Prince Valislav Ordranti

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Prince Valislav Ordranti of Ustalav, also known as the Eunuch King, was the predecessor monarch and older brother of Prince Aduard Ordranti III. Prince Valislav was an incompetent ruler, for the corruption of his counts sewed the seeds of rebellion in the common folk. The Bloodless Revolution of 713 BC was the culmination of the rebellion, during which the counties of Vieland and Canterwall broke away from the monarchy to form separate palatinates governed by people's councils rather than noble lords. The other counties collapsed into chaos and violence. Although the demise of Prince Valislav was said to cause the end of the fighting, it was more likely the march of Falkovnia into Ustalav that ceased the fighting in order to repel the invaders.[1]

Although Prince Valislav was referred to as the Eunuch King because of his supposed inability to to produce an heir, Mircalla Caliphvaso, his mistress, claimed her bastard son Reneis Ordranti is the child of Prince Valislav. Since Mircalla's disappearance, Countess Carmilla Caliphvaso has championed the cause that Reneis should become the ruler of the nation.[2]

External Links

Valislav Ordranti at the Pathfinder Wiki


  1. QtR22 p.217
  2. QtR22 p.226