Dmitri (of Skald)

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Dmitri was a wealthy but cruel merchant in Skald. He grew jealous of a tribe of Vistani traders and their business with Nova Vaasa. In an effort to eliminate the competition, he poisoned their horses under the cover of night and escaped. They (seemingly) never returned to Kartakass.[1]

Many years later, he took in the fugitive Tanya and employed her as a maid. He quickly become abusive and exploitative of her, locking her in the house to prevent her from escaping. In a bid to escape, Tanya used some magic powder that was given to her by the Vistani seer Madame Zulmira. It was supposed to enable her escape, but it actually killed him. Tanya had become a pawn in the Vistani's vengeance for Dmitri's evil actions a decade before.[2]
