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Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:39 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
I saw Audition some time ago when it came out here in Britain, a great movie, though somewhat disturbing toward the end. Not for the weak at heart. I won't go into the disturbing bits though, coz that would ruin the end of the movie for people.

If I find a relatively cheap copy online I'll post a link to it :)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:24 pm
by Ivana_Boritsi

Could you list the recent, good Asian horror movies you've seen? I'd like to start watching more of them.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:47 am
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
I haven't been watching to many recently, money shortage, it's a pain of having to buy them all when my local rental store doesn't stock most of them :(

Over the past couple of years I have seen a few good ones though, however, many of them have been out for a while now (and I won't mention The Eye or Audition, lol).

Verses (more action than horror but a good movie)
Junk (zombies the Japanese way)
Ju-on (The Grudge)
Ju-on 2 (poor fan sub, but it is out properly across here before to long)
Ichi the Killer (NOT the anime spinoff. Yep, this is classed as horror)
Dark Water
Sleeping Bride (AKA - Glass Brain) (available ONLY in the Ring Trilogy boxset, but I got it fansubbed a while back, more thriller/comedy than horror but still good)

Releases have also been a little slow it seems on the horror side across here. As usual it is mostly action and drama coming out. If you have a chance, also look for Shiri and Volcano High if you have not already seen them.

Oh! And if anyone is interested, not got it and can run region 2 (British/Japanese/European) dvd's, then check out this link ... tle=121752 for a real bargain.

And this one ... tle=181010


Oops, nearly forgot these: ... tle=114751 ... tle=113494 ... tle=112418 (Junk) ... tle=124849 (not a great movie but interesting viewing)

Not all the links might be oriental horror, but I think they all deserved a mention ;)

Re: audition

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:13 pm
by Dominique
Shoon VII wrote:has anyone seen this movie Audition by Miike. i've read alot about it, but its hard to get a copy in the States that doesnt cost a million dollars!
I'm with Wiccy--it's a really good movie, but it's not for the faint of heart (or stomach). I don't want to say anything else, though, because frankly the less you know about the movie going in, the better it is. (In fact, just knowing that it's a horror movie detracts from it a little, because the first half hour or so plays almost like a romantic comedy. Miike is a sick, sick man.)

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 6:12 am
by Maximillian
Well, I dunno if horror movies are back with a vengeance, but roughly 75% of the horror movies out there, are junk. The story is at the best half-decent, the script ,most of the times, is horrible, the acting leaves certainly something to be desired... I am a fan of the horror genre, but you really have to try very hard to find a good horror movie. And I don't believe the situation was any better in the past. I 've seen Nosferatu ( with Claus Kinski), Halloween (the first), The Fog, and I wasnt' that thrilled. Yes I understand that they are movies made over twenty or 30 years ago, but still... They surely had good elements, but considering they are some of the genre's all time classics, I was somewhat disappointed. Only the Omen (the first one) met with my expectations. On the other hand, there are several modern-day horror/ thriller movies that are at least decent, if not good.

6th Sense
The Others
Hellraiser, Hellseeker
7 days to live
Ringu 1
Ringu 0 (IMHO Ringu 2 was crap)
The Eye
The Eye 2
The Ring
The Grudge
Dawn of the Dead
The Exorcist (prequel)
The House on Haunted Hill

Has anyone in the U.S. seen White Noise? Is it any good?

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:40 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
Maximillian wrote:Deathwatch
Wasn't this that terrible WW1 movie set in that haunted trench? It bored me something silly.
Ringu 1
Ring is still one of my favourite movies and the same goes for its sequel and prequel. All excellent and more or less unmbeatable.
A good movie but nothing brilliant, kept me entertained though :)
I love this movie, and its sequel.

The Eye
For me this is the creepiest movie ever. I just love that sequence in the hospital when she has just got the impants and her vision is all blurry and doesn't raelise she is seeing a ghost.
The Ring
Didn't rate this remake, but for me to rate a remake it has to be something very special.
Dawn of the Dead
Love this movie, the director's cut is even better :) However, when everyone else in the cinema started to scream and shout about the zombie baby, I started laughing, guess I'm just to jaded these days.
Another great movie, though I guessed the end quitre early on, I thoroughly enjoyed all of this one.

What I am surprised though is that no one has mentioned May, which is one of the best horrors/thrillers to come out in the past few years.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 6:53 pm
by Jason of the Fraternity
Wiccy of the Fraternity wrote:What I am surprised though is that no one has mentioned May, which is one of the best horrors/thrillers to come out in the past few years.
I would argue against May being one of the best horror/thriller movies to come out in the past few years, but it was a a very interesting one to watch. I liked the whole "modern Frakenstein's monster" feel to a lot of it, but there were gaps that didn't seem to get filled very well (even after watching the director's commentary). Overall, it was well worth watching, though.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:18 pm
by Maximillian
Wiccy of the Fraternity wrote:
Maximillian wrote:Deathwatch
Wasn't this that terrible WW1 movie set in that haunted trench? It bored me something silly.
Well, it certainly wasn't great, but I still believe it was decent. :) And it reminded me of Ravenloft in more ways than one. The trench was in fact something of a pocket domain, with a really strange "Lord". We shouldn't forget the mists too. I would bet that whoever came up with the story, knew something about RL too. The similarities are too many to be just a coincidence.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:28 pm
by ScS of the Fraternity
Indeed, Deathwatch is actually on our movie review page - which I might point out is sorely in need of new reviews...

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:20 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
Maximillian wrote:Well, it certainly wasn't great, but I still believe it was decent. :) And it reminded me of Ravenloft in more ways than one. The trench was in fact something of a pocket domain, with a really strange "Lord". We shouldn't forget the mists too. I would bet that whoever came up with the story, knew something about RL too. The similarities are too many to be just a coincidence.
Take out the muists and have the entity haunting the trench as a servant of the Red Death and you got a WW1 location for Gothic Earth ;) I see it more that way than Demiplane of Dread.

Jason, what gaps do you mean in May? I had no problem following any of it.