Lake of Sounds

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The Lake of Sounds lies in an immense carvern at the end of tunnels beneath the Veidrava Salt Mine and beyond the Black Chapel. It is lit by a strange luminous moss that can only grow there. A favored hangout spot by Azrael Dak, he could drink the darkened water there to hear the conversations of anyone in Sithicus, save for a few special beings such as the Bloody Cobbler, the White Rose, and the Whispering Beast. The liquid darkness also provided Dak with the communion with the comforting voice of "the darkness" he so enjoyed.[1] However, Dak did not discover this comforting voice was actually Inza Kulchevich manipulating him until it was too late.[2]


  1. Spectre of the Black Rose p. 84-86
  2. SotBR p. 294