Falkfuhrer Calons Weir

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Calons Weir is Falkovnia's Minister of Intelligence.


Lawful Evil

Falkovnia's Ministry of Intelligence remains mired in the old system that previously afflicted other ministries, in that the leadership are loyal to Vlad Drakov but not exceptionally skilled at intelligence and counterintelligence at a state level. Calons Weir served as an exceptional Talon officer gifted in tactical reconaissance during raids upon rebellious Falkovnians, but state intelligence is a different matter altogether. Calons has done his best to adapt to his new role, but the Kingfuhrer is not impressed with his results. When Calons tried to point out that the hawk brand made spying outside Falkovnia difficult, Vlad Drakov publicly berated him, and the Falkfuhrer's status has remained precarious ever since.