Category:Blutkalte Family

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Also referred to as the Brood of Blutkalte, the Blutkalte family[1] is remembered in legend as a family of infamous evildoers and murderers. Their collective professions of the Blutkaltes dealt with all elements of death- wretched healer, gravedigger, mortician, and so on. The Blutkaltes have been blamed for multiple murders. According to legend, their wickedness caused them to be chased from their hometown, afflicting their evils upon the rest of the world as the family wanders from town to town. In truth, none of the Blutkaltes may remain among the Living- the murders presently being committed are the work of a single person- Sebastian Blutkalte, a dread doppelganger ghost whose powers enable him to transform the bodies he possesses into different forms just as he could personally shapeshift.

The alleged Blutkalte family's responsibility for Sebstian's actions originates from Sebastian's multiple personalities, which formed as his psyche fragmented in the last moments of his life. Sebastian assumes the guises of different family members as differing situations call for different M.O.s. Sebastian also uses another personality- that of the wandering minstrel Wolfgang Saenger- to spread the legend of the Blutkalte.


The Blutkaltes lived within a lower class neighborhood of an unspecified city, where they were poor but nonetheless influential within their part of their community. The family's patriarch, Tobias Blutkalte, established himself as a healer, but he was not well-liked because of the cruelty for which his treated his patients. Nonetheless, Sebastian made a living- and gathered power- through intimidation and fearmongering. He put the blame on his patients for their afflictions and any subsequent deaths on their individual failings- including abiding by the arduous and degrading rituals he injected into their would-be cures. In truth, Tobias designed elaborate rituals and applied painful or irritating concoctions solely to protect the stealing of his methods and to punish the sick- for whom he only felt revulsion for.

Tobias was a violent father- his wife having died in childbirth of his only son Maxmilian Blutkalte. Tobias passed on his abusive violence and cruelty to Max, whom later married a callous woman named Jutta. Together they raised a single son, Sebastian. Unknown to the entirety of the family including Sebastian himself, Sebastian's biological father was not one of the Blutkaltes or even human but instead a dread doppelganger whom mated with Jutta under the assumed guise of Jutta. As the powers of dread doppelgangers do not manifest until adolescence, Sebastian grew up believing he was fully human as his family subjected him to abuse.

Although many people thought ill of the Blutkaltes in private, few individuals criticized them in public save for the Fassbinder family. Tobias eventually got his revenge through a complex scheme of poisoning the entire family under the guise of saving them from disease. Tobias then ordered his family to murder the enfeebled Fassbinders in their beds.

Sebastian had made a friend among the Fassbinders, fellow outcast Phillip Fassbinder. The trauma of murdering Phillip caused Sebastian to manifest his dread doppelganger nature, and he killed both Tobias and Jutta before being struck down by Max's shovel. Subsequently Max manifested as a ghost and drained his father of life.

Since that time, Sebastian has wandered the realms of dread via a series of kidnapped bodies. He can assume more personalities, though mostly limited to the guises of his previous, particularly memorable victims.

It has not been specified if the Blutkaltes had any extended family still alive.


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