The Balduska Foundling House

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Founded by Headmaster Henryk Vilkule on the finances of the Church of Ezra as an orphanage to serve the children of Kantora right where they needed it most (the Lawgiver's realm), the Balduska Foundling House[1] is in actuality a horrible sweatshop and headquarters for a slave ring led by the "good" Headmaster. Brutal thugs bully and beat the hope and playfulness out of any orphans or street urchins they may ensnare, turning them into haggard, rag-clad laborers.

Balduska House is a stone building made of a connection of spartan workshops and bare, cramped living quarters. On the Ethereal Plane, the horror of Balduska House is reflected in the dingy maze of fog-strangled corridors that sound with the weeping of dead children. Vilkule had no idea when he bought the house that there was already a bad presence within the house, a phenomena he nonetheless made much worse. Children who die here sometimes come back as the undead, rarely as spirit waifs but more often as animators. A plague of gremishkas lurk in the house, committing many of the evil deeds the children are accused and punished for.

Balduska House is a rank 3 Sinkhole of Evil.
