Belenus (Deity)

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The sun god Belenus is worshiped by members of the Church of Belenus in Nidala and in Tepest, although the messages preached by the Nidalan and the Tepestani clergies may be quite different from those of other realms or even from each other.[1][2]

Many druids from Forfar venerate Belenus (along with Daghda). Belenus is a member of the Forfarian Pantheon.[3] Druids among the Rowan Faction are known for venerating Belenus in particular.[4]


Neutral Good[3][5][6]

Favored Weapon



Fire, Good, Sun[3][5][6]

Netbook canon

Belenus is known and worshiped as Yarilo in Okraina. Belenus is one of the Thousand Gods in Liffe.
