Meistersinger Harkon Lukas

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Harkon Lukas is a wolfwere and the darklord of Kartakass.[1][2][3][4] Since 743 BC, he is the meistersinger of the Kartakan village of Skald.[5] He owns and resides at the Old Kartakan Inn and Taverna.[6][7] Akriel Lukas[8][9] and Casimir Lukas[9][10] are two of his notable children. However, he has sired numerous offspring, which has spawned an entirely new type of wolfwere, the greater wolfwere.[11][12][13]

Harkon Lukas plays a large role in the adventure module Feast of Goblyns, where he plays out his game of intrigues with Akriel. The novel Heart of Midnight features his equally rebellious son Casimir whereas Death of a Darklord features Harkon Lukas' efforts to escape the Land of Mists.[9]


Early years

Harkon Lukas hails from the country of Cormyr on the subcontinent of Faerun on the world of Toril. There he sought to unite his fellow wolfweres under his leadership, but they snubbed his advances. His rage caused Lukas to run rampant throughout rural Cormyr, killing any humans he came across. After his rage subsided, he became fascinated with humanity and traveled among them, posing as a wandering minstrel. As Lukas conspired to take over Cormyr, the Mists rolled in and took him into Barovia, where he rampaged for a time before he encountered (and was nearly destroyed by) Strahd Von Zarovich. Driven into the Mists, Lukas came out into the domain of Kartakass, a backwoods land that severally disappoints him in its remoteness.[14][15][16] The year of Kartakass' formation was 613 BC.[17][18][19][20]

As darklord

Since its formation over a century ago, Harkon Lukas has remained darklord, although the decentralized distribution of authority and the political independence of the realm's communities has made it such that there is no single political ruler of the domain.[21] According to "S", the realm's emergence from the Mists seems to coincide with local stories of the burning of Dargacht Keep and the disruption of the Invidian Occupation, although "S" discounts the thought of the Invidian's culpability as occupiers to be a matter of false history.[20] Nonetheless, the remains of the Keep still exist today in Dargacht Plaza.[22]

A bard named Harkon Lukas is said to have roused the Kartakans to destroy the Keep[20], Many decades later, Harkon Lukas would claim to Casimir that he only was only "mildly responsible" do with the burning of the Keep.[23] The stories of Kartakan history speak of several incidents of Harkon Lukas showing up, though most Kartakans assume this to be a mythical persona (not too dissimilar from the Grandfather Wolf archetype) adopted by several people over the span of many years.[20]

In the early 8th century of the Barovian Calendar, the Falkovnian Army attempted to seize control of the Crimson Road in Kartakass by setting up a fortress therein. Wolves sneaked into the fortress and butchered the soldiers therein after one of the gates was left open.[24] Harkon Lukas was the probable instigator of this event, calling up wolves or wolfwere minions.

Harkon Lukas' tenure as darklord would see a number of his attempts to escape his domain. In one of the most notable cases, Lukas manipulated Marland Ashe to unleash a zombie plague upon Cortton. Harkon Lukas' ultimate goal was to lure mage-finder Konrad Burn into a position of isolation and vulnerability. Harkon hoped to take control of his body via a magic item and use the body to escape Kartakass. The scheme was unsuccessful in this regard, as regardless of the body he had possessed Harkon Lukas could not cross the domain border[25].

Akriel's betrayal

In 736 BC, conspirators planned to take down Harkon Lukas along with his enemy Duke Gundar in the Gundarakite Conspiracy. [[Akriel], Harkon's own daughter, was one of the chief conspirators along with her lover Dr. Dominiani. They planned to use the Crown of Souls to create an army of goblyns and instigate a war between realms of Kartakass and Gundarak and then take down both Gundar and Harkon Lukas under the fog of war.[26] Akriel never intended on destroying her father, merely usurping the power he held over the realm,[27] though Dr. Dominiani in truth held no reservations and planned for the destruction of both Arkiel and her father.[28]

The conspiracy failed due to a series of events that ended with the destruction of the Crown[29], an end result that Harkon Lukas desired and helped to instigate.[30] Akriel's fate after the conspiracy has not been revealed.[31]

The rise and fall of Casimir

The following year would see the betrayal and fall of another of Harkon Lukas' progeny. Then thinking himself the child of Zhone Clieous[32], Casimir Lukas challenged Clieous for leadership of Harmonia in the Meistersinger Contest in the summer of 737 BC[33] as part of a retaliation plan for the murder of his mother many years earlier. Although he initially seemed to be winning, Casimir faltered in the final round thanks to a sudden loss of singing voice. Still, Casimir revealed his identity to Clieous, and an allegorical story of Zhone's misdeeds left the Meistersinger severely rattled.[34]

After the end of the contest, several thugs razed the Red Porch poorhouse that Casimir lived at, killing most of the people inside.[35] Looking at prior misdeeds with his mother, Casimir took this as the work of Zhone Clieous once again. With the help of Thoris and some of the surviving Red Porch orphans, Casimir ousted Zhone Clieous as a werewolf.[36] The crowd dispersed in panic, leaving Zhone and Casimir in a violent confrontation in the Crystal Club. Casimir emerged victorious after vanquishing Zhone Clieous.[37] As the runner up in the Meistersinger Contest and with the support of Harkon Lukas, Casimir thereafter became Meistersinger of Harmonia.[33]

For a time, Harkon and Casimir enjoyed beneficial relationship as mentor and student in both intrigue and the hunt as monsters. However, Casimir became consumed with overcoming and disavowing his dark side. Harkon's encouragement to embrace his monstrous nature, and insistence that he could not shed it, led Harkon and Casimir to become estranged. Casimir banned Harkon from his home, the temple, and all government buildings in Harmonia.[38] In order to regain control over Casimir, Harkon orchestrated the revelation of Casimir's beastly nature and subsequent alienation from the people of Harmonia. Subsequently, Casimir fled to Skald for refuge, where Harkon granted him asylum at the Old Kartakan Inn.[39]

In Skald, Harkon revealed his connections to Casimir- even that it was Harkon himself that had arranged the destruction of the Red Porch, in an effort to push Casimir into going fully after Zhone Clieous. Harkon again told his son that they were creatures of darkness and evil, that in order to be whole Casimir had to abandon his human frailties rather than his bestial side. Harkon further attempted to manipulate Casimir into killing his old friend, Thoris and lover Julianna Estovina.[40] Instead, Casimir planned Harkon's death. From Harkon's own ally, Eiren Von Daaknau, Casimir received a poison to weaken Harkon and prevent him from transforming into wolf form.[41] After poisoning Harkon's Meekulbrau, Casimir launched an attack, severely wounding Harkon. Before he could deliver the killing blow, Juliana stabbed Casimir in the back with a cold iron dagger, ending his life. In death, Casimir reverted to that of a human form, a feat Harkon decried as what should have been impossible. Unsure of whether Harkon Lukas was also truly a monster or not, she stabilized his bleeding wounds but otherwise left him to his own devices. With Casimir deceased and Harkon down for the count, Julianna escaped to Gundarak with the help of the raunie Madame Duccia and her tribe of Vistani.[42]

The Soulless Crown

The family betrayals within the Lukas family did not go unnoticed by the Kartakan people, as writers created many songs about Akriel's plots against Harkon and Harkon's attempts to build a relationship with Casimir.[9] In 742 BC, then Meistersinger of Skald Luther Bedarik penned an epic tragedy and ballad called the Soulless Crown, which used ages old myths and stories of the Grandfather Wolf as thinly disguised allegory to Harkon Lukas and how his attempts at manipulation of humanity led him to miss the betrayal of his wayward offspring. It also implicated the trio to be narrulves.[33]

Like his children's betrayals before, Bedarik's attack on Harkon's character may have been taken as a stab in the back. Harkon's assistance in Luther's winning the Skald Meistersinger contest years before. Rumor had it that, prior to the awakening of his own ambitions, Luther Bedarik was merely a pawn to Harkon Lukas' whims. Harkon Lukas retaliated by defeating Luther Bedarik in the Meistersinger Contest of 743 BC[33] using a reinterpretation of the Wolf's Lament, a song from Bedarik's Soulless Crown.[43] Humiliated and bereft of his title, Luther Bedarik disappeared from public view. Harkon Lukas has held onto the mantle of Skald Meistersinger ever since.[44]

Current Sketch

The major psychological abnormalities that distinguish Harkon Lukas from the wolfwere kindred of his homeland include his gregariousness, his propensity for orchestrating schemes of long durations, and a Neutral Evil rather than Chaotic Evil alignment. Moreover, he desires to be a truly grand and dominant ruler of humanity rather than merely prey upon its flesh. However, his domain entirely lacks the robust centralization and cosmopolitan orientation that would make conquest worth anything. Consequently, he flails in the mire of ennui and lack of purpose. Though he holds a terribly clever mind and jovial mannerism, his volatile temper can result in terrible rampages when his schemes are foiled.[45][46][47]

The betrayals of his children and Luther Bedarik motivate Harkon Lukas to keep the power of the Meistersinger office close to his chest, though he wields his power more as a show of dominance over his territory rather than pursue any dreams of achieving further rule.[4] He displays a deep loathing for both werewolves and vampires and will hunt them given the chance.[45][46][47]

==5th Edition History

Harkon Lukas's history differs from past editions. For one, he is now a loup gaou who grew up among a group of lycanthropes instead of a wolfwere. He still attempted to lead and rule his people and was shunned for it, which caused him to go on a murderous rampage, then roamed human civilizations as a minstrel. Harkon became so famous that he amassed a number of avid fans. The rules of this land (rulers and land are unnamed) grew wary over Harkon’s influence and had them falsely arrested. The people led a revolt against their leaders for arresting Harkon and the wolf faked his own death. To further the dramatic performance, Harkon busted out of his own casket in his wolf-hybrid form during this revolt. He slew the ruler and placed his crown upon his own brow. That is when the Mists took him and he became the Darklord of Kartakass.

Harkon is not described as the Meistersinger of Skald in 5th Edition, but does own the Old Kartakan Inn. His new curse is that people quickly forget his work and he has to constantly redefine himself to be relevant for only fleeting moments of fame.

Game Statistics

  • 5th Edition
    • male loup garou, no level or alignment given.

TSR Collector Card

Harkon Lukas' TSR 1991 Collector Card number is 486.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Realm of Terror (Black Box) p. 101
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Realm of Terror (Red Box) p. 70
  3. 3.0 3.1 Domains of Dread p.64
  4. 4.0 4.1 Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume 1 p. 146
  5. Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume 1 p.107
  6. Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume 1 p.146-147
  7. Feast of Goblyns p.6
  8. Feast of Goblyns p.13
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Domains of Dread p.63
  10. Heart of Midnight
  11. Feast of Goblyns p.96
  12. Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium I & II p.66
  13. Denizens of Dread p.223-224
  14. Realm of Terror (Black Box) p. 101-102
  15. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Realm of Terror (Red Box) p. 70-71
  16. Domains of Dread p.64-65
  17. Realm of Terror (Black Box) p. 9
  18. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Realm of Terror (Red Box) p. 13
  19. Domains of Dread p.16
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Gazetteer I p.93
  21. Gazetteer I p.100
  22. Gazetteer I p.107
  23. Heart of Midnight p. 240
  24. Gazetteer I p.94
  25. Death of a Darklord
  26. Feast of Goblyns p.26-27
  27. Feast of Goblyns p. 13
  28. Feast of Goblyns p. 12
  29. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens (red box) p. 35, Feast of Goblyns p. 92
  30. Feast of Goblyns p. 81. The events of the conspriacy are played out in Feast of Goblyns, in which Harkon Lukas appears and reveals the Crown's nature to the player characters and recruits them to destroy it.
  31. Akriel disappears midway through the Feast of Goblyns module, her disappearance is not explained for.
  32. Heart of Midnight p. 84
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Gazetteer I p.95
  34. HoM p. 65-83
  35. HoM p. 94-99
  36. HoM 99-100, 104-113
  37. HoM p. 113-117
  38. HoM p. 204-207
  39. HoM p. 207-238
  40. HoM p. 238-258
  41. HoM p. 264-268
  42. HoM 289-313
  43. Gazetteer I Web Enhancement p. 4
  44. Gazetteer I p.95-96
  45. 45.0 45.1 Realm of Terror (Black Box) p. 102
  46. 46.0 46.1 Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Realm of Terror (Red Box) p. 71
  47. 47.0 47.1 Domains of Dread p.64-65
  48. Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume 1 p.145

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Secrets of the Dread Realms
Domains of Dread
Feast of Goblyns Download Now!
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p31
Domains of Dread - p64
Realm of Terror - p101
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - p146

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp30-33
Domains of Dread - p64
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp70-72
Realm of Terror - pp101-103
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - pp145-147

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp7,30-33
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp18,126
Domains of Dread - pp64-65
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - pp18-20,35,70-72
Feast of Goblyns - pp10-11,26,81 Download Now!
Realm of Terror - pp101-103
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - pp145-147