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A Question of Wizards...

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 9:57 pm
by Dark Angel
Hello all, been awhile since I've posted. I am picking the brains of the hive mind. A player of mine is looking for a high level (15th+) mage on the Demiplane, preferably not evil (I know). So I have a short list of the darklords who qualify for high level, but without digging through every adventure and supplement I have (which I may end up doing anyways), do any of you know where I could find them in materials? Something with a little background and depth, but I am not too opposed to making my own. I just could not think of anyone specifically. Any help is appreciated, I am also aware of the Spulzeers and their whole issue. Thanks in advance!

Re: A Question of Wizards...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 12:30 am
by The Lesser Evil
As you might suspect, your choices of nonevil preestablished wizards of 15+ level are rather limited:

-Bilkon, Chaotic Good wizard 18, a recluse living in Barovia
-Janos, is a chaotic neutral high level wizard and adventurer that had a falling out with his party. To show them how capable he was, he created a special beholder flesh golem that has gone rogue (See Children of the Night: The Created for more info):
-Hornung the Anarch (half-elf wild mage 18. an outlander) may have appeared in the Demiplane of Dread for some time, as Strahd considered him "an upstart" and made his own version of Hornung's Baleful Attractor
-if you go by Curse of Strahd, Mordenkainen was trapped in Barovia and driven mad to lose most of his previous identity:
-Although evil, Lord Balfour de Casteelie (see Van Richten's Arsenal) maintains a profile of propriety and helpfulness and could possibly serve a needed role that a non-evil wizard might have: ... _Casteelle

Re: A Question of Wizards...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 6:45 am
by Mistmaster
If you accept Netbook Canon, in QtR 24 you can find Archibald Everlast N/G, 20 level Wizard, who probably knows every spell in every book. (Non Arcane included)

Re: A Question of Wizards...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:19 am
by Dark Angel
Thank you both for the help, the 'funny' thing is I am aware of Janos from the CoTN: Golems book, but so are my players. They just dealt with that adventure last Halloween even though they are in the Greyhawk setting. Unfortunately, Janos did not make it, but what are you going to do?

You can take the group out the Demiplane, but good luck with me not running a horror session every October! I love the looks on their faces when sh#t goes south and I yell, "Welcome to the Halloween adventure!"

I will look into the others, though Lord Balfour looks very promising indeed!

Thanks again!

Re: A Question of Wizards...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:33 am
by Cromstar
Depending on how much your players know, isn't the *very much alive and not secretly a lich* king of Darkon ostensibly non-evil?

Re: A Question of Wizards...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 12:42 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
And if they're from Greyhawk, how would they know to avoid Red Wizards? Hazlan has an academy full of the blighters.

Re: A Question of Wizards...

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 7:29 pm
by Dark Angel
Cromstar wrote:Depending on how much your players know, isn't the *very much alive and not secretly a lich* king of Darkon ostensibly non-evil?
Yeah, the player has been playing in Ravenloft for about 20 of the last 25 years. He knows Azalin is both evil and a lich. His PC, does not. He has stated that if approached, he would likely work with him though especially since the PC has had a recent falling out with Strahd.
Rock wrote:And if they're from Greyhawk, how would they know to avoid Red Wizards? Hazlan has an academy full of the blighters.
Different PCs. When my group's PC group splinters off, settle down, or become unplayable for whatever reason, I have them make new ones to work with the remaining PCs. This PC is running solo, is from Sithicus, and has been all over the Westerm Core. My group has never dealt with Hazlan, its mageocracy, or Hazlik in any fashion, but just assumes that everyone is evil.