Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

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Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by HuManBing »

Post stories or vignettes from your old RPG adventures and memorable moments! Any RPG system, any setting, even homebrew and pre-generated - it doesn't matter. Swap stories and adventure ideas, raise your toasted marshmallow to NPCs long fallen, and inspire GMs and PCs of upcoming games!
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by HuManBing »

I'll start - the first adventure I ever ran was a homebrew DnD 2nd ed. adventure with my brother and a few friends when I was 12. The setting was a Greco-Roman inspired domain with a few genetic sci-fi elements where an ancient ancestral curse had destroyed all male lineage. (Male fetuses conceived in the womb would be automatically miscarried - women could drink from a spring in the capital which would allow them to birth a female clone of themselves.)

The players were trying to solve the mystery of a water cult. The cult had been experimenting with potions, and had perfected a mind-control potion, which they were distilling in large quantities in an unused portion of their sewer lair. They were trying to summon a water elemental to act as a delivery vector to mind-control the people aboveground and seize control of the city.

During one part of the adventure, the PCs found a scary looking tough guy with an eyepatch. One of the players asked "why are you wearing an eyepatch?", and the guy growled "because I lost my eye in a fight" and my player then responded "did you check behind the sofa?" That fetched a hearty laugh.

Several adventures later, I was running a 2nd ed. DnD pre-made adventure called "Terrible Trouble at Tragidore" (which came with the DM's screen), ported to my campaign setting. The PCs were trying to clear a friendly bard's ancestral mansion of a drow infestation, and they came to an elegant sitting room. The first thing they did was to search for treasure and traps, and of course when one of them checked behind the sofa I told them they found "an eye!"
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Prior to high school, d&d was a decidedly silly game for me and my friends. I'll detail more later, but suffice for now to say that my first DMing experience was for a party that consisted of two PCs named: "Gnip Gnop chin chow pish k'nosh" and "Hip Hop gling p'TING furgerburger"
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Catman Jim »

My first D&D player experience: after spending what seemed most of an hour creating my first character, a ranger, the DM sent us to investigate weird goings-on at a deserted rural graveyard. While trying out my tracking skills, I was surprised by a ghoul. To my character's horror, we 'discovered' the paralysis effects ghouls have, and to my personal horror, my character was abandoned by the rest of the fleeing party. The DM graphically described the consumption of my aware-but-immobile ranger by the ghoul, then took my character sheet from me, tore it in half, then pitched it into the trash.

Still traumatized to this day by how quickly my friends deserted me... :evil:
I only wish I had retired sooner!
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by steveflam »

Hmmmmm....... I was DMing a game with my then stepson and his friends. They were in Waterdeep. So, one night they decide to attempt to crazily rob a magic shop :shock:

Yes, in Waterdeep.....

They left one guy on the lookout for the militia who patrol. So the plan is actually going pretty good in their eyes [good rolls and some dumb luck - they wouldn't succeed either way]

The patrol shows up and whilst the other pc's are inside the shop now, the sergeant of that patrol happens to spy the lookout.

Seageant: "What are you doing here, young lad?"

The pc, without losing a beat and keeping a straight face replies

"Oh, I am watching for the patrol while my friends rob the Magic Shop."

He said it with such a serious face I laughed pretty hard before everyone ended up in prison..... hee hee hee!

Needless to say I had to defuse a situation with the boys LMAO!
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by HuManBing »

In 2nd ed. DnD, thieves' powers had a percentage chance of success. In particular, Pick Pockets would alert your target on a roll of 95+%, who would then try to kill you.

My brother's very first character ever was a thief named Archie, who had an illustrious career that lasted all of five minutes. My brother was trying out all of his thief skills in his rented room, and he tried Pick Pockets on himself.

Unfortunately, he rolled 95% on the skill check... with the disastrous consequence that a) he failed to pick his own pockets, b) his victim (i.e. himself) caught him in the act, and c) his victim (i.e. himself) tried to kill the perpetrator.

Archie was found dead of a self-inflicted dagger wound in his empty attic. We still lift a sad drink to him occasionally.
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by order99 »

In my first Warhammer Fantasy RPG campaign, every single PC chose Halfling as a race. All Halflings in WFRPG get Cooking as a free skill. When all was said and done I had a party consisting of:

Halfling Ratcatcher
Halfling Hypnotist
Halfling Smuggler
Halfling Graverobber

The players decided to pool their money, rent a building and open up a Meat Pie Shop. :? The opening scene consisted of four halflings gazing forlornly at the remaining pile of copper pennies and wondering out loud how they were EVER going to afford supplies... :shock:

I ran screaming from the room.

But I will admit that I came back-and We proceeded to create such a macabre masterpiece that the Chaos Gods themselves sat up and took notice-Bertholdt Brecht would have been soooo proud! :mrgreen: If only we all had trained singing voices..
"And did she ever come out?"
"Not Yet".
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Zilfer »

The main "Campaign" is a 2 year running campaign of 6hr-(questionable length weekend games). Based off Faerun and introduced to it by an old school DM that remembers the original set. Still has his original beat up dice that you can hardly tell the numbers any more.

Taking this into account we are running through a three adventure module stopping the Zhentarim from taking Shadowdale and returning Randal Morn the Sword of the Dales and returning him to his rightful lordship of Daggerfalls.

Well the DM (does a session note in the module to kinda lengthen it out a bit unbeknownst to us). We had captured a Zhentarim tower (fought a giant at the top of it needless to say it's the most I've ever seen a slam someone dropped slam someone dropped type fight). Now that we have this tower about a few hours out of shadowdale we were allowed to build in it if we had the money (compared to old 2E books he had since we didn't have the 3e books for that. Though we were playing 3e).

We get a letter handed to us from Mourngrym at the end of the prior session saying the Zhentarim are trying a pincer to hit both sides of Shadowdale. The main force coming from the northwest and secondary from the northeast. They asked us the 'Eclipse' to defend this tower and the way. We prepared and made a few traps for them. First floor had a trap door to reach the second floor and we blocked off the stairs so they couldn't get through. Thinking we'd just rain down arrows in that room and the two doors between the draw bridge and the main door in. Just in case we got a large ball we could roll down our 10 foot wide stairs that turned sharp at 90 degree angles to squash our would be invaders. Next we inventoried our archer classes (the DM allowed us to use any/all characters we had for this campaign. Keep in mind all characters are 1-3's and there MAYBE was 1 level 4) Most were level 1's and 2's we had played.

So our plan is to cripple them as much as possible before they get to us. Don't let the draw bridge down that we made for our measely 10ft moat. Once through that door there's another door they have to break through while we rain down arrows in the 10 by 10 area between main door and draw bridge. Next they enter in a sealed off room which has a second trap door we can open and rain down arrows. We planned this end of last session and throughout the week with the DM just sitting back and smiling at our excitement and how to stop the zhentarim.

First a summery,

'Battle plans never live contact with the enemy.'

And now for how things went.

Me the leader of the group a 18 year old human by my stats rolled, but an orphan the same as the 'main' characters has everyone set up healers split to try to cover most things. Fighters that didn't have decent archery sent down below in case they some how managed to get up here they could defend the back line.

I head up there with the archers, because my rogue has two explosive arrows I’ve been saving. (Like a mini lvl4 spell caster fire ball. 4d6 and only10 ft radius instead of 20) I’m thinking maybe it will be time to use one another one of them. They had cost me 250g a pop. Being lvl 3 it was something I didn’t want to use unless I had to.

So first the DM blows our mind away with something so simple that we hadn’t thought of. They had a tower ala lord of the rings movie. So they could hit us from above and below. I thought maybe once they get close enough I could blow it up at the base making it still a one sided fight. Top of the tower I see a yellow robe… god how I hate this yellow mage.

He begins to fly through the air towards the tower, as lightning crackles down below into our drawbridge. They are still out of range of decent bow shots. (especially for low level BaBs) The yellow mage slams a lightning bolt of his own into the drawbridge and the second mage somewhere below blasts a fireball into our bridge. Well it’s taken a lot of damage and it’s on fire. Archers up top are still ready, though we are disappointed our drawbridge is busted it had to happen right? Just….. didn’t expect it to be so easy.

They start moving forward and we are thinking alright well six of us so we should at least get a few turns of shooting in? Right? Maybe 6-12 kills out of a 100 guys out there? Maybe longer if that door holds up on the inside? We also note most of the guys are goblins and orcs. A few orges, and those blasted two wizards, that’s before the roof of the tower becomes foggy and impossible to see through.

Well the yellow mage known as Ilthorn the rat bastard casts a fireball again! This time on the top of the tower at six characters. Needless to say Evasion left me unscathed by my companions weren’t so lucky!

Four dropped down instantly, three of them vaporized to ash! The mage up there with me had gotten lucky and had made the save! He was panicking. ‘The better part of valor’. I told him no to grab the one surviving member that was bleeding out and drag him to the stairs. Meanwhile knowing this was probably suicide found the fog’s edge and ran as close as I could to the wizard and asked how far out was he? The DM told me maybe 200 Ft away maybe more?

Calculating that my penalty for this would be like -8 against my dex and BaB of…. +4? Hitting this wizard who last time had an AC of 20? Odds weren’t too favorable, but I said to hell with it. My character would do this, he’d try to avenge his friends three of which were gone nothing more than ash. He also needed to draw the attention away the weak mage dragging either a fighter or a cleric back underneath the tower down the first stairs in order to try and pour a potion down his throat and restore him.

I tell my DM who shares the same name as me. “Well matt, I’m using one of those explosive arrows now.” He smiles knowing he’s made an impact already with the drama of the scene. So I roll my single shot that he’ll allow me before retreating. It rolls a 19. I couldn’t be more happy to see that almost crit. (Take into account this DM has a house rule 18,19,20 always hits, and 1,2,3 always misses. This is to make it more “believable” that a lvl 1 could possibly stand a chance of hitting a level 20 fighter or that even a fighter can miss an AC 10 target) So auto hit per this campaign’s parameters. I’m thinking well I at least did some damage to him so maybe later he’ll be easy to take out or make him retreat by his usual teleporting away.

I take up my 4d6 the people around the table excited that I hit the bastard but at the same time sad about their character deaths. I roll 6, 6, 6, 5. That makes 21 HP and he looks at me. Goes back and checks the HP of the wizard and then smiles at me.

So Ilthorn goes up in an explosion from my explosive arrow and a figure falls through the ensuing explosion falling 60 feet which he’d had to die. The DM tells me he got “Exactly” his HP. (Another home rule in this is you can “stay up” if you roll a percentage dice equal to 5* your con score to stay up and do something before dying. Again base 3e but old school DM trying to use new rules but keep some of his old rules going) My character who I use as a namesake here, watched as he fell 50 feet and then got a featherfall spell off at the last possible moment. Unwilling to stay up there and fight the horde by myself from the tower continuing forward I ran to the now waking up companion and the wizard and we rushed down to floor two.

Informed the rest of them what we were up against and then prepared as they showed up below us banging on the door with a ram. We opened up the trap door and I loosed another explosive arrow in the confined space. Regular arrows rained down until an orge entered and climbed through our trap door while the second one burst through our door below. Shouts from above we sent a small 3 person team party to try and hold off some of the ones coming from above, they got to the 4th floor and enemies were coming. 1 or two rounds were exchanged before full retreat.

My best friend didn’t want them pincering us however and decided he wasn’t going to give them more ground then they already had. He smashed oil all down the stairs and lit them on fire pretty much killing himself in the process to block off the hallway and the smoke rises so hopefully do something to them, as my Paladin and whoever else raced down stairs to join the fight against the orge that had climbed up through the trap door he could reach. A few fell down fighting there. Down below during this time the other ogre found a room with no exit just a bunch of torches. He bust through the wall found the stairs as they poured through the entrance. We pushed that huge bolder down the stairs smashing at least 8 orcs maybe more but they kept coming and the fighters stood to bear against them. Fire at their backs from the stairs leading up holding the line against the onslaught from below. They kill one another one stepped up to take it’s place. Healers were being taxed in 5 different directions and just didn’t have enough turns to heal us all. It their numbers were thinning but the fire had let off and another orge had come down. We managed to kill the prior orge but not before my character was dropped, my paladin had fought valiantly but he was down. I was out of it, we were down to maybe 4 left standing? The rest bleeding out and 1 orge and about 6 orcs to go. DM had large noise above and the shout “reinforcements!” The orges break off and go upstairs only to have a huge explosion on the next floor up. Apparently you could feel the heatwave. Good ol Larry Spitfire had showed up and saved the day. (one of the DM’s oldest characters from his old campaigns. He’s somewhere around 20th level and I really really really really want his “Wizard Sword”. It’s a bastard sword called ‘The Repulser’. More on that another time.

That is probably one of my most memorable sessions that we barely scratched by. I can tell you an army of 100 vs about 10-15 people is no joke! Being the old school DM he is… we got maybe 600 exp for that? xD You level really slow in his campaign.
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Nemesio »

Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:Prior to high school, d&d was a decidedly silly game for me and my friends. I'll detail more later, but suffice for now to say that my first DMing experience was for a party that consisted of two PCs named: "Gnip Gnop chin chow pish k'nosh" and "Hip Hop gling p'TING furgerburger"
I love it! I've gotta say I always had more fun playing as a kid when everything was less intellectualized. Not that a mature game doesn't have its own merit.

I've been running a Munchkin campaign at an after school program with kids ages 8-10. Their current characters are all gnomes with the following names: Healy, Rumble, Shnozzy Boogerbourne, Snotcules, Sparky, & Stealy. Its a chaotic but light hearted campaign and a lot of fun!
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by order99 »

Well, three years ago I tried to run a game of Pendragon-I don't really think they GOT THE IDEA. At all.

I mean, here I was with ready to run a dead serious game of Pendragon last year, noble knights on a quest, Passions and tourneys, lasting legacies, making of Legends,the whole enchilada...

What do the Players come up with?
A Hedge Witch who makes jokes about outlasting her three previous husbands(at the ripe old age of twenty!) with a thorough knowledge of deadly mushrooms...
A mercenary from Constantinople who blatantly uses his favorite weapon-the Crossbow, declared anathema by the Pope in this timeframe...
A dark-skinned Egyptian maniac on the run from the Old Man of the Mountain-blends in GREAT with the natives(not), even knows a few words of English...
A Priest who knew just enough Sorcery to Screw Up Royally, and the lack of sense to apply it to EVERY situation...
A Peasant lad who abused the Industry Skill (a catch-all for NPC non-knightly types) to become the Dark Ages McGuyver(Tailor, Baker,Carpenter,Cook,etc. etc.) This guy would best armed knights by TACKLING them and using his Grappling skills to disarm them...
:cry: :cry: :cry:

ME: As the Bandit leader approaches, you can see at least a half-dozen companions with bows in the bushes-

Eileen: Is he handsome? I look for a Love Powder in case he wants to, you know, parley over a glass or two...

Hakim: Hail and Well Eaten, felow rabbit! I wish to give you money for brothel-woman, yes no?

ME: The bandit looks shaken by your odd looks and speech-"art thou a Devil from Hell, ye iron-skinned beast?"

Father Philipe: YES HE IS! Throw down your weapons lest he drag your screaming souls to Perdition! You are all EXCOMMUNICATED!!!

ME: only the Pope can do that-

Father Philipe: THEY don't know that!

Jack the Peasant-I fling my Quicklime and Ash Grenades into the bowmen and scramble up a tree, the better to use my Lasso-

Ponitus the Merc-cocking the Crossbow here...

Father Philipe: I use my Godly Magics to Curse them into everlasting torment!

Eileen: I help!

Me: what part of Subtle Enchantment do you not get? and Eileen, you're a Pagan-

Eileen: So?
(two fumbles)

Me: (take a break, slam head into a wall violently to clear it, take a deep breath...and finally decide to Go With The Stupid tonight...)

ME: OKAY, two absolute botches from both a Pagan and a Priest...there's a buzzing in the air, a smell of old blood and a DEAD MAN IN ETRUSCAN ARMOR reaches out and grabs Pontius!! Its teeth grind against your stolen Norman Mail, but it's only a matter of time...


ME: You take 2D6 as you pin the revenant's head to your shoulder-it collapses, dragging you to the ground by your bleeding arrow wound...screams erupt as the blinded, coughing Bandits are grappled by ancient Etruscan Dead...

Hakim: They are a long way from home-

ME: so are you-maybe they're on the lam from your Assassin Cult...

Jack(from perch): now THIS is a SHOW!

The Devil: I'm glad you like it.(kicks the peasant out of the tree)

Jack(lands on Dead Guy, shoves Lasso into gaping Zombie mouth): AAAAAAAHHH!!!!

ME: I know this farmhouse, cries the Bandit...

Never again. :(
"And did she ever come out?"
"Not Yet".
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Another thing comes to mind.... in the earliest "campaign" I played in (using the term loosely), we were all approximately in 4th-6th grade, and all male. Aside from XP, there was another reward the DM would hand out: Girlfriends. It was sort of a rite of passage, like becoming a "made man" in the mafia. You weren't really part of the group until your PC was given a girlfriend. Character-wise, these girlfriends were little more than a name and assigned hair color, and they had a strange ability to always be lurking in the bushes or around a corner in a dungeon when wanted and then conveniently disappear somewhere when adventuring happened. If you were really cool, you might have two. The DM's best friend's PC had 3 or 4 of them. During downtime between battles, the older boys would sometimes say they were going to go have sex with their girlfriends and then be right back. The younger boys (self included) weren't really sure what that meant exactly, but would say the same thing so as not to reveal their naivete. Miraculously, none of these so-called NPC's were ever held hostage, killed by a stray fireball, or stepped on a trap. But neither did they ever get asked to hold supplies, or pick up a sword, or scout ahead. And none of them ever had anything resembling a conversation with their PC boyfriend (that would require the DM to roleplay a girl for more than a sentence or two... ew!! GASP! that might be gay! :roll: ).

Elementary school.... it was a strange place.
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Zilfer »

^Was....? I know you just didn't say that Ron.... :P Your still stuck there. This is all a dream.... :azalin:
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by HuManBing »

One of my players was controlling a paladin (Berengera Xarethia) from my homebrew world (the Enixine) worshipped the three gods of Good. When she entered Ravenloft, the demiplane disrupted her link to her gods. Worse still, one of the avatars of the gods of Evil was drawn behind her into Ravenloft, and it began carving a swathe of destruction across Darkon.

The paladin eventually lost her faith and became a fallen paladin, losing most of her special powers. She never actively became evil, but she definitely had a sorrow to her and her actions owed more to resignation than fervor.

Finally, the avatar of evil had wrenched away control of every town in Darkon except Il Aluk and Karg. Azalin was roused from Avernus and grimly went to Il Aluk, where the avatar had made its nest in the fallen spires and rubble. The avatar of evil quickly destroyed Azalin's corporal form, and scattered the remaining loyalist Kargat. One turncoat Kargat operative even made so bold as to present Azalin's phylactery to the avatar of evil.

The former paladin confronted the avatar of evil, which had a sleek dark metallic appearance like a Grecian statue. When she saw the avatar of the adversary, she remembered her faith and she was able to present her symbol against it. The symbol didn't turn it, but it did cause it to "melt" and "decay" so its true corrupted form showed through - skeletal and rotten.

It didn't kill it, but it did allow its true form to be shown, and Azalin emerged from the phylactery to seize control of the avatar's body.
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Trike »

It was during the illustrious reign of Dungeon and Dragons 2nd Edition. I had scavenged all of the various Complete Handbooks for archery tricks and collected them into one list. My skills at archery were epic.

The DM was overly found of goblins in vast numbers. So, eventually we found ourselves facing a horde of the little buggers. They charged the group thru a narrow area and party members began dropping like flies. Soon there only two of us left and the goblins charged. I shot weapons out of hands. I fired two arrows from one pull of the bowstring. I fired as many extra arrows in a round as my THACO would allow (mmmm, remember THACO?). Soon, the last two goblins were nearly on me.

Well, remember my saying that there were only two of us left? The bard stood behind me the whole time. Not lifting a die to help. The goblins charged. I dropped the bow and drew my short sword. They clobbered me. My "epic" archery skills left me little else in the way of combat. Soon, I was beaten unconscious by gibbering, giggling goblins.

The bard, my friend and stalwart companion, deftly finished off these last two goblins. He was, due to his total douche-baggery, the last man standing. He made sure to to loot the room completely before administering Potions of Healing to his fallen comrades.

He couldn't even be bothered to sing songs of my epic and thoroughly futile skills of epic archery.

Douchebag Bards!
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Re: Campfire tales: tell us about YOUR old adventures!

Post by Zilfer »

Not really my story but apparently my old DM was going through a dungeon and the group ran into like a 7 headed hydra or something large like that. Well two of the teammates shut the door locking him and another team mate in there. Well he looks at the DM and asks is this a life or death situation?
So he cases Resurrection and in life and death situations apparently waaaay back there was some rule that turned it into a death spell. The Hydra ended up not making the save and dying. So they locked the door by propping their weapons against the door form the inside and looted the treasure that others now wanted but did nothing for.
Lesson: Don’t abandon your comrades! You lose out on the loot!
There's always something to lose.

Fraternity of Shadows Discord
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