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Also called terrepolo by the Vistani[1], boowray are tiny, normally invisible and incorporeal fey that can drive their victims to madness and corruption through the use of their suggestive whispers. The more one listens to these compelling whispers, the less likely one is to resist them. Over time, these suggestions become ever more grandiose and vile.[2]

Boowray can be encountered in Falkovnia[3] the Shadow Rift[4], Tepest[5], and Valachan[6].

Descriptive Text

Every night the maid gazed out that dirty window looking at something unseen by the rest of us. Her child was dead only one season but in her sadness...or should it be madness she could not come to grips with its death. She clamed she saw her child reborn in the ever pressant mists. In her delusions her precious Steven would come to her every night telling tales of the other side and asking her to help him come back. We tolerated her actions until the night we found her standing over the bloody form of our own newborn, screaming about a sacrafice to bring her son back.

As she was led up the gallows I finaly saw her "son". The child or creature as I now know it to be stood in the shadows, silently laughing. Its childlike looks and bright green eyes belying a soul of pure evil. -Told to a Barovian Guard after the hanging of Marie Pertova.[7]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III
Denizens of Darkness
Servants of Darkness

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p18
Denizens of Darkness - p27
Servants of Darkness - p4

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p18
Denizens of Darkness - pp27-28
Servants of Darkness - p38

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p18
Denizens of Darkness - pp27-28
Servants of Darkness - pp4,29-31,37-38


Pages in category "Boowray"

This category contains only the following page.