Blistercap Poison

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Blistercap poison is a potentially crippling, but expensive substance, for application to a blade or for injection. It is made from ingredients native to Lamordia: the blistercap mushroom and the coal toad. Gather sufficient blistercap mushrooms requires a successful Profession (Herbalism) check at DC 12. Finding a coal toad requires a successful Knowledge (nature) check at DC 16. The poison is made by combining the fungus with the saliva of a coal toad (in theory it can be gathered without harm to the animal) which requires either a successful Craft (Alchemy) or Profession (Herbalism) check at DC 22. Given Lamordia is likely to have few if any alchemists, a successful Craft (Chemistry) check may be substituted.


Blistercap - Injury, Fortitude save DC 17; initial damage 2d4 temporary Dexterity, secondary 1d4 permanent Dexterity; 800 gp.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - p68

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - p68