A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

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A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Beached Alligator Inn:

All men must sleep from time to time. Even Hazlik of Hazlan, who is a master of arcane magic, can not drive sleep from his door indefinitely -- and none of you is Hazlik. Of course you have decided to sleep in shifts, so not all of you are unconscious all the time. The night passes quietly, peacefully, and you all feel marvelously refreshed for having had access to a real bed.

You are awoken by the smell of breakfast coming from downstairs and the light of the sun, beaming through your windows. Already, the sun is bright. Already, the air is growing warmer.

Soon enough, you are gathered together in the dining room again. Servants are running around, carrying platters laden with food to tables, and platters empty but for foodstains back to the kitchen. The candles from last night have been replaced with small bouquets of wax flowers, which are drooping just a little in the rising heat.


"Merciless Lady
Hear my Prayer
Lead my Steps to You
Be You far or near

The knife flashed. The blood splashed. The swarming insects fell silent and retreated while a faint hissing sound rose to the canopy of drooping leaves and vines. Even the water seemed to hush.

"Thank you, oh Merciless One. I come."

The oar splashed in the murky, sludge-like water again. The flat-bottomed raft oozed its way forward. Marri continued on her way.

Elsewhere Again:

"Did it work?"

"Like a charm, Master."

"Good. Use the main mirror. Report when something significant happens."

"Yes, Master."

" How about you?"

"The troops are gathering as we speak. They will be ready to strike as soon as the ritual begins."

"Excellent. Use the second mirror. Remember not to engage it when you might be missed or needed for your other duties."

"Yes, Master."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Higginz »

After a night of strange dreams and visions from the past, Nicolae awakens to the fragrance of cooked fat and eggs from the kitchen in the Beached Alligator from the floor below. He is, however, unable to muster an apetite this morning, for he is tormented this day by visions of a former pupil. Moreover, after his previous night's dreams he is unsettled by premonitions that his former disciple suffered an ill-fate in the accursed lands he himself has had the displeasure of stumbling upon. At this time, he remembers the bow he saw in the possession of the man at the strange doctor's dwelling the night before.

After a spell of time sitting in the main dining area of the Beached Alligator, Nicolae sees the gentlemen from last night enter the dining area, and he resolves to approach the men in an attempt to glean more information.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by steveflam »

Goren rises, praying to the Morninglord for his spells*. Though not feeling the heat, he does refresh himself sand. He hopes the Temple will put forward the coins for that machine from the Doctor. Once done, he grabs his belongings and descends to the dining room. Seeing the newcomer he advances and at the man's table he stops Souragnien "Good day. I join you at your table? My name Goren by the way, nice to meet you in more relaxeding environs, oui?'

*=I'll send you the spell list this evening, Rock. Seeing as we are going into the swamp may change some of my selections ;)
Last edited by steveflam on Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

After waking up, Lucien returns to his own room to freshen up and get a change of clothes. When he emerges some time later, he is clearly not in a good mood. Claude's voice silently berates him. Ah, Lucien, this is what happens when you allow yourself to be distracted, Claude says. So you're back to where you started, only now you're much poorer and the opposition is aware of your presence. At the very least, you should have left me behind last night to keep an eye on things instead of taking me with you. It's as though you don't trust me.

He gets some pastries and something to drink, but he doesn't have much of an appetite. Goren is talking to the "new arrival," Nicolae. Lucien wasn't keen on this person's presence last night, but at this point, he might as well try to recruit assistance.

Once Zumba and Vincent have joined as well, he says to the group at the table, "Unpleasant news, gentlemen. While we were off helping Vincent was his lady friends and then talking to the charming doctor, someone entered my room and stole the white stone. Yes, Nicolae, the stone that I described last night. It's gone. There's little point in talking to the staff here. It's not as though they stop anyone from entering the inn, and we weren't exactly discreet when we brought it in. Several bloody, half-naked, acid-scarred men lugging the large stone through the streets after a pitched battle in front of a cathedral will get noticed." He allows himself a small smile here.

"Anyway, onward. There are several things we need to address this morning before we head to Lac Noir... and that is still our agreed-upon destination, yes? First, Nicolae...

"I have no ill will toward you, monsieur, but I wish to know your preferences before this conversation goes much further. Through very different paths, Vincent, Zumba, Goren, and I have come together to try to find and stop the forces responsible for the evil that's been plaguing Souragne. Not to mention causing the drought. As Auschluss said, and I'm assuming he's right in spite of his attitude, this land will be dead in a matter of weeks -- or even days -- unless the power that's fueling the drought is stopped. Are you interested in helping us? And if you can help... how?"

He returns to addressing the full group again. "Second... money. That boor Auschluss demanded sixty gold for his services last night. I paid 25. If we are to pay the remainder, I am unable -- and unwilling -- to do so on my own. Assistance or alternatives would be appreciated.

"There's a third thing to discuss, but I'll wait for Monsieur Pavenic's opinion before continuing."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Ail »

Zumba wakes refreshed and well rested. After the incident with Goren the previous night, and the supposition that he was in for another tumultuous night, the peace in his dreams seemed like a good assurance, a balm indeed.

He wondered in bed after waking for a couple of minutes if that could have been the Maiden's gift that Molliana had cast on him. He clutched his own amulets of the Maiden close to his chest, as if strenghtening his faith. Then he got up, with a burst of energy... as he used to. Zumba was not one for long meditations.

He came down to the dining room carrying all his belongings. That was something he had been used to through his life on the run, and given the circumstances, he thought it was a good habit to keep.

When he got to the table, everyone but Vincent was there already.

"Good morning, gentlemen, did you sleep well?"

He accentuated the question with a tone that made everyone sure this was not the trivial question of everyday greetings. Given their recent history, it was full of significance. He actually meant "well", as in a good comforting way. Something stronger than the neutral dreams he had been used to before this began.

He did not wait for an answer before sitting. As Khalfani spoke, he said

"I can contribute for the Doktor, yes. Regarding the stone, surely we can look for clues? A stone that large could not easily have been taken from a room without leaving some kind of mark... but I don't think we'll need to take it back. I guess we'll be seeing lots of them around anyway.

He nods to Nicolae as Lucien introduces the rules to him, and waits interestedly for the response.

OOC: edited. where it is Khalfani, please read Lucien. I could have edited, but I sort of like these mistakes :-)
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Guzrath »

Vincent wakes up slowly staring out the window into the sunlight. His body is refreshed, but he feels weary in his mind. A melancholy filling his heart as he relives his dream. His hand slowly reaches for his mouth, tounhing his lips, checking them, inspecting them, still staring at the sunlight. The words seem to echo in his mind. For a moment he feels trapped in his own body.

He pushes the sheets aside and slowly sits on the the side of the bed, elbows leaning on his knees, his head in his hands.

"You still haven't changed" he whispers disappointedly to himself. He stares at the wall in front of him, trying to muster the energy to be who he has to be. He thinks about the past few days, how he intended to change, but wasn't succeeding.
"I need change" he says more pleadingly than he wanted it to be.
For the first time in many, many years he closes his eyes and recites an Ezran prayer by heart. It gives him a strength he did not expect. The strength is soon followed by a feeling of guilt and weakness, which turns into anger. He stands up and prepares for the day, packing the necessary for the trip to come.
"Just a few more days" he says to himself. By busying himself and getting dressed he regains control over his mood. Putting on his expensive clothes, he looks at himself in the mirror. He forces a smile. "Not convincing enough" he says and looks at himself in his clothes. Clothes that cost more than most people would ever earn and an honest laugh escapes his lips as he realizes the irony of himself. He smiles again, a true smile. Vincent feels like his feet are back on the earth. Back to reality. Back to the story called life. He finishes up dressing whistling. Putting on the several pieces of jewelry he has, taking a look at the ring he wears around his neck.

"Why were you afraid when this Claude spoke to your mind yesterday?" he thinks. "Afraid of the unknown" he answers to himself. He shrugs "So are many things, no reason to live in fear, no reason to believe you will end up on that same cold floor again. Be wary, but live your life to the fullest, as always. Enjoy what the world can offer you, do not fear what it can take from you. Not even your soul."

Again he genuinly smiles to himself. "This will be a nice day. And this time time, you have a bonus if you come back alive."

Vincent leaves his room cheerfully, having pushed aside the melancholy and questions he wakes up to many mornings. He is probably a little bit late, but that fits. He moves down the stairs with confidence and cheer, winking at a barmaid with a cheerfull and well meant "Goodmorning". He walks to the table in his fine clothing, where the others are seated. "Goodmorning" he says exagerating a bow and then sits down. "Well" he says with a smile "with a clap of his hands "today we go on a nice trip" clearly delighted and anxious.

He listens to Lucien explain the theft. "Oh well" he says lightheartedly, but not finishing his sentence.

Vincent laughs at the description of them entering with the stone.
"That is a fact indeed monsieur" he adds.

"Money is no problem" he says "I'll pay the dear doctor in five days when we get back. Who knows, we might have even had a nice warm bath by then" he adds jokingly.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

A familiar face comes sauntering up to your table; it is the bartender from last night, his eyes a little puffy due to a lack of sleep, but alert enough. He bestows a slightly rueful smile on all of you and places a priceless commodity on the table: a pot of actual coffee. Just the rich, powerful smell is enough to make you feel more awake.

"My little thanks-you for last night, hein?" the bartender says with an attempt at a smile. "Maybe you gentlemens didn't find anythin' wrong with the candles, but at least you went an' looked for me. I thank you, oui? Enjoy the coffee. Not much of it left. Plenty of beans, don't get me wrong, an' the grinder works fine, but the water is bein' ration. The constable, he come an' tell us this mornin'."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by steveflam »

Souragnien "I like to go voir le Temple, please. Important for citoyens for having water. Temple should pay machine de l'eau in opinion of me. I no eating cause no hunger since yesterday or is it day before? I forget. While you eating, I go and then coming back."

Goren rises and leaves the Inn and heads for the Temple.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Ail »

Coffee! The smell brings many memories, some of them painful, but most of them dear to him: his family, his kin, the cubatas, the nightly dances they were sometimes allowed. It had been a long time since he had drank coffee for the last time, and he savoured the smell for a while.

"Do you happen to still have some of the grains with you? Or the leaves?"

Zumba asks the bartender.

"I'd like to have some if you could dispense me, please."

Goren gets up, and Zumba reflects upon his words.
"No hunger... in 2 days. How can he? Strange fellow this Goren.
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

After Vincent speak, Lucien nods his head appreciatively. "Thank you, Vincent -- and Zumba. That is most generous. As for looking for clues, I don't think that would be the best use of our time. Besides our friend the barkeeper, I'm not sure who we can trust to tell the truth here. Speaking of which...."
A familiar face comes sauntering up to your table; it is the bartender from last night, his eyes a little puffy due to a lack of sleep, but alert enough. He bestows a slightly rueful smile on all of you and places a priceless commodity on the table: a pot of actual coffee. Just the rich, powerful smell is enough to make you feel more awake.
Lucien inhales the aroma. "Remarkable," he breathes, and perhaps the first honest smile of the past two days crosses his face. "Thank you," he says to the bartender. He resumes a more grim expression. "I'm sorry to hear about the rationing. Dire times indeed."

As Goren leaves, he says to this companions at the table, "A puzzling man. As long as he returns by the time we're ready to leave, no harm done, although it will delay my third point."

He looks again at Nicolae, waiting to see if the newcomer will agree to aid them.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Guzrath »

Vincent smells the coffee and rejoices. "Hmmm, the idea of drinking water......". he says.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Higginz »

Nicolae walks from his table over to Goren and introduces himself. He reminds Goren that he was the fellow from the doctor's house from the previous night. Sitting down, he orders another coffee when the bartender comes around.

Meanwhile, he realizes that there is talk of a missing stone; his ears perk up, although he pretends to pay no attention. However, his ruse seems to fail when he notices that he has caught the attention of Lucien. "My motivations? I had come here in search of work. Unfortunately, it seems I have chosen the worst of all possible seasons. And what's more, I have ill premonitions that a former student of mine has come to a foul end in these lands. So the answer is Yes; I will help you." He sips his coffee. "If for no other reason than to find out what happened to my former pupil and dear friend Jazelle, I shall assist you." "Now, tell me of this Lac Noir of which I hear you speak. And what is this business about a missing stone?!"
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »


You soon arrive at Ezra's Temple. A lot of work has been done to repair the damage caused by yesterday's battle; fresh gravel has been carted in to fill the ugly potholes caused by unholy acid, the last remains of the dead have been removed somehow, and the grounds are bustling with young, fresh-faced Anchorites chanting prayers and scattering wisps of incense smoke and droplets of holy water.

Mixed with the Anchorites, however, are Voodan. Many Voodan. There seems to be some friction between some of these gris-gris bedecked people, or so you assume from the looks they keep castin at one another. Nevertheless, they are bustling as much as are the Anchorites, scattering pinches of herbs and muttering prayers of their own. It takes a moment for you to realize this, but when you pause to take a better look, you soon see that what looks like random movement is actually part of one large, impressively complex pattern.

The scents of incense and herbs complement each other. Each pause in the prayers to Ezra is filled with chants to the Loah, which harmonize with one another. Beneath the feet of all the walking, bustling spiritual shepherds, strange and complicated patterns are forming in the new gravel. Symbols of blazing white paint - or at least, something that looks like paint. You can feel the power building in front of the Church already.

The Guardian of the Gate, the old warrior you met yesterday and who asked you all to leave, is standing in front of the door now. Leaning on his silver longsword, dressed in an immaculate green-and-white tabard with the symbol of Ezra picked out on the front in thread of silver, Warden DeMarrier cuts an impressive figure. The fresh gris-gris hanging on his chest and from the hilt of his sword only add to it.

Standing beside the Guardian is an equally impressive figure. Easily six foot high, this person is robed in Ezra's green-and-white as well, but the green hem is much broader. A cloak of grey fabric hangs from the figure's shoulders. A large mask of gilded wood with a feather and palm frond headdress hides this individual's face from the world, but it exudes an aura of calm confidence and power. A necklace of roots, bones and stones hangs around the figure's neck, the silver symbol of Ezra hanging at its lowest point.

After a bit more looking, you recognize Warden Sarosse as one of the Anchorites at work on the area in front of the Temple. She is holding an aspergillium, a silver staff with a chamber in its tip for vials of holy water, which she is scattering in the air and over her companions with every movement of her wrist. Alas, in the unnatural drought, the liquid turns into a fine mist almost as soon as it is released into the air, but presumably this does not negate the magic being woven.

Everyone else:

The bartender's face splits open in a wide grin when Zumba asks his question.

"We have plenty of beans, monsieur. I make a little bag of beans for you. You ask me when you go out or pass the front desk, hein? I give you some as thanks for yesterday."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by steveflam »

Goren nods to the warrior from yesterday and makes his way to Warden Sarosse. Souragnien "Good mornings to you Warden madame. I have seeing that the worshippingers of the Voodoo and them of Ezra working as one. Is very very positive, madame. Many times in my city, temples working together for commonly cause. I glad to have seeing this."

The red haired man smiles, looking around before turning back to her. Souragnien "Um, I reason to coming see you this morning. I meet the Doctor yesterday with companions, yesterday after sun sleep. He, he um have this machine. Make water. Very very impressioning to me. I get to thinking. If this machine bigger, it help the whole citizens of Souragne. So I telling myself, what if Temple knows of this. So I asking Doctor. He is not a very nice man by the way. He tells me Temple already aware of if bigger machine."

He fidgets a little, and is a bit embarrassed. He has his beliefs after all and helping those in need is what he does. What he's done ever since he became a priest for the Morninglord.

Souragnien " So, I know you not know me or my companions. I come here of my own accord. I always having helped people. Is what I does since I became priest. I is sure that the Temple can afford or come to agreement with Doctor to creating machine. I just feel necessity to tell you how I feeling. I hope you no judge me harsh by my being forwarding with you, Warden.
Thank you for listen to moi."

Goren smiles sheepishly and waits.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne: The Siege of Lac Noir

Post by Ail »

Zumba smiles happily at the bartender's words.

"Sure, I'll go there soon enough."

As Nicolae talks, Zumba hears the name Jazelle. He goes thoughtful for a while, and then glances discreetely in Vincent's direction. He remembered the girl they met in their first fight. Had he ever known her name? He was not sure, but she looked to be a foreigner also. Could this be the same one?
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
Brother Eustace (The Devil's Dreams)
Robert de Moureaux (A New Barovia)
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