Alice (Mermaid)

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Alice[1] (presently known as Alison Marjory), is a wizard of minor talent who lives in Mistlington on Carcharodon Isle. As a relative stranger to the town, she lives as a virtual outcast. Little do the townsfolk all know, Alice is one of the two demilords of that domain, along with her lover Sean Mako.

"Alison Marjory" was once simply known as "Alice" and was a mermaid who fell in love with the aforementioned human fisherman. After disapproving villagers kidnapped her and Sean went on a rampage to ensure her safety, only to find her thrown overboard, the Dark Powers answered his wish to grow fins and afflicted both of them with the Lovers' Curse. Alice becomes a Greater Sea Wolf three days of the month, during which Sean transforms into a wereshark. Like Sean, she cannot willingly control her form.


female human wizard 1, Lawful Good/Greater Sea Wolf, Chaotic Evil
