Praesidius Levin Postoya

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Levin Postoya is the fifth and current praesidius (high priest and spiritual leader) of the Church of Ezra.[1]


Born in 697 BC[2],Levin Postoya began his religious vocation long ago as a simple anchorite in a temple in Ilvin.[3]Much of his time in the service of Ezra was spent scribing copies of The Books of Ezra, the illustrated copies now commanding a very high price among collectors in Port-a-Lucine. His years spent as a scribe nearly blinded him and in consequence he wears very thick glasses.[2]Levin Postoya eventually became a highly respected adviser to Alexei Raskolka. In 746 BC, Levin succeeded Alexei Raskolka in 746 BC to the office of praesidius[4],the leader and highest ranking anchorite, of the Church of Ezra.[1]

Current Sketch

As Praesidius, Levin holds the offices of Bastion of the Home Faith and Sentire of Levkarest.[5] The Praesidius presides over the faith from the Great Cathedral in Levkarest.[1]Praesidius Levin is very conscience of the political environment in which the Home Faith exists[4],and he reigns over a group of anchorites that strive to refrain from picking sides in the politics of Borca. However, they meet with the Borcan nobility in private to appease them and secure donations to the church.[1]In particular, Levin has been willing to meet the demands of both Ivana Boritsi and Ivan Dilisnya for money. There is some very quiet speculation among the inner circle of the Home Faith that Levin very carefully makes payments to the pair as part of a clever scheme that would see the cousins destroy each other.[4]


Male human Cleric 6 of Ezra / Anchorite of the Mists 5, Lawful Neutral
