Category:Terlarm's Adventurer Band

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Terlarm, Voldra, Bast, Fingelin, and Keth were a group of Krynnish outlanders who lived in Palanthas. They all served the will of the outlander deity Gilean, the Master of Balance. In 690 BC, the Mists abducted the group from their home city and took them to Barovia Village. Later, they discovered the existence of the Luna River Portal and attempted to use it to escape the Demiplane of Dread. However, the Watcher of the Gate drove off Terlarm and Voldra while killing the rest. Voldra was lost in Castle Ravenloft and killed by Strahd years later. As Terlarm is the only survivor, that leaves this band effectively defunct.[1]


  1. were abducted "thirty years ago" Knight of the Black Rose p.159-160; Domains of Dread p. 17 places the events of the book in 720 BC.

Pages in category "Terlarm's Adventurer Band"

The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.