Category:Annis Hag

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Annis Hags are one of the three main types of Hag.

In Ravenloft, annis hags favor dread treants or great mobs of physically strong humanoids and monstrous humanoids such as goblyns and hobgoblins as minions. Paka seem to have a special connection with the annis hags, and the former is often employed by the latter almost like mercenaries. [1]

Annis hags can be encountered in the following domains: Falkovnia[2], Hazlan[3], the Shadow Rift[4], Tepest[5],Valachan[6] As a type of hag, they may be found in Darkon[7][8] and Mordent[9][10]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue


Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p53

Hag, Annis

Pages in category "Annis Hag"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.