Dungannon Jeratte

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Haling from Oerth, Dungannon Jerrate is an outlander adventurer and former paladin in the service of Heironeous. Despite his fall from grace, Dungannon still venerates his deity and adheres to the paladin code of morality and honor[1].


Born and raised in Nyrond, Dungannon finished his paladin training in the City of Greyhawk before being sent out on the road as companion and guard for the cleric Nuri. On their adventures, they met and joined with several other adventurers, including the evoker wizard Leah. Dungannon and Leah eventually fell in love, though their relationship would ultimately end in disaster after an evil wizard kidnapped Leah. Though Dungannon and his compatriots ultimately liberated her, it was not before a vile fiend conjured from the Abyss claimed one of her hands[1].

No healing magic restored the lost limb, and thus Leah withdrew from life as an adventurer. Dungannon went after the wizard in a personal quest to avenge Leah. Dunganon accomplished the capture of the wizard and ultimately murdered him, a deed that caused Dungannon to become a fallen paladin. So ashamed by this deed, Dungannon refrained from seeing Leah again for years[1].

Current Sketch

Dungannon recently received a letter from Leah requesting liberation from her new abusive husband, a call to which he went to answer along with his compatriots[1]. However, the party were taken to the Demiplane of Dread, eventually ending up in the village of Villebois in Dementlieu. Mayor Charles de Tantoine may have tried to pin the blame on them for the murders he committed as a lycanthrope[2].


Dungannon sees his long time allies Draloef Stonegrinder and Nuri as close friends and moral exemplars he struggles to pattern his life around. Although he would prefer to get along better with his fellow Nyrondese Gewa Carimar, her morally questionable behavior thwarts such hopes. He often feels the urge to employ a corporal punishment against her but refrains. Dungannon views Derek Ravenclaw as a man of low moral character that uses duplicitous magic to manipulate and circumvent honorable combat. Dungannon views Hespero the Harmonious with only a little bit higher regard, though admittedly Hespero can act courageously from time to time[1].

Game Statistics

male human fighter (formerly paladin) 5; Lawful Good[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The Beast Within (1998) p. 16
  2. Dungannon and his teammates are player character included with the Beast Within (1998) scenario.