King Crocodile

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King Crocodile is the darklord of The Wildlands.[1]


Third Edition Male Giant Crocodile, Chaotic Evil, CR 12

Second Edition: male unique crocodile fighter 12, CE[2]


King Crocodile fancies himself sophisticated and clever enough to speak the language of the hairless apes over those of his kindred, but he is a despicable monster through and through. The few denizens of the Wildlands willing to talk to non-animal interlopers would conspire with them to overthrow King Crocodile. King Crododile's all-consuming gluttony compels him to ultimately eat whatever crosses his path.[3]

At one time, King Crocodile promised an assembly of animals to drive out the hairless ape invaders if only they would lend him their strengths and powers. Most did so, and in turn he devoured the apes. But he did not give the animals their powers back. Instead, he devoured many of them in turn and drove other ones into hiding.[4]

The python, the only animal to refuse giving King Crocodile his gift, cursed King Crocodile to be killed by either the hairless apes or something beneath his notice.[5] Now, as a Darklord of the Wildlands, King Crocodile fears his demise may be upon him, though his never-sated hunger prevents him from making the most of any benefical alliances.[6]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Islands of Terror

Islands of Terror - p22

Islands of Terror - p22

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p7
Islands of Terror - pp18-19