Blackbriars Wood

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The Blackbriars Wood is a dense and gloomy forest surrounded by the Mists. It encapsulates all of the village of Wayston. Tainted by the dark influence of a a Gulthias Tree, Blackbriars Wood bears a primordial, evil intelligence about it made manifest in the presence of blights and other corrupted plants and fey spirits. Furthermore, no magic or special abilities allow for guaranteed navigation of or escape from the woods' interiors. The Mists can also quickly tire out a person who strays too far, even to the point of death.

Once held holy by an ancient order of druids, the Blackbriars Wood held an order of standing stones. The builders of Wayston demolished the circle in building the town, thereby awakening the forest's wrath. The dark spirits were put to rest through the death of Saint Lucia, whom gave her life and heart's blood to the forest. Her bones were used to create the Mourning Lantern. Hanging from an altar in the Wayshrine, the Lantern kept the dark malevolence dormant in the Blackbriars Wood for two centuries.

However, the theft of the Lantern a week ago caused the evil forces within Blackbriars Wood to wake up. Each night since the Lantern's theft, evil blight plant monsters have scurried away more of Wayston's citizens under the cover of darkness. They work under the direction of the Gulthias Tree. It is the force behind the corruption of the Woods[1]
