Irik Zal'honan (Brother)

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Irik Zal'honan is the late bother of Azalin Rex, known during Irik's time as Firan Zal'honan. Firan botched a summmoning ritual that ultimately led to Irik's death. Azalin named his son in memory of his brother, though Azalin too would end up bringing about Irik the son's death in a different set of circumstances.


Irik the brother was the son of Earl Turalitan Zal'honan and the younger brother of Ranald Zal'honan and Firan. They all resided in Knurl. Irik's sunny disposition and kind, forgiving personality endeared the child to everyone. Irik showed a more cautious, gods-fearing personality than Firan, yet demonstrated awe and respect for Firan's bravado and brazen escapade of defying their father's will, such as Firan's secret practice of arcane magic.[1]

In 246 CY, one such escapade spelled doom. Adolescent Firan planned a ritual summoning with his friend Corsalus and invited 12-year-old Irik along to participate. Though he expressed some trepidation, Irik eagerly agreed. However, the ritual did not go well, and whatever presence they summoned broke free. It possessed Irik, and he began a speedy transformation into some sort of distinctly inhuman fiend. Irik quickly enlisted the aid of the wizard Quantarius, whom began a ritual to reverse the transformation and undo the possession. However, things quickly went south as Turalitan and his men busted in and saw the monster Irik had become. Refusing to believe the claims Irik was the monster, Turalitan entered battled and struck Irik dead, not realizing his error until after the fact. Turalitan blamed Quantarius, and to this end the wizard was exiled from Knurl. Firan in turn blamed Turalitan and followed Quantarius to Eastfair[2]

Several decades later, long after Turalitan and Ranald's death and Firan had inherited rule of Earl, the aging Firan conceived a child with his wife Olessa. Olessa died in childbirth, but Firan named his son after Irik.[3]


  1. King of the Dead p. 81-85
  2. KotD p. 81-125
  3. KotD p. 179-181

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