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If a vampire sires a child with a female humanoid or monstrous humanoid, a dhampir is the result of such pairing. Also known as a half-vampire, the dhampir takes on the base characteristics of the mother and gains a number of unique powers from its vampiric heritage. Although it has no energy drain ability, the dhampir lacks most of the vampire's vulnerabilities. A dhampir is not necessarily damned to a life of evil, but following its death it is doomed to rise as a vampire.[1][2]

Dhampir are known to be encountered in the following domains: Barovia[3], Richemulot[4]

Descriptive Text

The man awaiting me was tall, with regular, aristocratic features and a commanding air. He was pale, with dark hair worn longer than is the custom in our country and piercing gray eyes; his hand enclosed mine in a grip of iron.

"Arthur Sedgwick, at your service," I introduced myself.

"Tamarlane Gundar," he said, revealing long white teeth in what I belatedly realized was a friendly smile.

"Gundar!" I said, trying to cover my confusion with humor. "That is a name to conjure with, surely."

"I assure you, Master Sedgwick, it is mine by right," he said, frowning.

-The Mark of Blood, from The Casebook of Alanik Ray, Arthur Sedgwick[5]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Denizens of Darkness

Denizens of Darkness - p41

Denizens of Darkness - pp41-43

Denizens of Darkness - pp41-42


Dhampirs were originally absent from Ravenloft entirely, with the closest equivalents being the Vorlogs and Vampyres. They were created for Masque of the Red Death in the sourcebook "Guide to Transylvania", then ported wholesale into the Demiplane of Dread when Ravenloft was updated for third edition.

This likely played a role in why Tristen apBlanc was stated to be a vampyre in life and not a dhampir, despite having been born to a human mother and a vampire father, whilst vampyres were characterized as an entirely separate race of monstrous humanoids.

Alternative dhampirs can be found in the Dhampyres of 4th edition, the Dhampirs of Pathfinder 1st and 2nd Editions, and the Khatane in Dragon #313 for 3rd edition, which is presented as the half-vampire species of Deathtouched.

Pages in category "Dhampir"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.