Falkfuhrer Doktor Vjorn Horstman

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Nicknamed "The Cyclops" because of a damaged left eye that he doesn't bother to cover[1], Vjorn Horstmann rose to power in the Ministry of Science[2] after his intensive study of lycanthropy suggested that soldiers could be enhanced with controllable animal features. Horstmann now experiments on criminals, prisoners of war and anyone else hapless enough to fall into his control.[1] His goal of the perfect beast-men remains out of reach for now, so he oversees the ministry's design of new war engines for battlefield use.[2] The results are never as reliable as sorcery, but Drakov's biases ensure the Ministry of Science receives the lion's share of research monies from the national war chest.

Falkfuhrer Vjorn Horstman was born in Falkovnia and lives in Lekar. His creations include the Primal Serum and the Dark Men.[1]

Debatable Statistics

Horstmann was stated in CotN:Werebeasts as a wizard, despite having no arcane training. In the text, it was explained that his "magic" was actually science, and that the wizard class was a contrivance to explain his abilities. Presumably, in other editions he would have levels in expert and/or various scientific classes. In Pathfinder, he might be an alchemist. In Quoth the Raven #28 Vjorn's 3rd edition stats are of a Human Artificer 5/ Alchemical Philosopher 7.

Creation of The Silken Strangler

Lars Kerskman, the mass murderer targeting only Talons who is known to the inhabitants of Lekar as the Silken Strangler, was created by Horstman's injecting him with a giant spider variant of his Primal Serum.[3]
