The Apparatus

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One of the most famous and powerful artifacts of Ravenloft, the Apparatus was first created in Mordentshire by the Alchemist. It is capable of many extraordinary feats, including the transmigration of souls. It is activated by The Rod of Rastinon or The Rod of Houtras.

There is also another power the Apparatus is possible of, traveling in a parallel Demiplane of Dread. This power can be activated using the Rod of Nebenwelt. [1]

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue


Forbidden Lore: Oaths of Evil - p25
Thoughts of Darkness - p48

Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Realm of Terror - p125,127
Realm of Terror - p55

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p42
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Realm of Terror - p125,127
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p25
Thoughts of Darkness - p6, pp45-47
Realm of Terror - p55,p77

Apparatus, The Apparatus