Category:Cult of the Old Gods

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Led by Archdruid Golo[1], the Cult of the Old Gods is a cult in the town of Widow's Peak in the domain of Craven Cove.[2] Although its roots go back further, the cult made itself known sometime within the last ten years in response to widespread dissatisfaction with the Morninglord[2], then a dominant faith in Widow's Peak. People lost faith in him for his seeming failure to remove the Sea Witch's Curse upon the land and its people.[3] The cultists laid siege upon the Immaculate Chapel and slaughtered the last of the Morninglord's already dwindling worshipers.[4] Over the past few years continuing to this very day, the Cult has made regular sacrifices, especially human sacrifices, to ill-defined, primordial deities of sea and wind, or sometimes even to the Sea Witch herself, in order to get the curse removed. Yet the Cult of the Old Gods have shown no more effectiveness than the Morninglord in's clergy in removing the curse.

Beliefs and Practice

In the minds of the cultists, the Old Gods are a pantheon of primordial deities (or even singular entity) with power over the air and water. These gods are hazy in nature and ill-defined, but they are thought to grant divine power to those who make regular sacrifices. To this end, the cultists have kidnapped their fellow townspeople for sacrifice, or have even made sacrifices of each other. Although some turn into horrible Sea Spawn[2], the practice of sacrifice does grant the Cult some divine spellcasting[5], such as that of the gullspeaker priests[6] or the Archdruid Golo. They cast spells as druids.

The granting of divine spells to the Cult is not because the Old Gods truly exist. In fact they are mere idols, false deities. However, the actions of the Cultists garnered the attention of the Dark Powers, who grant the cultists their powers instead. It may be doubtful that the cultists would care if they knew the truth, for they cling to the notion that any deity- even a malign one- is better than none in answering their prayers.[7]

The Cult sometimes congregates in the basement of Golo's Draperies to deliberate on strategy[8], but it meets at Angharad’s Teeth, a secret cave lair, to make sacrifices and perform worship.[9]


Rock inscribed with the insignia of the Cult can sometimes be discovered throughout Craven Cove. A combination of words in druidic that translate into "the word of god eternal", these magical insignias can bring madness to those that read them.[10]


  1. Widow's Peak (Module) p. 15
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 p. 6
  3. p. 12
  4. p. 14
  5. p. 35
  6. p. 42
  7. p. 35-36
  8. p. 15
  9. p. 35-36
  10. p. 10


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Pages in category "Cult of the Old Gods"

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