Alexis Wilhaven

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Now a patient under the care of the psychologist Dr. Vilhelm Mikki, Alexis was a former medical student that helped Dr. Victor Mordenheim turn Rudolph von Aubrecker into the Living Brain.


Alexis Wilhaven was a medical student studying under Dr. Victor Mordenheim.[1] In 712 BC[2] Rudolph von Aubrecker, the 18 year old son of Baron Vilhelm von Aubrecker, was nearly killed in the shipwreck of the Haifisch. He was found upon death's door by Alexis and taken to Mordenheim. Conventional treatment failed to stablise the patient so the doctor determined to at least put the brain of the condemned man to some use, removing it and placing it alive in a bubbling vat for study. The idea of doing this abhored the student, but he was soon persuaded by his teacher and assisted in the delicate procedure. Later Alexis threatened to go to the baron with word of the true fate of Rudolph. In reply Mordenheim noted that the assisting surgeon was far from an innocent party. Ultimately, the young student was "rewarded" for his involvement in the affair by the the Living Brain itself who forced its will upon his own and reduced him to its slave. It was Alexis who arranged the transportation for himself and his new master to Dementlieu.[3]

Current Sketch

The long time under domination by the Brain plus his guilt over the matter eventually caused Wilhaven's mind to collapse, leaving him an incoherent mess. He is currently held at sanitarium run by Dr. Vilhelm Mikki.[4]


  1. Gazetteer III p. 125
  2. Gazetteer II p. 75
  3. Gaz III p. 126-126
  4. Gaz III p. 126