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Bratu was among the first half dozen Vistani to join Wanderers. He was a somewhat brutish man who likely a competent fighter or warrior. When the tribe's raunie entered into a pact with Lord Soth in 747 BC, Bratu and his fellow tribemen were sworn to never repeat what they knew of Lord Soth's history. Bratu, at the instigation of Inza Kulchevich, broke that oath by selling information to one or more Invidian spies. Gesmas Malaturno, an Invidian spy in possession of notes setting down the history of Sithicus' Darklord, was delivered to Lord Soth In 752 BC. Whereafter Lord Soth confronted Magda with the accusation that she had broken their pact, a charge that she denied. She succeeded in shifting the blame for the leaked information to the Thorns of the White Rose. Subsequently, she accused Bratu of being the leaker, a charge to which confessed readily. He had, however, wholly underestimated the seriousness of the matter. She denounced him as an oath breaker and thereby condemned him to the dire ministrations of the Whispering Beast. Futilely, and again manipulated by Inza, he poked out his eardrums, as well as subsequently ripping off his ears, that he might not hear the insidious call of the thing. Bratu descended rapidly into madness and Inza burnt out his tongue that he might not make accusations against her. During the assault of the salt shadows that nearly whipped out the Wanderers, Bratu answered the plea of Vitorio for destruction as he succumbed to the attack of one of creatures. Immediately thereafter, a mad Bratu at last ran off in answer to the call of the Whispering Beast. The creature received Bratu and added the ruined man to his collection. Bratu was killed a little latter by a bush of bloodroses while attempting to gather its flowers.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Heroes of Light

Heroes of Light - p96