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Quantarius is a character from the past of Azalin Rex mentioned in the module From the Shadows and further detailed in the novel King of the Dead. He was the mentor in wizardry for the young Firan Zal'honan. Firan's calling a fiend resulted in the death of his brother Irik Zal'honan. Quantarius was blamed and exiled from Knurl as a result, and Firan voluntarily joined him.[1]

Expanded Story in King of the Dead

Quantarius came from peasant stock[2], though he still managed to become a powerful wizard regardless.

By the time of Firan's adolescence, Quantarius was a powerful and respected wizard in Knurl, although the ruler of Knurl despised wizards and arcane magic. Although the wizard was known to young Firan, he had not yet applied to become an apprentice, though his younger friend Corsalus had applied and failed.[3]

In 246 CY, Firan and Corsalus botched a fiend summoning ritual, resulting in Irik Zal'honan (Brother)'s possession and partial transformation into a horrible monster. Firan demanded they go to Quantarius for help, but Corsalus in his pride refused. Firan threw a geas upon him, and thus they went to Quantarius' doorstep. Quantarius gathered his things, and they (minus Corsalus, whom ran off into the night) went back to save Irik. Although he had botched the ritual, Firan impressed Quantarius enough for him to consider making him an apprentice after everything was through. Unfortunately, the desperate ritual to save Irik was interrupted by Turalitan and his men, whom attacked and were attacked by the now almost totally demonic Irik. Turalitan did not listen to Firan's claims that the demon was Irik and so dispatched the boy, not realizing until after the horror of what he'd done.[4]

Turalitan blamed Quantarius and banished him from the realm. Quantarius fled to Eastfair and set up operations there. After he recovered from an illness said to be the punishment from the gods, Firan in protest abandoned his family and went to Eastreach to become Quantarius' apprentice. Impressed by the boy's resolve and dedication, Quantarius took in Firan and began his instruction.[5]

Firan proved both intelligent and diligent as a student, and he kept the oath of honesty and fairness that Quantarius made him swear. By 255 CY, Firan was rooting out bandits in his master's stead. In 270 CY, Firan foiled a poisoning of a noble lord and severely punished the transgressors with fire. Quantarius was suitably impressed, though he wished Firan did not show the wrath he did in punishing those that provoked him. Still, Quantarius trusted Firan enough to let him take control of their business and teaching the apprentices while he recovered from his pleurisy.[6]

In 275 CY, Firan's service to Quantarius came to an end, for the former apprentice was called to Rauxes to serve the powers that be there. Before he left, Firan insisted that Quantarius accept a gift, a seemingly ordinary apple. To Quantarius' surprise, the apple rejuvenated him and made him young, adding years to his life. Horrified, Quantarius said he could not accept the gift, for the rejuvenation had come at the cost of life drained from many of Firan's enemies on the battlefield. Firan explained the magic was already performed and that he could not reverse it. Thus what was supposed to be a day of celebration became one of solemnity and distancing. Before Firan left, Quantarius warned him of a vision he had, that if Firan continued in his path courting dark forces, great horror and sorrow will follow the great triumphs he accomplished, a terrible fate much worse than death.[7]


  1. From the Shadows p. 61
  2. King of the Dead p. 146
  3. KotD p. 86
  4. KotD p. 92-114
  5. KotD 115-125
  6. KotD p. 125-142
  7. KotD p. 143-148