without strong reasons. Gundarakite love theyr families, and respect the head of the family, usually, the oldest person.

Age of Creation
In The Age of Creation Zekhata the Provider sacrificed his body to create the world; his heart created the Balinok region.

Age of Empires:
In The Age of Empires, the Olympian Empire controlled the Core, and Hunadoris was one of the richest provinces of the empire. After the fall of Olympia, it fell in disarray.

Age of Darkness
In the Age of Darkness, the Terg Horde passed the Sea of Poison, in the South, and invaded the Core, taking advantage from the fall of Olympia; Theyr advance was stopped in nowaday Barovia by Barov I the Brave; The Terg Capital was Taterttortf, The City of the God, were the Zakhata faith is seated; Barovian renamed the town Teufeldorf, the Village of Demons, in Lamordian. During the centuries, the Terg Empire reduced itself, and, in the end it disappeared.

The Modern Age
The Gundar Family seized the power in what remained of the Terg empire and has ruled the renamed Tergland, now Gundarak, with an iron hand since then, often warring against neighbouring Barovia.

The Current Age
After a failed Barovian invasion, Duke Nharov IV seized the throne in a bloody coup against his own mother and imposed a very heavy handed regimen which is still enacted today.

Places of Interest:
Zeidenburg is the capital of Gundarak, it lays at the foot of the 100 Noose Hill,on the banks of the Gundar Riverm near the ruins of Hunadoris and it's a fortified town; Hunadora Castle, the Gundar Seat of power gloomly imposes itself over the hill, which takes its name by the 100 gallows which constantly exposes the hanged bodies of the people executed by the Duke's will. The Last Dance is the main inn in the town; it's prices are unusually low and its quality surprisingly good, and that is suspicious given the heavy taxation level the city has ; many thinks that the innkeeper Yakob Akib (human Adult Rogue 4, N/E) is a spy of the Duke; the Bloated Leech, a lice infested inn on the Crimson Road, the main avenue, is more populare beetween Gundarakite, as its owner is the head of a criminal ring which is better then the Duke's police; The Temple of the Soreign Skull, the holiest seat of the Church of Elrik is in the capital city. The city of Teufeldorf is the main commercial hub, and it has a lot of inns and restaurants, the main one is the Weeping Widow; it's owner Marika Tarrik (L/G Cleric of Zakhata the Provider 6) is a widow, but no one remembers she was ever seen weeping; she is quite joyfull, and she has proved able to twart even the more hardened Collectors of the Duke. The city is ruled by the Beya, from the Gubernatorial Palace, a gloom, spiked fortress in the center of the city. A small temple of Ezra is allowed in the outskirts of the city. The Twisting Tower is hereditary Duke Medraut's private abode in the city.

Erlik the Reaper (N/E) is a cold and unforgiving deity of Death, Doom, Decay, Night, Winter and Misfortune; it's domains are Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Luck, Weather. He teaches his followers that life is short, and death is unavoidable, only the strong can pospone it, and should survive no matter the cost. His Priests office funerals, keep record of the dead, and serves as holy assassins for the Gundarakite court. His favoured weapon is the Scyte. He is venerated at least as a lip-service level to any member of Gundarakite nobility and by theyr immediate servants.His symbol is a hooded skull with a scyte.
Zakhata the Provider (L/G) is the main aspect venerated by the ancient Terg Religion, and he is a deity of Plenty, Generousity, Fairness, Tradition, Trading, Self-Sacrifice and Duty. His domains are Community, Good, Law, Luck, Strenght, Travel. His favourite weapon is the Sabre. He teaches the value of cohoparation and family, to respect hierarchy and to be ready to sacrifice oneself for the greater good. His priests are called Uncles and Aunts and they discreetly serves in the rural communities, and on the outskirts of great cities; most smallfolk and many artisans and merchants venerate the
Provider. His symbol is a book with a sabre.
Ezra the Guardian: This militant cult (L/N) actively fight the duke's oppressive rule and is in clandestinity; Ezra is venerated as a deity of Justice, Legitimacy, Honour and Truth, her domains are Law, Liberation, Protection, Strenght, Rune. She suggests his followers every possible loophole available and in case even that fails she orders her priests, the Guardian Blades, to use more direct means; An unfair law is not law, so is not binding; she recommends restrain in create public unrest, acting more subtly to avoid harsh reprisals on the innocents; she however recommends a quick vengeance on any offender protected by unjust laws. Her favourite weapon is the dagger; Her priests live and works in clandestinity usually disguising themselves are servats and peasants. Ezra's followers are few but equally diffused in the various social classes. Her symbol is a shield with two daggers.
The Famed and the Infamous:

Darzin Morcantha
(Adult Human Ranger 6 C/G)
The Bearslayer is the head of am old but impoverished Gundarakite family, who has gained fame after killing a muderous black bear who was an evil Werebear in disguise. He is now a renowned monster hunter by trade.

Beya Shaita Vortna
(Middleaged human Witch 6 L/E)
Shaita is the shrewd Beya (governress) of the city of Teufeldorf she is a shrewed manipulator and manages to direct Duke Nharov rage against her enemies, without ending on the gallow herself.

Rebekka Ditra
(Adult Fighter 7, L/N)
An honest woman in the corrupted city of Teufeldorf where she works as Sherriff , She applies the laws with a grain of salt, but she is uncorruptable.

Julianna Ester
[Adult Human Maledictive Werewolf Aristocrat 5 N/G]
A beautiful woman recently widowed, Lady Ester keeps herself secluded in her manor, near Teufeldorf but a couple of times every year she will hold a great ball and a banquet opened to the smallfolk too.

The Strangling Man
(Human Ghost Brawler 6 C/E)
A common thief hanged by the Duke on a whim, he came back as a revengefull Ghost, whishing to inflict everyone the same death he got. He stalks the streets of Zeindost at night.

Hereditary Duke Medraut Gundar
(Young Adult Dhampyr Wizard 8 N/E)
A prodigy child who learned the arcane arts when he was very young, Medraut is his father's son in every other aspect, and he is infamous for his devious mind. If only his father would aknowledge that.

Taron Gundar aka the Red Lion
(Young Adult Dhampyr Vigilante 13 L/G)
The second son of Lord Nharov and his favourite thanks to his superior martial prowless, Taron has always disapproved his father's methofs, and after he retrieved fortunously the anciente relic called Red Lion Mask, he created his Red Lion persona to oppose his tiranny. His burden is the fact he loves his family deeply, but his brother is jelous of him, and his father is a monster who loves him for all the wrong reasons.

Randall du Pree
(Middle-Aged Human Maledictive Weregorilla Wizard 6 L/E)
Born in Dememtlieu, the former tutor of hereditary Duke Medraut he was cursed with his lichantropy for his sexual assault of a traveling seer. He is , secretely, on the payroll of neighbouring Invidia.

Bey Jacenti Girghiu
(Middle-aged Human Fighter 5, L/N)
The conservative but honest Bey of Zeidenburg is the head of an old merchant House of Terg origin, with family ties with the Gundars and even with the von Zharovichs. He is rich, and use his fortune to lighten the strangle-hold the uke's politics have on Zeindost economy; a shrewd administrator, he keeps both the city's and his family's coffers full.

Monica Vardau
(Adult Human Gray Paladin of Ezra 9 L/G)
This wandering healer with a good word for everyone has keen eyes sharp ears and sharper blades, always ready to bting justice on the corrupted mooks of the Duke. She is also the head of the Justice Bringers.

Juliska Ujvesce
(Adult Human, Rogue 7 N)
Juliska is a tradeswoman who runs a dangerous trade, smuggling in and out Zeidenburg goods without paying the duke's outragous taxes.

Antoniija Hajdusa
(Adult Human Rogue 8, C/N)
The owner of the Bloated Leech she is also the head of Teufeldorf biggest criminal guild, the Chaos Coursiers. She has a loose morality, but she usually does not betray her allies.

The Chaos Coursiers
This C/N Thief guild is the force which keep Gundarakite economy going smuggling goods in and out evading the outragous taxes leveled by the Duke. Its members sport a black horse tattoo on theyr wirsts.

The Justice Bringers
This L/G secret order of unhortodox Ezrite Paladines defend Gundarakite people against the Duke unjust laws; they brand the Symbol of theyr faith upon theyr chest.

The Darklord

Nharov Gundar
Male Adult Eminent Nosferatu Vampire Unleashed Barbarian 15, N/E (186 HP)
Speed:60 feet
Initiative:+10 (+3 in Castle Hunadora)
Senses: Perception +33 (+3 in Castle Hunadora), Darkvision 60 Feet, True seeing.
Armor Class: 33, Touch 16, Flat Footed 27 ( +6 Dex, +10 Nat, +7 Armor)(+3 in Castle Hunadora)
Space/Reach: 1 square /1 square
Combat Manouver Bonus/Combat Manouver Defense:+26/42 ( +4 Bull Rush, +4 Sunder) (+3 in Castle Hunadora)
Str:32, Dex:23, Con:-, Int:18, Wis:24, Cha 22
Saving Throws: Fort:+15, Ref:+11, Wil:+12 (+3 in Castle Hunadora)
Special Qualities:Curse of the Dark Lord, Undead Traits, Rage, Greater Rage, Danger Sense (+5) , Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncunny Dodge, Rage Powers (Brawler, Brawler,Greater, Erratic Charge, Erratic Charge,Greater, Improved Damage Reduction x3), Damage Reduction 15/ wood, Piercieng and Magic, or 9/-; Resistence 10 to Cold, Electricity and Sonic.Nosferatu Weakness, Cold Rage, Rejuvanation, Sinkhole of Evil, Mastery 3, Shadowless (Ex),Spider Climb (Ex), Swarm Form (Su),Telepathy (Su).
Special Attack:Blood Drain (Su), Create Spawn (Su), Dominate (Su), Telekinesis (Su), Aura of Fear (Su).
Attack: Melee 2 Claws +26 melee (1d6+11 x2) or +3 Unholy Great Axe +30/+25/+20 (1d12+19+2d6 against good targets) (+3 HR and DR in Castle Hunadora)
Skills: Acrobatics (+24), Climb (+32), Handle Animal (+24), Intimidate (+27), Perception (+33), Ride (+24), Sense Motive (+30), Stealth (+29) and Swim, (+29). (+3 in Castle Hunadora)
Feats: Alertness( B), Critical Focus, Furious Focus, Greater Bull Rush, Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush Improved Initiative (B), Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes (B), Power Attack, Skill Focus (Climb) (B), Skill Focus (Intimidate) (B), Toughtness (B), Weapon Focus (Axes)

Challenge Rating:17
Proprieties: 2000 Gp, Belt of Giant Strenght +4, Headband of Alluring Charisma +4, Peacebringer +3 Unholy Greataxe, Ring of True Seeing (Seal of House Gundar), +7 Braciers of Armour, Cloak of Sun Protection.

Nharov Gundar, the first of his name, was born 10 years after Strhad the Devil confined the Tergs in the Valley of the gundar river; as a youth, he suffered greatly at the hand of badits and petty lords in the lawless land, and he strived to become strong; at the end, he managed to submit all the rival bands and to forge Gundarak with fire and steel; her crowned himself Duke, in the style of Terg's commanders of old; but you can't rule a kingdom in the same way you rule on a warband; Nharov's first kingdom was a bloody one; He executed personally dozens of people, and took what he wanted regardless for the need of his people, crushing any riot with ferocity; taht included any women he fancied, however, he took responsability for any male children born from his dalliances, raising them personally; having growned up without a mother he saw women as inferior useful only as brooding mares; One day, he took offense from a Priest of Zakhata who chided him for his brutality, and he condemned him to die, executing him himself on the altar of his god, carving a cup from the man's bawl, on which he drunk from the man blood; such a blasphemy could not go unpunished, and soon Nharov find himself craving from blood; his addiction to human blood became each day stronger, until the day he went to hunt, alone in a wood; he loved the act of killing, and he kept hunting until it was late and he felt thirsty, and without any other source of human blood, he growed angrier as he was marching back to his camp, as he couldn't find his way back; late in the night he met the pages which were sent to retrieve him, and, blinded by his mad thirst, he killed the three young boys, and drunk theyr blood, mindless of one of them being his own younger son; realizing what he had edone he tried to take his own life, but death was not enought, for his crimes; That night Nharov Gundar sealed his fate, as the Mist rose to embrace him, turning him in a Nosferatu, and the darklord of Gundarak.

Current Sketches
Nharov rules Gundarak with an iron fist; cause of his curse, he still ages and dies regularly, needing time to regenerate himself; when he wakes up he needs to take the power back from his descendant, undoing any change he does not like. He detests magic, but he aknowledges its practical valour. His only redeeming quality is the love he feel for his children, even if that is twisted and abusive, still; The fact that his children usually dies by his hand is a bitter irony. His favored hobby are executions, which he often performs by himself. However, as a vampire, he rather not waste blood, so he prefer hanging to decapitation, feeding from the preserved bodies, later.

Nharov loves phisical combat and blood-shedding; He unleash his rage on his enemies, reveling in theyr fear. He will kill personally any worthy opponent, aiming to capture and torture the ones he deem lesssr ones.

Special Abilities:
Cold Rage (Ex): Nharov mind stays cruelly lucid when he throws himself in his rage fits; he can use refined tactics (like dominating opponents) and skills even when he rages.

Fear Aura (su) It has a radius of 40 feet and Gundar can activate it with a swift action;ST Will, DC 23,and the victim is shaken, if HD 11 or more, Frightened if the HD are 10 or less if used on a frightened victim that victim became panicked; it lasts 1d8 round. A success mean the victim is immune for 24 hours.

Curse of the Dark Lord:
Nharov ages like a living human does, and even faster, and his Charisma takes penalty like a living person's Constitution; See Rejuvenation below for what happens when he dies; He needs to use his children blood to slow down aging, but if he does it it inflicts them permanent constitution damage. As he ages up, he develope a lot of flaws typical of olld men, from sight worseniing, to lower hearing, to memory slips and so on. He is vulnerable to disease and poisons, and he needs to feed and drink normally once a week.

Rejuvenation: When Nharov dies, his body age up Venerable age; he woke up as feeble old man in his family tomb, and he needs to feed from one of his Children to restore his youth and full strenght (He needs to inflicts 5 permant damage to one of his children constitution score to restore himself completely.)

Castle Hunadora is the massive fortress which houses the Dukes of Gundar; in its rooms and dungeons, several atrocities usually happens, and that tuns it in a Sinkholew of Evil 3, which can bestow the Despair, fear and Rage effects.

Closing Borders:
If Nharov wants to close the border, any attempting to trespass must do a will save DC 27 or became panicked and running in the oppose direction for 1 hour; creatures Immune to fear are vulnerable to this effect but get +5 bonus; It must be repeated 6 times to allow a trespassing. Nharov can close the Borders up to one month.

Feedback, as always is appreciated, and sorry for the eventual typos.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by Mistmaster »

Feedback is very appreciated.
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DeepShadow of FoS
Evil Genius
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by DeepShadow of FoS »

Mistmaster wrote: Races:Humans 95, Dhampyr 4%, other 1% ).
Important towns: Teufeldorf (65,000 in, Standard, L/E)
So...doing the math here, there would be 80K dhampyrs--more than the entire population of Teufeldorf. Why so many? Are we using the PF stats where they are a playable race, or the 3.5 stats where they are powerful monsters? Either way, having so many gives a lot of interesting options.
They follow the precept of the Church of Zhakata the provider, even if the Church of Erlik the Reaper is the state religion; the Cult of Ezra is clandestine but widely diffused.
Interesting that you make them so religious--three competing religions, one of them endorsed by the state.
Gundarakite have made an art out of hiding resources from prying eyes; Secret rooms, secret closets and secret hiding places in things and structure are very common and part of local crafting and building customs.
I like it...but why? Such secret areas had a purpose in real-world construction. They were usually called priest holes because they would be used to hide traveling priests who were preaching against the state religion. Does that happen here, or is there another purpose?

Could they be child-holes: used for hiding daughters that were due for the daughter-tax? Do you still have the daughter-tax?
If they can't proof an area against scrying magic they will communicate throght coded papers. Gundarakite deplore disloyalty as the worst sin, and will not willingly associate with turncloacks, state enforcers and spies without strong reasons.
This part feels incoherent; they won't associate with spies, but they communicate using all the means and tools of spying, because they're...bored?
In The Age of Creation Zekhata the Provider sacrificed his body to create the world; his heart created the Balinok region.
I love this creation myth, but I'm mixed about making it about Zhakata. So, in your canon, Zhakata is a real deity? I'd probably make this about Yutow.
Barovian renamed the town Teufeldorf, the Village of Demons, in Lamordian.
Why Lamordian? Why not Balok?
The Last Dance is the main inn in the town; it's prices are unusually low and its quality surprisingly good, and that is suspicious given the heavy taxation level the city has ; many thinks that the innkeeper Yakob Akib (human Adult Rogue 4, N/E) is a spy of the Duke; the Bloated Leech, a lice infested inn on the Crimson Road, the main avenue, is more populare beetween Gundarakite, as its owner is the head of a criminal ring which is better then the Duke's police; The Temple of the Soreign Skull, the holiest seat of the Church of Elrik is in the capital city. The city of Teufeldorf is the main commercial hub, and it has a lot of inns and restaurants, the main one is the Weeping Widow; it's owner Marika Tarrik (L/G Cleric of Zakhata the Provider 6) is a widow, but no one remembers she was ever seen weeping; she is quite joyfull, and she has proved able to twart even the more hardened Collectors of the Duke. The city is ruled by the Beya, from the Gubernatorial Palace, a gloom, spiked fortress in the center of the city. A small temple of Ezra is allowed in the outskirts of the city. The Twisting Tower is hereditary Duke Medraut's private abode in the city.
Okay, I think some of this was lost in translation, but I like the general concepts. May steal some of these.
Erlik the Reaper (N/E) is a cold and unforgiving deity of Death, Doom, Decay, Night, Winter and Misfortune; it's domains are Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Luck, Weather. He teaches his followers that life is short, and death is unavoidable, only the strong can pospone it, and should survive no matter the cost. His Priests office funerals, keep record of the dead, and serves as holy assassins for the Gundarakite court. His favoured weapon is the Scyte. He is venerated at least as a lip-service level to any member of Gundarakite nobility and by theyr immediate servants.His symbol is a hooded skull with a scyte.
Erlik rather than Erlin. Huh. Not sure why you'd want to change the name, but whatever. At any rate, are you keeping Erlik as a Gundarakite(Terg) deity? If not, why the change? Also, I have a hard time seeing a deity of "do whatever it takes to not die" as the state religion. Maybe if you played Erlik as a deity that is appeased rather than venerated, like the Aztec deities, but I'm not seeing any of that here.
Ezra the Guardian: This militant cult (L/N) actively fight the duke's oppressive rule and is in clandestinity; Ezra is venerated as a deity of Justice, Legitimacy, Honour and Truth, her domains are Law, Liberation, Protection, Strenght, Rune. She suggests his followers every possible loophole available and in case even that fails she orders her priests, the Guardian Blades, to use more direct means; An unfair law is not law, so is not binding; she recommends restrain in create public unrest, acting more subtly to avoid harsh reprisals on the innocents; she however recommends a quick vengeance on any offender protected by unjust laws. Her favourite weapon is the dagger; Her priests live and works in clandestinity usually disguising themselves are servats and peasants. Ezra's followers are few but equally diffused in the various social classes. Her symbol is a shield with two daggers.
This doesn't sound like a lawful neutral deity at all; an unfair law is not law?! That sounds more NG or even CG. Lawful folks would try to change the laws before they went to breaking them.
Hereditary Duke Medraut Gundar
(Young Adult Dhampyr Wizard 8 N/E)
A prodigy child who learned the arcane arts when he was very young, Medraut is his father's son in every other aspect, and he is infamous for his devious mind. If only his father would aknowledge that.
Glag you got Medraut in there. Did you go with the idea that he was perpetually stuck in a child body?
Taron Gundar aka the Red Lion
(Young Adult Dhampyr Vigilante 13 L/G)
The second son of Lord Nharov and his favourite thanks to his superior martial prowless, Taron has always disapproved his father's methofs, and after he retrieved fortunously the anciente relic called Red Lion Mask, he created his Red Lion persona to oppose his tiranny. His burden is the fact he loves his family deeply, but his brother is jelous of him, and his father is a monster who loves him for all the wrong reasons.
Ah, so here's your lightlord. Interesting concept. I'd like to hear more about the Red Lion. You say the mask is a relic--of which religion?
Randall du Pree
(Middle-Aged Human Maledictive Weregorilla Wizard 6 L/E)
Born in Dememtlieu, the former tutor of hereditary Duke Medraut he was cursed with his lichantropy for his sexual assault of a traveling seer. He is , secretely, on the payroll of neighbouring Invidia.
Very interesting take on Arcanus. On the payroll to do what, exactly?
The Avariel has borrowed wings,
The Puppeteer must cut the strings
The Orphan Queen must take the throne
The Queen of Orphans calls them home
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1156
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by Mistmaster »

Races:Humans 95, Dhampyr 4%, other 1% ).
Important towns: Teufeldorf (65,000 in, Standard, L/E)

So...doing the math here, there would be 80K dhampyrs--more than the entire population of Teufeldorf. Why so many? Are we using the PF stats where they are a playable race, or the 3.5 stats where they are powerful monsters? Either way, having so many gives a lot of interesting options.
They are Pathfinder version, and descend from Nharov and his own spawns (I should add some morevampire, now I reason on it)
They follow the precept of the Church of Zhakata the provider, even if the Church of Erlik the Reaper is the state religion; the Cult of Ezra is clandestine but widely diffused.
Interesting that you make them so religious--three competing religions, one of them endorsed by the state.
Gundarakite have made an art out of hiding resources from prying eyes; Secret rooms, secret closets and secret hiding places in things and structure are very common and part of local crafting and building customs.
I like it...but why? Such secret areas had a purpose in real-world construction. They were usually called priest holes because they would be used to hide traveling priests who were preaching against the state religion. Does that happen here, or is there another purpose?

Could they be child-holes: used for hiding daughters that were due for the daughter-tax? Do you still have the daughter-tax?

They are used to hide devices, money and goods. But trap-holes to hide people are also a thing
If they can't proof an area against scrying magic they will communicate throght coded papers. Gundarakite deplore disloyalty as the worst sin, and will not willingly associate with turncloacks, state enforcers and spies without strong reasons.
This part feels incoherent; they won't associate with spies, but they communicate using all the means and tools of spying, because they're...bored?
No, because they are deeply distrusting and paranoid about the governement.
In The Age of Creation Zekhata the Provider sacrificed his body to create the world; his heart created the Balinok region.
I love this creation myth, but I'm mixed about making it about Zhakata. So, in your canon, Zhakata is a real deity? I'd probably make this about Yutow.

Zhakata is real, and I choose him because in the Gazetteer Number 1 there is a misteryous deity of the Terg named more or less that; He is an aspect of the Lawgiver, one of many.
Barovian renamed the town Teufeldorf, the Village of Demons, in Lamordian.
Why Lamordian? Why not Balok?

Because I canonized German has Lamordian.
The Last Dance is the main inn in the town; it's prices are unusually low and its quality surprisingly good, and that is suspicious given the heavy taxation level the city has ; many thinks that the innkeeper Yakob Akib (human Adult Rogue 4, N/E) is a spy of the Duke; the Bloated Leech, a lice infested inn on the Crimson Road, the main avenue, is more populare beetween Gundarakite, as its owner is the head of a criminal ring which is better then the Duke's police; The Temple of the Soreign Skull, the holiest seat of the Church of Elrik is in the capital city. The city of Teufeldorf is the main commercial hub, and it has a lot of inns and restaurants, the main one is the Weeping Widow; it's owner Marika Tarrik (L/G Cleric of Zakhata the Provider 6) is a widow, but no one remembers she was ever seen weeping; she is quite joyfull, and she has proved able to twart even the more hardened Collectors of the Duke. The city is ruled by the Beya, from the Gubernatorial Palace, a gloom, spiked fortress in the center of the city. A small temple of Ezra is allowed in the outskirts of the city. The Twisting Tower is hereditary Duke Medraut's private abode in the city.
Okay, I think some of this was lost in translation, but I like the general concepts. May steal some of these.
Erlik the Reaper (N/E) is a cold and unforgiving deity of Death, Doom, Decay, Night, Winter and Misfortune; it's domains are Darkness, Death, Destruction, Evil, Luck, Weather. He teaches his followers that life is short, and death is unavoidable, only the strong can pospone it, and should survive no matter the cost. His Priests office funerals, keep record of the dead, and serves as holy assassins for the Gundarakite court. His favoured weapon is the Scyte. He is venerated at least as a lip-service level to any member of Gundarakite nobility and by theyr immediate servants.His symbol is a hooded skull with a scyte.
Erlik rather than Erlin. Huh. Not sure why you'd want to change the name, but whatever. At any rate, are you keeping Erlik as a Gundarakite(Terg) deity?If not, why the change?
Yes I use the original Tengrist deity of the underworld name, Erlin is a variant of that.

Also, I have a hard time seeing a deity of "do whatever it takes to not die" as the state religion. Maybe if you played Erlik as a deity that is appeased rather than venerated, like the Aztec deities, but I'm not seeing any of that here.

Because the point is they do whatever they need to survive, so they serve to one in power faithfully; be remissive with the powerfull is a perfect way to survive, after all.
Ezra the Guardian: This militant cult (L/N) actively fight the duke's oppressive rule and is in clandestinity; Ezra is venerated as a deity of Justice, Legitimacy, Honour and Truth, her domains are Law, Liberation, Protection, Strenght, Rune. She suggests his followers every possible loophole available and in case even that fails she orders her priests, the Guardian Blades, to use more direct means; An unfair law is not law, so is not binding; she recommends restrain in create public unrest, acting more subtly to avoid harsh reprisals on the innocents; she however recommends a quick vengeance on any offender protected by unjust laws. Her favourite weapon is the dagger; Her priests live and works in clandestinity usually disguising themselves are servats and peasants. Ezra's followers are few but equally diffused in the various social classes. Her symbol is a shield with two daggers.
This doesn't sound like a lawful neutral deity at all; an unfair law is not law?! That sounds more NG or even CG. Lawful folks would try to change the laws before they went to breaking them.
The idea is this: the Church as it's laws: if the state law is against the church moral, it's against the true law, so it's not binding (please note that they will bend and exploit the loopholes, before they resort to unlawful means)

Hereditary Duke Medraut Gundar
(Young Adult Dhampyr Wizard 8 N/E)
A prodigy child who learned the arcane arts when he was very young, Medraut is his father's son in every other aspect, and he is infamous for his devious mind. If only his father would aknowledge that.
Glad you got Medraut in there. Did you go with the idea that he was perpetually stuck in a child body?
Technically no, it could have happened and he would try to keep it a secret thought
Taron Gundar aka the Red Lion
(Young Adult Dhampyr Vigilante 13 L/G)
The second son of Lord Nharov and his favourite thanks to his superior martial prowless, Taron has always disapproved his father's methofs, and after he retrieved fortunously the anciente relic called Red Lion Mask, he created his Red Lion persona to oppose his tiranny. His burden is the fact he loves his family deeply, but his brother is jelous of him, and his father is a monster who loves him for all the wrong reasons.
Ah, so here's your lightlord. Interesting concept. I'd like to hear more about the Red Lion. You say the mask is a relic--of which religion?
That is something I could leave to any master to explore by himself; probably a L/G Terg cult of a leonine deity .
Randall du Pree
(Middle-Aged Human Maledictive Weregorilla Wizard 6 L/E)
Born in Dememtlieu, the former tutor of hereditary Duke Medraut he was cursed with his lichantropy for his sexual assault of a traveling seer. He is , secretely, on the payroll of neighbouring Invidia.

Very interesting take on Arcanus. On the payroll to do what, exactly?

To keep them well informed on the court of Castle Hunadora, he still has friends there.

Thanks for your feedback Deepshadow.
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by brilliantlight »

Mistmaster wrote:Ezra the Guardian: This militant cult (L/N) actively fight the duke's oppressive rule and is in clandestinity; Ezra is venerated as a deity of Justice, Legitimacy, Honour and Truth, her domains are Law, Liberation, Protection, Strenght, Rune. She suggests his followers every possible loophole available and in case even that fails she orders her priests, the Guardian Blades, to use more direct means; An unfair law is not law, so is not binding; she recommends restrain in create public unrest, acting more subtly to avoid harsh reprisals on the innocents; she however recommends a quick vengeance on any offender protected by unjust laws. Her favourite weapon is the dagger; Her priests live and works in clandestinity usually disguising themselves are servats and peasants. Ezra's followers are few but equally diffused in the various social classes. Her symbol is a shield with two daggers.
This doesn't sound like a lawful neutral deity at all; an unfair law is not law?! That sounds more NG or even CG. Lawful folks would try to change the laws before they went to breaking them.
The idea is this: the Church as it's laws: if the state law is against the church moral, it's against the true law, so it's not binding (please note that they will bend and exploit the loopholes, before they resort to unlawful means)
It could possibly work as a LG religion where the laws of the church are considered to outrank those of the state. Anything that the church says is unjust is an invalid law but you should try to exploit loopholes in secular law for practical reasons when possible rather than breaking it outright.

LN is right out. Such a church doesn't care about whether a law is for the greater good or not, it cares about the law period. I once had a LN cleric who failed a horror save and killed a particularly depraved rapist/killer in a rage. I told him he had to do penance, not for killing the man but for killing him in a rage. Since the man was unarmed as his victim was strapped to a table and he was physically weak to boot (he drugged the victims first) he could have taken him alive. He would have then been tried, convicted and executed lawfully.

He would have been just as dead and it wouldn't have taken long but it would have been "right and proper". The penance wasn't much , he merely had to donate 10 GP to the nearest Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good Church (He was an outsider who worships St. Cuthburt who leans good) both because it was due to a failed horror save and the god didn't think it was that grievous a crime under the circumstances.
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by Mistmaster »

Simply put, this is a Lawful Good sect of a Lawful Neutral cult; The church Dogmas are Lawful neutral, but it's clergy are Lawful/Good. Beside, as I said, they will only break Laws that do not meet theyr standard. Lawful/Neutral does not mean necessarily you follow any law, it means you follow a law; what this law is, it's a mileage that may vary.
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by brilliantlight »

Mistmaster wrote:Simply put, this is a Lawful Good sect of a Lawful Neutral cult; The church Dogmas are Lawful neutral, but it's clergy are Lawful/Good. Beside, as I said, they will only break Laws that do not meet theyr standard. Lawful/Neutral does not mean necessarily you follow any law, it means you follow a law; what this law is, it's a mileage that may vary.
One thing going for it being LN is that LN likes law and order and Gundark , even in this version. is a madman who is not known for being orderly. Also his murders make it hell for everyone, technically legal or not. Still, if I were going to use it I would make it an NG church.
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by ewancummins »

The Ezrans do seem LG or maybe NG to me.
Do they have a detailed religious law code they follow above the secular law when the two codes conflict, or it it more a matter of 'that statute seems unjust so we will ignore it'?
And is their ideal of justice tempered by mercy?
Do they only refrain from preaching revolution because of the risk to innocents or is it that they also have a deep respect for social order and established authority which makes them reluctant to rebel?
Do they think rulers, even bad ones, are divinely-sanctioned?

All that said, alignment is as subject to Rule Zero as the rest of the rules. It's a DM call.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by ewancummins »

Saint Cuthbert reference spotted above!

Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by Mistmaster »

ewancummins wrote:Saint Cuthbert reference spotted above!

If you swing with enought momentum.
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by Mistmaster »

brilliantlight wrote:
Mistmaster wrote:Simply put, this is a Lawful Good sect of a Lawful Neutral cult; The church Dogmas are Lawful neutral, but it's clergy are Lawful/Good. Beside, as I said, they will only break Laws that do not meet theyr standard. Lawful/Neutral does not mean necessarily you follow any law, it means you follow a law; what this law is, it's a mileage that may vary.
One thing going for it being LN is that LN likes law and order and Gundark , even in this version. is a madman who is not known for being orderly. Also his murders make it hell for everyone, technically legal or not. Still, if I were going to use it I would make it an NG church.
It's legit.
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Re: Gundarak (Land of Oppression and Whim)

Post by Mistmaster »

ewancummins wrote:The Ezrans do seem LG or maybe NG to me.
Do they have a detailed religious law code they follow above the secular law when the two codes conflict, or it it more a matter of 'that statute seems unjust so we will ignore it'?
And is their ideal of justice tempered by mercy?
Do they only refrain from preaching revolution because of the risk to innocents or is it that they also have a deep respect for social order and established authority which makes them reluctant to rebel?
Do they think rulers, even bad ones, are divinely-sanctioned?

All that said, alignment is as subject to Rule Zero as the rest of the rules. It's a DM call.
Thanks for your feedback, the clerks actually believe in revolurion being a major taboo; any order is better then no order, but if the rules are unfair and the rulers are not amenable to adjust them, then the Justice of Ezra must prevail; they believe every legitimate authority as bein givinely ordered, but they see theyr own authorithy being more legitimate than others, Gundar's particularly. He is a tyrant who ignores his own laws and rule on whim and not following state reason; Beside it endorse a cruel death-cult as his state religion so he is doubly wrong.
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