Andaas Brimbubbly ‘27

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Andaas Brimbubbly ‘27 is a product of the Andaas Vineyards in former Dorvinia, now eastern Borca. The Andaas family the managed to accidently preside over the poisoning of the 727 BC vintage of Andaas Brimbubbly by Corpsewort spores from the corpsewort toadstool. The family found the dangerous fungus, rare outside the Tainted Wood, among their vines too late and then grossly underestimate the danger that it posed. Only after the wine had been shipped was it discovered that four fifths of it constituted a deadly poison. The bottles have become collector's items, commanding very significant prices. To the family's credit, they still employ agents to track down remaining bottles before more lives are lost.[1]