Herr Grest

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Herr Grest, also known as Boyar Grest, is a minor character from the novel, Knight of the Black Rose, and former boyar of Barovia Village.. When first introduced in the book, Herr Grest sought to hire Magda Kulchevich as a prostitute. Despite pressure from her brother. Andari Kulchevich, to acquiesce, Magda refused. To make peace with the infuriated boyar and her disgusted brother, Magda sold Grest a magical amulet she claimed could render the wearer undetectable by creatures of supernatural evil. In reality, it could merely render its bearer invisible to mindless undead.

Madga's deception later proved fatal for Grest when he encountered an ambush courtesy of Azrael Dak upon the road. Azrael Dak handily dispatched Grest.[1] Grest was later found mumbling about the Vistani amulet that was supposed to protect him from the creatures of darkness before he ultimately perished. Grest's brother, Boyar Donovich, inherited his old position and the amulet. Donovich's drunken rage over Grest's murder caused him to later attack Madga at the Blood o' the Vine Inn. However, Donovich quickly found his own demise at the hands of Lord Soth.[2]


  1. p. 225
  2. p. 157-159