Baron Amthor Ocrotire

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Baron Amthor Ocrotire is a baron living in Lechberg. He was the former suitor of Lady Monique Pretorius, but she was slain by Vladimir Nobriskov in order to conceal his identity as a werebat praying upon Monique's sister Lady Gennifer[1] (alternatively, Lady Jenika[2]).At the time, Baron Amthor's estate was running out of money. His financial difficulties possibly lead to him becoming a suspect in the investigation of her death, but his love for Monique was genuine[3].

Nobriskov's treachery was eventually revealed, and the werebat was defeated. Baron Amthor eventually fell in love with Lady Gennifer, and they later married. Seeking to forget the past, the couple relocated to a manor in the Steading. However, the taint of lycanthropy had unknowingly afflicted Gennifer, leading her to eventually become an essential component of the Night Swarm (see the cut Dread Possibility from Gazetteer IV, below)[2].

Dread Possibility Cut from Gazetteer IV[2]

The Night Swarm is a phenomenon that occurs on Mount Gries in Borca, with devastating effects on the countryside. Its origins lie with Vladimir Nobriskov, a true werebat who wooed a long string of young damsels, draining them of their blood before moving on to his next conquest. Nobriskov actively mimicked a vampire’s habits to mislead possible hunters, but his ruse eventually failed him. His final conquest was Lady Jenica Pretorius, a lovely but somewhat smug and wanton young Borcan noblewoman. After the Prince’s downfall, the shaken Lady Jenica married another suitor, Baron Amthor Ocrotire. The Ocrotires moved to a manor in the Steading, hoping to leave their horrific memories behind, but sadly, their tragic tale had just begun. Jenica is now an afflicted lycanthrope, and her trigger is the sound of screeching dire bats.

The bats within Mount Gries grow large and fierce, and several have developed a cruel and unnatural cunning (Int 6; considered Magical Beasts). One night they accidentally triggered Jenica’s transformation, and she involuntarily joined their swarm. Jenica’s bat empathy in hybrid form allows her to draw hundreds of Mount Gries’ denizens under her control, and her human intelligence allows the swarm to act with preternatural purpose and guile. Whenever Jenica transforms, the Night Swarm roams the Balinoks, decimating any unprotected herds or settlements they encounter. Although Jenica is the uniting factor, her dire bat “lieutenants” are the true menace. The bats instinctually understand her nature and the benefits her presence brings. Whenever Jenica reverts to human form and flees, they track her down and force her to unite the Night Swarm once more.

Should Jenica be killed but the dire bats survive, they will seek out new werebat figureheads to enslave. They may even shadow Jenica’s murderers, waiting to see if any of them have contracted her lycanthropy. The Ocrotires are desperate for a cure, but they know only the most basic lycanthropic lore. Baron Amthor has of late taken to locking Jenica in a soundproofed chamber at sunset, but the tenacious dire bats often manage to “free” her. Despite their desperation, the Ocrotires are highly secretive for fear that Borca’s lords may find her affliction “amusing.” Heroes may hear rumors of a noble who keeps his wife imprisoned in their manor, or be recruited to rescue Lady Jenica from her “abductors.”


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: Werebeasts

Children of the Night: Werebeasts - p36