Duchess Dorfniya Dilisnya

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Duchess Dorfniya Dilisnya was nobly born in Prime Material Barovia in the 289 BC. She married Pidlwik Dilisnya and bore him four children, Reinhold in 310 BC, Gertrude in 315 BC, Oleka in 317 BC and Leo Dilisnya in 320 BC. Leo was in fact fathered by Gunther Cosco. There were at least nine grandchildren, among them Lovina Wachter. Pidlwik developed an intense hatred for the von Zaroviches that he passed on to her son Leo. She died in 740 BC, survived by her husband and children. Bizarrely enough, she was buried in the catacombs beneath Castle Ravenloft.


Gazetteer I, p 16.

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