Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

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Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »

The morning the others depart, Klokulf sets to his business of contacting the Church of Bane.

As the priest, Theophilus, and Alwina make their way toward the Black Altar tells Klokulf what he knows of the temple complex, admitting he’s only seen a portion of the whole and that most of his knowledge comes second-hand. He speaks of torture chambers, courtrooms, libraries, laboratories, dungeons, barracks, et cetera.

Foot traffic makes way for Klokulf as if the Hand of Bane were hovering over him, and stray dogs whimper as they scramble out of the priest’s path.

The trio turns a corner and come to the brick lane running along the south side of the sprawling compound.

At the center of the lesser shrines and outbuildings and iron-spiked fences and walls rises a grand basilica built in dark reflection of the gothic style so prominently seen in faraway Selgaunt
(in Sembia, where the Orb-Quest began)
with walls of jet-black stone and ruby-paneled windows and many hideous gargoyles perched on the lintels and spires and roof-ledges. Cages hang on the walls with dead men inside, some reduced to bones and others bloated and set upon by crows perched on the iron bars. And in a few cages, bodies stir, though whether these are still-living captives or animated dead, Klokulf cannot tell from so far away.
High bridges connect buildings so that Bane’s priests can walk above the heads of the petitioners and prisoners herded every day through the black iron main gates by masked guards.

Such a crowd enters now from the street, some weeping or quivering in fear, others stone-faced and silent.

Klokulf’s personal charm and clerical status, supplemented by Theophilus’s hints about how best to navigate the ecclesiastical bureaucracy, suffice to move the priest though a series of security checkpoints, leaving behind the cringing mass of common folk and coming into waiting rooms reserved for persons of quality: lords, ladies, and military officers. In the inner parlors, temple-slaves serve guests goblets of wine and upon command bend down on all fours to serve as living stools.

Alwina frowns at the way a slave groans under the weight of a stout lord seated upon his straining back.

Theophilus clams up, and casts uneasy glances toward the nearest exit. Sweat shines on the skinny teenager's forehead.

When Klokulf’s turn to be seen comes, a timid slave girl leads him and his two attendants down a gallery hung with crimson and sable tapestries and into a study where a gray-haired man with patrician looks, dressed in black and green robes, sits behind a massive desk.
The man leans over the desktop, extending his right hand as a fist.
On his third finger, a polished green gemstone gleams from its setting in a black-enameled ring.

Theophilus turns his face toward his master and mouths the words 'kiss it.'
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

Klokulf heeds his slave's advice, and places a kiss upon the ring, that small representation of the black fist of Bane.
"I thank you for your time, my lord. My name is Klokulf Blix," he says.
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »

Wolfglide wrote:Klokulf heeds his slave's advice, and places a kiss upon the ring, that small representation of the black fist of Bane.
"I thank you for your time, my lord. My name is Klokulf Blix," he says.

''I am High Doom Thorodus. Well-met, Cleric Klokulf Blix. I am given to understand that you come from a far-distant country where you served the cause of Order, and that you show a great curiosity about our Banite religion. Is that all correct?"
The High Doom sits leaning a little forward, elbows resting on the edge of the desk and fingers steepled.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

"More or less," Klokulf replies. "I have come to suspect my god, the Lawgiver, may be ... an interpretation of Bane. From what I have heard of your doctrines, they bear a remarkable resemblance."
He places his curled index finger against his mouth in consideration, then continues: "What is more, less than two tendays ago I experienced a vision while praying to the Lawgiver. Among other things, I was told to seek the true iron, and to serve none but Bane."
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »

Wolfglide wrote:"More or less," Klokulf replies. "I have come to suspect my god, the Lawgiver, may be ... an interpretation of Bane. From what I have heard of your doctrines, they bear a remarkable resemblance."
He places his curled index finger against his mouth in consideration, then continues: "What is more, less than two tendays ago I experienced a vision while praying to the Lawgiver. Among other things, I was told to seek the true iron, and to serve none but Bane."

The High Doom proceeds question Klokulf at length about theological matters.
As this goes on, the older man becomes more pleasant and friendly, calling for a slave to bring wine and a chair (the wooden sort) for his guest.
He also has a stool brought for Alwina.

Theophilus stands in the corner, head down, silent.

After about an hour of conversation, the High Doom announces,
"I believe you and I am sure it would be most unwise to ignore your vision. I will therefore make arrangements for your instruction in our rites. You must remain here at the Black Altar in one of our guest rooms for the night. While your room is being prepared, you may visit the library. I can write the pass now if you like."
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

"That would be splendid, thank you," Klokulf says, giving the High Doom a seated bow.
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »

Wolfglide wrote:"That would be splendid, thank you," Klokulf says, giving the High Doom a seated bow.
"You are welcome, Cleric Klokulf."
The High Doom stands, steps around his desk on the right side, and extends his ring-bearing hand toward Klokulf, again clenched in a fist.

Theophilus drops to his knees.

Alwina, a bit awkwardly, does the same.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

Klokulf smoothly genuflects and once more kisses the High Doom's ring. Upon receipt of the pass and the conclusion of the meeting, he proceeds to make a fool of himself in the library.
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »

Wolfglide wrote:Klokulf smoothly genuflects and once more kisses the High Doom's ring. Upon receipt of the pass and the conclusion of the meeting, he proceeds to make a fool of himself in the library.

A few minutes after Klokulf has finally finished putting the books all back in their proper places (with some help from Theophilus) an acolyte arrives and informs him his quarters are now ready and please to follow, master...

A walk over a high bridge from the upper floor of the library takes Klokulf into the large dormitory where he will guest tonight. His chambers on the ground floor compare favorably to the modest room he rented at the Barrowhill Inn, not spacious but provided with a good bed, nightstand, writing materials, a chamber-pot, extra blankets, a lamp, etc. Only one door. The single window looks out onto a small courtyard-garden planted with nightshade and fennel.

Someone has left a large platter of sausages, cheese, dried fruit, and crusty bread on the nightstand, along with a clay jug full of vinegar-water.

Alwina eats, but not a large meal.

Theophilus gladly eats whatever Klokulf leaves for him.

The brass oil lamp puts out a fair amount of heat when adjusted properly, taking the chilliness out of the air of the stone-walled room.

The last official word Klokulf received was to pray and rest and await a summons.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »


Wait, pray, rest. Wait, pray, rest.

When Theophilus rouses his master, darkness covers the courtyard outside the room’s single window.“Master, they’re here...”

Alwina remains sleeping in bed as Klokulf gets up from her side.

The scrivener-boy indicates two green-lit figures standing in the guest room’s threshold, masked men dressed in dark robes.

One of the hooded pair informs Klokulf that he must come with them now, “No slave. No girl. Just you. Come. Make haste.”
The men lead Klokulf down the dim hall, with a green ball of eerie, flickering light about the size of a fist moving through the air ahead of them.
At the far end of the dormitory hall the men halt before an iron-bound door. One of them unlocks it with a heavy key.
“The light will guide you. We go no further. Do not step off the trail of the light or you might never return.”

The green globe travels down steep spiraling stairs, into a mazy cellar, past black side halls and gloomy dungeon rooms where many-legged Things creep just into the edge of the light before scuttling away, and thence into a long gallery with dripping wet walls.
Klokulf’s feet splash in puddles where the uneven floor has collected water and slime.

One more turn, a tight corridor, and then he comes into one end of a cavern-chamber as big as a barn.
The air in the cavernous vault smells of hot metal, old blood, and wet rock. Firelight at the far end, coals and torches— the only illumination as the green guiding light has just vanished.

In the ruddy light he sees a rectangular stone altar that rises from a low dais, and bound atop the upper surface, a lithe black-skinned woman.
The captive groans through her gag.
A green-robed acolyte leans over her head, one fist twisted in her long silver locks and the other hand plying a pair of shears. Snip, snip, snip, the hair falls.
A second acolyte heats iron rods in a smoking brazier to the left of the altar.
The glow of the hot coals reflects from the niche set above and behind the altar, where an emerald as big as a man’s head shines in the clutch of the clawed stone fingers of a gigantic hand carved in bas-relief.

Klokulf hears a dry scraping noise behind him.

“Most drow serve the Spider Queen, and such wretches we would gladly offer to our god, for the Black Hand brooks no rivals.”

Looking back, Klokulf sees a stern-faced woman staring intently at him from beneath a green velvet hood. An exceedingly long and wide cloak of the same material conceals the lady’s body, but Klokulf can see that something is wrong with her shape. The cloth hangs loose where the outline of her shoulders should show. Her hands remain hidden.

“But this one she serves another goddess, worshiping her patroness with moonlight dances and songs of love. Disgusting cult, even for elves. She was captured trying to aid runaway slaves. Foolish creature. The weak were made to serve the strong. She perverted the natural order in life, but in death she shall give glory to Bane!”

While the woman speaks, the acolytes finishes preparations. One places a big, black-covered book open on a wrought iron stand beside the altar on the right. The two men kneel before the dais, heads bowed.

Nine swine-faced humanoids in mail coats shuffle into the rear of the vault through a cloth-screened tunnel-mouth. Scimitars hang at their belts. The humanoid monsters kneel facing the altar and the graven hand, rubbing their snouts on the floor.

“All here, all ready for the priest. For you. Yessss… The acolytes will explain everything that must be done and will otherwise assist you. The book contains the proper words. Proceed slowly, carefully and you will not make mistakes.”
A cruel smile appears on the hooded woman’s face. Her forked tongue flicks in and out.
“And slowly, she will suffer more.”

The acolytes’ rising chant resounds in the cave-shrine,
“Fear Bane. Serve none but Bane.”
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

Horror begins to well up in Klokulf as the nine pig-men join in the rite, and it only grows once the inhumanity of the serpent-woman becomes clear. In shock, he makes no attempt to hide whatever rises to the surface.

His thoughts race. Such creatures were cast farthest from the Lawgiver for their sins; why should they be in the service of Bane? Is the truth of the Lawgiver really so different, or has Mytteri tipped its hand?

He looks to the niche, where the emerald in the stone claw glowers. In his mind, he sees Bane's green-lit hand in the dark, a palpable touch of divinity. The Lawgiver has been dead since long before the Great Upheaval.

To the book Klokulf goes, tracing a hand over the lines within. He casts a glance over the dark she-elf, a lesser among the many unholy vermin made low by the First Judgment. For listening to false doctrine was her shape conferred to her ancestors, and for doing so again was she brought here.

Back to the book his eyes turn, and he begins to read . . .
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »


Hours later, after the ritual in the subterranean shrine and his solitary return through the dungeons, Klokulf lies in his borrowed bed, drifting in dreams.
On him falls a cascade of images, impressions, phantom flashes; strange-yet-familiar words in the Black Book… red-hot glow of metal rods and the stink of charred flesh…groans from the victim and squeals of the humanoid worshipers…rough feel of antler-hilt in his hand…blood, flowing, changing color in the green gem-light. And after the sacrifice as he washed his hands in a rock basin, the cold touch of a reptilian mind to his own.

Something soft and warm slides onto Klokulf’s chest, waking him. Alwina’s hand. The girl-queen murmurs, snuggling close.

Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

Klokulf shuts his eyes and tries to push the memories down a bit. One of his hands hangs from under the blanket, maintaining a white-knuckled grip on the wood of the bed to keep from trembling.
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by ewancummins »


Klokulf spends most of the morning in an extended interview with High Doom Thorodus.
Thorodus asks many questions about Klokulf's homeland, means of arrival in Faerun, adventures, etc.
As soon as he learns of the Yulash portal, he instructs Klokulf to tell no one else under any circumstances whatever.
Thorodus listens and responds to Klokulf's questions with polite attention. He tells Klokulf that many Banites believe Bane favors humanity but that the human-controlled Church of Bane accepts inhuman servants and allies.
Klokulf's theorizing about possible connections between Nova Vaasa and Faerun's country of Vaasa sparks the High Doom's interest.
"It does seem plausible. Hmmm...why don't we both spend some time in the library working on these matters? "

After lunch, the men comb the archives.

Klokulf turns up a major historical example of population transfer between worlds. No apparent connection to Nova Vaasa, but it at least confirms that cross-world colonization has occurred before. A devastating conflict called 'The Orcgate Wars' erupted over two millennia ago and involved a nefarious wizard, Theyd, opening a portal to another world, through which poured hordes of fanatical gray-hued orcs bent on jihad.

Klokulf can hardly forget the vile swine-men from the cavern sacrifice. High Doom Thorodus called them 'orcs' and said they were intellectually inferior beings that could be trained to serve Bane and the servants of Bane.

The High Doom finds a copy of History of the Bloodstone Wars Vol. 1, which contains information about Vaasa.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

-from Moby Dick (Hermann Melville)
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Re: Lost Trails 10 1/2 Klokulf in Zhentil Keep

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

ewancummins wrote:After lunch, the men comb the archives.
Klokulf's lunch is a little sparse. Handling the utensils exacerbates the jittering in his hands, even more so when he attempts to cut meat. After picking out the greens and bread, Klokulf leaves the rest for Theophilus.
ewancummins wrote:The High Doom finds a copy of History of the Bloodstone Wars Vol. 1, which contains information about Vaasa.
"Should we look for the second volume as well?" Klokulf inquires.
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