Nimrod Ar-Zahav

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Nimrod Ar-Zahav was once a king of Shargobar. However, his desire for godhood and his murder of all the true priests in his city resulted in his city being sunk by the waves. The Dark Powers granted him immortality but at a price: to be trapped inside a statue.[1]

Nimrod is totally indestructible as a statue but cannot move. He can cast priest spells and telepathically communicate. The only way he can can actually move if the crown is removed from his head. Even then, his curse compels him to make sure it is put back on. Even then, without his crown he is mortal, though still stone, and he suffers automatic damage.[2]

Despite Nimrod's disabilities, he is the subject of veneration, though not by humans. Rather, there is a Cult of Nimrod comprised entirely of sahuagin. He relies upon his cult's high priestess to administer his will upon his worshipers.[3]
