Jean Tarascon

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Jean Tarascon is a member of the Tarascon Family, the wealthiest family in Marais d'Tarascon. He arrived at the town's old cemetery just after his brothers, Luc Tarascon and Marcel Tarascon, had found a scroll containing Hyskosa's Hexad there, and drove off the undead that were attacking them. He brought the slain Marcel's body to Shaman Brucian, but Brucian's failed attempt to revive him turned Marcel into zombie lord. Witnessing this drove Jean insane, and he became a madman, stalking the streets of Marais d'Tarascon and murdering random victim to bring offerings to his undead brother. Acting normal by day, at night he wears a black hooded cloak, and leaves a piece of red licorice as a calling card at the scene each crime.

He has hidden the scroll of Hyskosa at his townhouse and sent his brother Luc into the swamp to protect him from Marcel. Jean has ordered his family servants to eat human flesh, turning them into ghouls but has not done so himself.


Male Human Madman, Fighter 4, Chaotic Evil

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

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