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Background and Current Sketch

Canon Information

Malus Sceleris is the ruler of Nosos, residing in Sceleris Manor. The only son of a widower, Malus never received any affection from his father. He eventually murdered him by contaminating his bed linen with disease pathogens.[1]

He is wealthy, owning extremely profitable coal mines and activity pusues trade with other domains.[2] Yet despite all the wealth and power he acquires and all the vengeance he wreaks against nature (and therefore his father), he seeths with the need to have and do more.[3][4]

Netbook-Canon Information

Cursed as a darklord, he is always under the effects of a Speak with Plants spell, which affects all plants within a mile of him. Any trees speak to him with the voice of the ancient forest where he grew up, forcing him to go through his guilt. Because of this, he orders all trees in his domain of Nosos destroyed, and only allows people to grow other forms of plants if they pay a "Green Tax", basically one gold coin per month for every cubic foot of flora owned. [5]


Canon Information

In 2nd Edition, Islands of Terror depicts Malus Sceleris as a 0-level human.[6] Domains of Dread lists him to a first level fighter.[7] Although physically unimpressive, Malus can weave a powerful charm with but a smile and cause a powerful disease but with a simple touch.[8][9] He was never updated to 3rd edition in Canon.

Netbook-Canon Information

In 3rd edition, Malus is a Male Human Ari4/Exp2/Manipulator2.[10]

Malus is immune to level draining, ability score damage and all forms of poison and disease. He has several scientists experimenting with creating newer and deadlier varieties of toxin, and uses these to his advantage. Because of his immunity, he can simply smear the pathogen on his hands - which is why he always wears white gloves. When he wishes to infect someone, he simply removes his gloves and shakes their hand. [11]

One of the diseases he has bred is Dum Dum Fever, which lowers intelligence. Because his minions have spread the rumour that Brain Fever is acquired from prostitutes, infected parties are weakened both in mind and in reputation, which makes it perfect for discrediting rivals. A more lethal disease is "Elevens", a muscular disease which causes two vertical muscles in the neck to stand erect, hence the name. [12]


human male alchemist 7 (Plague Bringer), Neutral Evil[13]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Domains of Dread
Islands of Terror
The Forgotten Children Download Now!

Domains of Dread - p93
Islands of Terror - p89

Domains of Dread - pp92-93
Islands of Terror - pp89-90

Domains of Dread - pp92-93
Islands of Terror - pp83-86
The Forgotten Children - pp36-37 Download Now!