Henry Arlington

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Henry Arlington is the darklord of Arlington Farm. In life, he was a farmer who sacrificed everything (or rather, everyone)) to take control of his family's farm and keep it prosperous. He killed his parents and brothers to assume control over it and practiced foul rituals of human sacrifice in order to undo the blights caused by the curses levied upon him. In paranoia, he even killed his wife, his son, and two of his workers before banishing all the rest.[1]

To conceal his various murders, Henry cut apart the flesh and then stuffed them inside scarecrows. Little did he know they would come to life as dread flesh scarecrows, who came to him after the last of his servants had left. They did his bidding at first but quickly turned on and murdered him before making him one of their own.[2]


  1. Quoth the Raven Issue 11, p.56-60
  2. Quoth the Raven Issue 11, p.60-61