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'''Here are King Drocdiles AD&D Stats'''
'''Here are King Drocdiles AD&D Stats'''

Revision as of 18:18, 29 October 2011

WIKISEED FROM CATALOGUE : Darklord of The Wildlands


Male Giant Crocodile, Chaotic Evil, CR 12

Here are King Drocdiles AD&D Stats King Crocodile (1 2th-level fighter): AC -2 (5); MV 18 Sw 36; HD 12; hp 77; Str 21; Dex 17; Con 18; Int 17; Wis 14; Cha 13; RAT 2; Dmg 4-24 ( + 9 Str bonus)/3-30 ( + 9 Str bonus); SA Aura of evil (all non-evils lose 2 hp per round within 20 of King Crocodile, lasts 2-8 turns, usable once per day), teeth act like a sword of sharpness, severing a limb on an attack roll of 18-20; SD surprise ( -4 penalty to opponent’s surprise roll when in water); AL CE; THACO 6 The underbelly of King Crocodile is Armor Class 5, but it can only be struck if the crocodile is being fought in the water. Like all of the animals in the Wildlands, Crocodile can speak any human tongue that he wishes. Crocodile loves the subtlety of the human speech and he loves to twist the words to reflect his guile and cleverness. It is said that he no longer knows the speech of his kinsmen and that he would rather speak with human voice than lower himself to the roar of the animal. Those few creatures who are willing to deal with humans peaceably tell horrifying tales about King Crocodile. They do their best to convince the humans that King Crocodile must be killed, particularly if the humans show a warrior’s bravery. If the hairless apes should succeed in destroying King Crocodile however, the animals would immediately turn on their benefactors. The creatures will turn on the humans because they believe the hairless apes will destroy the jungle and them unless they are destroyed or removed. Gratitude is not a quality that is well known in the jungle. King Crocodile has one secret which no one in the Wildlands has guessed. He is dying. During his long life he has been stung thousands of times by flies, but at last he has caught the sleeping sickness. It is a lingering illness that will slowly weaken him for centuries to come. King Crocodile has only recently realized this and is terrified by the prospect of dying. He will do anything or promise anything to prevent this from happening. But Crocodile is ruled above all else by an unceasing hunger. There is no force in all the jungles, in all the stone lands, and in all the ice lands, that can change this, and he will try to eat anyone who helps him.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Islands of Terror

Islands of Terror - p22

Islands of Terror - p22

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p7
Islands of Terror - pp18-19