In Need of a Writing Partner/Collaborator

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In Need of a Writing Partner/Collaborator

Post by Jeremy16 »

Hi All,

Since the summertime blah period is over, I thought it would be a good time to see if there are any takers on a little proposal I have...

I'm looking for someone who has a couple of free hours during the week to review, edit, and maybe even enhance my insane scribblings.

Basically, I have extensive notes written up for QTR articles (and/or any future FOS netbooks), but I can't stat worth a damn (I'm talking 3rd Ed. in particular). So, I'd like to find someone who is good at game mechanics and such; but, even more importantly, I really need someone I can throw ideas at to see if I'm the only one who thinks they are any good.

Currently, I'm working on a series of guides to institutions or occupations that can be found throughout the Core (blacksmiths, vineyards, universities, etc). I've also got quite a lot of Ravenloft-inspired folktales I'd like to organize into some sort of collection.

So what do you say, are there any takers out there?
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Samael Hands of Stone
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Post by Samael Hands of Stone »


I'm not a rule-freak, or stat-monger, but I do love Ravenloft stories, and I have linguistic and editorial skills. I can't promise to devote a lot of time to your project, but I would be willing to take a look at your stuff and offer you advice on how to organize it.

If you want...
"In life, we all have our El Guapos..."
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